The Stirling Fund

Application for Funding (2017/18)

Please ensure that all of the fields below are completed before submitting your applications.

PROJECT TITLE / Title of project
Amount being applied for £ / £x
Your name / Project leader
School, Club or Society / Name of club/society or department
Your position in above / Position within a club/society or job title
Contact address / (Student) – Term time address
(Staff Member) – Departmental address
Phone / (Student) – Mobile number
(Staff Member) – University contact number
Email / (Student) – Club/society email address or alternative
(Staff) – University email address
If you are a student of the University (year, subject) / Year and subject of study
If you are a member of staff your department/school/
directorate / Department, School and Directorate

Please give a full description of the project, outlining key objectives (200 words).

You should include the following:
Introduction – The aim of your project, why it is important and what you hope it will achieve.
Background – How did you come up with the idea for the project?
Purpose – You need to emphasise why your project should receive funding, and highlight the benefit it will have upon the student experience.

Please provide a budget/approximate costings for your projects (£) (200 words). Please also include if other funding has been secured or if you have applied for additional funding.

The funding must not be used to cover catering costs.

Give as much detail here as possible.
Promotional materials (i.e. leaflets, merchandise, posters etc.) - £50
Equipment (i.e. sporting equipment, event materials etc.) - £400

How many students will benefit directly from this project?

(Student) - Outline the number of students in the club/society associated with your project.
(Staff member) – Outline the number of students in your area who will be involved with your project. If your project is in relation to an event, please give an approximate number of attendees.

How many students will this project have an impact upon?

Provide an estimate of the number of students who will indirectly benefit from the project (i.e. if the project is successful, how many students do you think would benefit from it in the future?)

Outline the timeline involved for the project, and highlight if this project is of urgent need (200 words).

(Please give specific dates where possible)
November – Ensure training is completed.
December – Promote initiative through social media (i.e. coming soon!)
January – Purchase equipment.
February – Launch of the initiative.
March – Complete and submit report to Development & External Affairs.


These grants are to enhance and enrich the student experience, and these are stories that we need to share with our donors, staff, friends and supporters of the University of Stirling. A condition of accepting this grant is that Project Managers must attend the Awards ceremony and must provide written feedback on the success of the project with a minimum of three photographs for future marketing purposes. We would also be interested to hear about how you feel that this project will offer positive publicity to the Fund and the University (200 words).

It is important here to outline how you intend to promote your project, before, during and after, as well as the impact that you anticipate it having on the wider student community.


Please note your reference must be a member of staff or previous employer – not a member of your committee/friend. If you are a student applicant, please include a reference from a member of staff from the Students’ Union.

Reference One / Reference Two
Name / Name
Position / Position
Address / Address
Phone / Phone
Email / Email

Please submit this applicationto:

Directorate for Advancement

University of Stirling




If you have any questions about your application, please contact the Directorate for Advancement via or 01786 467258. Guidelines on applying for a grant can be found here.