
The Plan:First, you will become an expert on a special topic in the era of Reconstructionby doing in-depth research and writing a conclusion. You will then participate in a “historian roundtable” discussion with other people who chose your topic. Finally, you will engage in a small-group discussion about whether Reconstruction was a success or a failure.

The Steps:Due Date

A. Research and “Special Topics Assignment” Monday, November 9

B. Write the “Mini Essay”Thursday, November 12

C. Discussion PreparationThursday, November 12

D. Analyzing Reconstructions LegacyMonday, November 16

Special Topics: The Questions

  1. African-American Legislators - What was the significance of African-American elected officials during Reconstruction? Where and when did they serve, and what were their experiences? What does this tell us about Reconstruction as a whole?
  2. Violence during Reconstruction – What was the significance of violence during the era of Reconstruction? Consider violence used by the KKK and mobs in the South, as well as lynchings. What violence did those in the South experience, why, and what does this show us about Reconstruction as a whole?
  3. Progressive Laws – What was the significance of progressive laws passed during Reconstruction? What did the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, and the Freedmen’s Bureau Bill, do to change the lives of African-Americans? What do these laws show us about Reconstruction as a whole?
  4. Economics of Reconstruction – What economic systems arose in the South during Reconstruction, and what impact did they have? How did Sharecropping, Tenet Farming and Black Codes impact people and the economy of the South? What do these systems show us about Reconstruction as a whole?

My question is ______

To answer this question, I will need to do research on the following general topics (note in bullet points):

As part of your “Special Topics Research,” you will find two primary sources that will help you understand how people who lived during this time experienced this issue. You will need to think about what primary sources would best help you understand this subject (diaries/interviews with/statements of…former slaves, sharecroppers, legislators, African-Americans who spoke about the impact of the 14th Amendment, etc.). List possible primary sources here:

Internet Research Tips

“Quotes around a phrase” / Searches only for the exact term inside the quote marks / Your topic AND “primary source”
“African-American Legislators”
Inurl:edu / Searches only for sides that have “edu” in the url (usually college websites) / “15th Amendment” inurl:edu
Intitle:history / Searches only for sides that have “history” in the title (typically sites that focus on history) / Reconstruction AND Sharecropping intitle:history
Ctrl+F / Searches for a particular word (helpful to use when the site you find has lots of text and you want to jump to the part that will help you) / Hold down the Ctrl and F keys and then type in lynching (or the term you are looking for)

Starting Websites for Research

PBS – Reconstruction: The Second Civil War

  • See topics on left for specific information
  • See “Special Features” throughout the site for Q&As with historians about many topics

Harper’s Weekly

  • See the list of topics for articles from the time period

History Channel

  • See detailed information and links on main page

Jensen’s Guide to Reconstruction History

  • See secondary and primary sources throughout this site (use Ctrl+F to find yours)

First-Person Narratives of the American South

  • Click “browse images by subject” for excellent primary sources

Slave Narratives

  • Search by keyword for excellent primary sources

Digital History: America’s Reconstruction

  • See topics on left and additional resources for strong background information

Wikipedia – Online encyclopedia edited by everyone (this cannot be one of your cited sources)

(search your specific topic in Wikipedia)

  • See “Bibliography” and “External Links” at the bottom of the page for websites related to your topic

Sites for researching the KKK

  • Try searching for “Klu” or “Klux” instead of KKK
  • For background:

Gilder Lehrman – Institute of American History

  • Includes primary sources that may help you

History Central

  • Primary source documents about Reconstruction

Special Topics Assignment

Directions:This graphic organizer will help you gather information about your Special Topic Research Question. Focus on finding reliable sources (Wikipedia cannot be one of your cited sources) that give you excellent information.

Secondary Sources

(website, author & reliability of source) / INFORMATION & QUOTE
(key information you gained from the website – bullets are fine – include at least one quote) / YOUR CONCLUSIONS
(how does this information inform your answer to your broader question?)

Primary Sources

(website, author, focus & reliability of source) / QUOTES
(quotations from a primary source – these quotes should relate to your broader special topics question) / YOUR CONCLUSIONS
(how does this information inform your answer to your question?)

Mini Essay

On a separate sheet of paper, answer your Special Topic Research Question in 1-2 paragraphs, using your research. This is due on Thursday.

Discussion Preparation

Phase 1: Research Sharing

How does your research help us understand Reconstruction?

Your topic area: ______

What did your research reveal about Reconstruction?

What is one quote that sums up your topic?

How does your topic help us understand the successes or failures of Reconstruction?

Phase 2: Reconstruction Analysis

Was Reconstruction a success or a failure?

Was Reconstruction a success or a failure? To what extent?

Whose experiences are most important when we evaluate the successes/failures of Reconstruction? Why?

What evidence proves that Reconstruction was a success/failure? Why is this strong evidence?

Why is Reconstruction such a controversial era in American history?

Phase 3: Connections

What is the legacy of Reconstruction? How has it impacted America today?

What “focus area” did you research, and how did the information you found contribute to your analysis of Reconstruction?

How does your analysis of Reconstruction (whether you see it as a success or failure) reflect your own values and beliefs?How do the successes and failures of Reconstruction continue to impact America today?

What additional documents would you want to look at in order to analyze how Reconstruction has impacted America today?

Ultimately, how does the era of Reconstruction contribute to our understanding of the United States as a nation?