The Bi-Weekly News from Garden Homes Lutheran School – December 19, 2012
We Thank God for All of You Over the past several months, GHLS has been blessed by the contributions of many individuals and groups. What follows is a listing of those we especially wish to thank for giving of their time, talents, and/or treasuresin 2012, to advance various projects and activities. One runs the risk of forgetting someone when these types of “Thank you’s” are done, so we apologize in advance if we have omitted your name. We also know that some people who made donations wish to remain anonymous, and/or made donations directly to GHLS staff or classrooms which did not go through the principal’s office. PLAYGROUND PROJECT: Mr.Jim MarloweR.H. Heileman, Inc. (discount on demolition, tree removal, and site grading); United Parcel Service Corporate & the Elm Grove UPS Center ($5,000); Jasperson Sod Farms ($1,000 discount on sod); Badger Fence (discount on fencing); Members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church-Muskego ($5,586 in donations); Thrivent Financial for Lutherans ($900); Mr. and Mrs. Will Billings ($250); Mrs. Karolyn Hanna ($250); Dr. and Mrs. Carl Schueler ($2,000); Mr. Justin Nelson ($1,000); Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gompper ($600), Mr. and Mrs. Jason Nelson ($50); Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kraft ($50); Staff, students and families of GHLS and GHLC ($9,500 in various fund-raiser contributions over the years); Mr. Cornelius Whiteside, Mr. David Dorsey, Mr. Arthur Bowden, Mr. Victor Coleman, Mr. Perry Packer, Mr. Peter Mueller, Mr. Paul Mattek, Mr. Nathan Buch, GHLS staff, (sod installation and watering); GHLC ladies groups for workday food. 2012-13 GIVING TREE:Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Burress ($200); Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bauer ($170); GHLC Ladies Aide ($50), Mrs. Hazel Martin ($40); Mr. and Mrs. Noel Ledermann ($75); Target ($42); Mr. Tommie Myles ($75); Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bauer ($200); Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Dorsey ($165); Mrs. Vicky Gabrus and St. Luke’s Hospital Medical Records Department ($500). OTHER DONATIONS:Mr. and Mrs Todd Willer ($230 and 5 pairs of shoes for soccer team); Mr. and Mrs. Donald Genett (two large boxes of Thanksgiving food for needy families); Ladies from Stoney Creek Retirement Community (over 100 hats and pairs of gloves); St. Luke’s Hospital Medical Records Department (Christmas gifts for several students). PERSONAL TIME: Mrs. Mattie Little (helping in K5), Mr. Evan Woody (tutoring 6th and 7th grade students, helping in K5, and accompanying 8th grade on a recent field trip).
Hats and Gloves Dr. Nelson still has many hats and gloves for students in need. Please do not hesitate to ask for them.
Celebrate Christmas with the GHLS Family There are two opportunities this Friday, to celebrate Christmas in a very meaningful way. First, at 11:00 a.m. in the gym, K3-K5 will present, “The Shapes of Christmas”, a look at the salvation story through various geometric shapes. Then at 6:00 p.m. in the church, grades 1-8 will present, “Angels of Christmas.” This special program will tell the salvation and Christmas story by focusing on the Angel with the Sword, the Angels of the Good News, and the Angels of the Morning Star. Students need to be at school and report to their classrooms by 5:30 p.m. in order to line up for the service start. This is not an optional activity. All students are expected to participate and should come looking their absolute bestand wearing dress clothes appropriate for church. No tennis shoes, jeans, T-shirts, shirts with writing, short skirts, revealing tops, etc. School uniform is perfectly fine, if you choose to wear it. Thanks in advance for helping your child prepare themselves properly for this important holiday event. Christmas break is from after the service to Monday, January 7, when classes begin.
December Dress Down Day Is Also a Half Day Friday, December 21, is the next Dress Down Day. Students have been very good at following the DDD rules. Let’s keep it that way! Remember: if in doubt, leave it out. The 21st is also a half day. No lunch will be served as students are dismissed at noon.Please pick up your children promptly as there will beno Extended Care or Educational Recovery on Friday. The students in grades 1-8 then return at 5:30 p.m. for the Christmas service.
Attention 5th Grade Students and Parents Wisconsin Lutheran High School is hosting a 5th Grade Extravaganzaon Sunday, January 27, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. The free evening includes dinner and entertainment. Plus, they’re giving away an iPod touch and other prizes. See what the high school is all about. There will be science experiments, robot demonstrations, music, basketball and lots more. To reserve your spot, please RSVP by January 14, 414-453-4567 ext. 2303 or .
Penny War Update So far, GHLS students have collected $720.84 for the GHLS trophy case project. The following amounts have been collected by each grade: K3-$21.24, K4-$56.21, K5-$194.64, 1st-$132.11, 2nd-$118.77, 3rd-$9.89, 4th-$38.45, 5th-$25.64, 6th-$38.75, 7th-$56.44, 8th-$28.70. We have already agreed with a builder to begin working on the case ($3,000) so we can install it during Easter break. Then, we can display all of GHLS awesome accomplishments, especially the 4 trophies we have already won this year! With the money we took in at “G-House Got Talent” in October, we have $932.94 collected total, about 1/3 of the way there. So let’s keep the War going strong.
Grade 8 at Discovery World Last week, the 8th graders went to Discovery World to view exhibits and participate in two labs. The first lab was entitled "The Future of Drawing." Students used full-size tablets and special pens to draw images and designs directly onto the computer monitor. They also had a chance to use and discover some of the tools in the software to generate and add different effects to their designs. After they completed their design, the Discovery World instructors took the file and plugged it into their laser cutter. The design was then cut out by the laser cutter and the students took their creations home. The second lab was called, "Wireless Control." The students learned how information can be sent wirelessly through electricity. After the presentation, they had a chance to make their own wireless speaker and test its functionality on the stereo receiver in the lab. Thank you to the students for being excellent participants and representatives of Christ. Thanks also to the chaperones who helped make this trip possible! Check out the photo gallery of the trip on the 8th grade webpage.
StudentsServe on Luther Haven Trip Recently, grades 1 and 2(see right) traveled to Luther Haven Retirement Commun-ity. There, students spread the joy of Jesus with a different generation through singing. There were smiles all around on the children, teachers, workers, and members of the community.
PEARLS Group to Begin Next Fall The GHLSBoard of Education has approved beginning a PEARLS FOR TEEN GIRLS group at GHLS next fall. The group would serve GHLS 6th-8th grade girls (maybe also 5th). PEARLS is an acronym forPersonal Responsibility, Empathy, Awareness,Respect, Leadership, and Support. PEARLS for TEEN GIRLS, INC. is a dynamic and innovative non-profit leadership development organization serving at-risk, primarily African American and Latina girls, ages 10 to 19 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. PEARLS helps girls achieve in school, avoid teen pregnancy, and use their personal power to achieve their goals and dreams. Siloah Lutheran School has a PEARLS group and feels it has been a good addition to their program. A representative of PEARLS will speak at the next GHLS Parent Enrichment Night to talk about the program. Watch for more details. You can learn more about PEARLS at
Students Model Ornaments After Artist GHLS students made ornaments to decorate our school’s Christmas tree in Cathedral Square Park in downtown Milwaukee. The 8th graders used Romero Britto's style of art as inspiration in the creation of their ornaments. Below, Makayla Harris(left), Wesley Washington(center), and Sha-Ronda Hopkins (right), show their designs.
The staff of Garden Homes Lutheran Church and School wish you a very Merry Christmas!