The Stanway Federation Academy Trust
/Thomas Lord Audley School
Winstree Road, Stanway
Colchester, CO3 0QA
Tel: 01206 245002
Website: / Monkwick Avenue,
Colchester, CO2 8NJ
Tel: 01206 547911
November 2015
Dear applicant,
Post of Newly Qualified Teachers in Science/English/Maths – September 2016
We are delighted that you have decided to respond to our advert for the above posts. Please find attached the following:
- Job description
- Person Specification
- Information about the departments
- Application form
- Recruitment and Selection Policy Statement
- Recruitment monitoring information
- Form SD2
The Stanway School has experienced a number of changes which has helped to strengthen its role, not only within Colchester, but also across North East Essex. In March 2012, The Governors of the Stanway Federation formed a Multi-Academy Trust comprising the Stanway School and Thomas Lord Audley School. In November 2013, the Trust became a Sponsor Academy of primary schools and is currently supporting its first two schools following their conversions in April 2014. The Trust is also a member of the North East Essex Education Partnership (NEEEP) with six other secondary schools in the area, including The Gilberd, St Helena, Clacton County High, The Harwich and Dovercourt and Manningtree High Schools.
In 2015, The Stanway School achieved its best ever examination results with 73% students achieving 5 A*-C, including English and Maths. We were particularly pleased with the performance of our core departments: English achieved 84% A*-C, Maths 80% and Science 80% A*-C. Alongside this we celebrated outstanding results from our disadvantaged students, who successfully ‘closed’ the gap. The Stanway School is an over-subscribed school, which has the full support of parents and carers, alongside an active and strong Governing Body.
The Thomas Lord Audley is an oversubscribed and improving school. Last summer the percentage of Year 11 students achieving 5 A*-C with English and Mathematics was lower than expected, however, we anticipate that as a result of the ambitious but realistic improvement plans results will rise this year. Moreover the achievement and attendance of students currently in the school is improving strongly. As result of these improvements the school was full in Year 7 in September 2013 for the first time in a number of years and the number of first choice applications to the school has continued to rise each year to 92% of the intake for September 2016. We are very pleased that more and more parents and students are making a positive choice to send their children to the school.
The Trust continues to strive to achieve excellent outcomes for all of its students and recognises the hard work and dedicated commitment of all its staff. Staff well-being is, therefore, a leading priority for both schools as we firmly believe that our school is a community and that it is only through working and supporting each other can we continue to offer our students the standard of education of which we feel proud.
If you are a dynamic, newly qualified individuals who would like to work in a supportive and collaborative environment at either The Stanway School or Thomas Lord Audley School. If you feel you have the enthusiasm and commitment required to join the Trust please complete the application form and, in a separate supporting letter of no more than two side of A4 (Arial 12), outline the qualities and experience that you would bring to the school.
Future contracts of employment will be with the Stanway Federation Academy Trust. This means that successful applicants will either be deployed at The Stanway School or The Thomas Lord Audley School. The decision will be based on need and made by the Headteachers of the Trust.
The Academy Trust is a scheme employer for the purposes of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme so that employees may continue to be members of that scheme and pension entitlement will be unaffected.
The closing date for application is 9.00am on Monday 30th November 2015 and completed applications should be sent directly to The Stanway School.
Yours sincerely,
Mr J Bland Mr S Holder Ms H Boast
The Stanway SchoolThe Stanway SchoolThomas Lord Audley School
The Stanway Federation Academy Trust, Registered in England and Wales, Company No: 07887953
Registered Office: The Stanway School, Winstree Road, Stanway, Colchester, Essex CO3 0QA
Telephone: 01206 575488 Fax: 01206 546164 Website: Email: