The spraying requirements for all plants entering WA are:
Commodity / C71Scientific Name
Format / Not applicable
State / Any
Important Notes
- Some plants, plant material and seed species are not allowed into Western Australia as propagatable material. Please check that the plant material that you plan to introduce is "OK" according to the 'Permitted and Quarantine Species' list.
- Where certification is stated to be an import requirement, certification must be issued by either an officer from the exporting State or Territory's quarantine authority or under an approved quality assurance arrangement. Certificates must be originals and be presented to a Quarantine WA Inspector prior to inspection, unless import conditions or ICA procedures state that copies/facsimiles are permitted
- All consignments to Western Australia must be labeled with 'Product name (full botanical name where applicable), Producer (Packer or Agent) and the district of production.'
- The chemical treatments listed as satisfying import requirements is not meant to imply that these products are registered or approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). This will need to be confirmed with the APVMA for the particular jurisdiction in which the treatment is planned. Uses approved by the APVMA are changing all the time and confirmation of approved uses can be made via their Pubcris database at . Some treatments required on imported commodities and plants, and in particular fumigation with methyl bromide, may be phytotoxic and damage, kill or render the goods unsaleable.
- The identification of products as suitable treatments does not constitute an endorsement.
- Import requirements displayed apply to goods sourced from the selected state, where those goods have not been subject to possible infection or contamination whilst in transit through other states. Where goods have been stored, unpacked, re-packed or otherwise disturbed whilst in transit, additional requirements specific to the transit state(s) may apply.
Condition ID:C71
Plants and parts of plants (except fruit, vegetables for direct consumption, cut flowers and foliage, seed, tissue culture or aquatic plants) imported into Western Australia will be permitted entry if they satisfy the measures listed below.
NOTE: Private individuals seeking to import non-commercial consignments and small commercial consignments that are unable to satisfy the below import requirements should contact the Quarantine WA (08) 9334 1800 for options that may be available.
Importers of small consignments unable to satisfy the below requirements may contact the Quarantine WA (08) 9334 1800 for other options.
- General
Each consignment to be accompanied by an Interstate Plant Health Certificate issued by the quarantine authority in the exporting State or Territory or under a quality assurance arrangement approved by the Director General of the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia. To be endorsed where required under specific requirements and as follows;
To be certified as follows —
(i) Name and address of property on which the plants were grown; and
(ii) Name and address of the packing house and place where the treatments were carried out; and
(iii) The date the treatments were applied.
(iv) “All spray treatments have been applied with wetting agent at the manufacturers recommended rate to attain 100% coverage, till the point of run off.” (Except where otherwise specified of the label of the relevant chemical)
(v) “The volume of solution that has been applied to all potting medium treatments is at least 20% of the volume of the container and applied when the medium is not saturated and has been contained”.
(For example, for a 20L pot 4L of solution to be applied when the potting medium is sufficiently dry so that the solution is absorbed by the potting medium.)
The supplier/exporter/importer to take responsibility for ensuring consignments are free from all live arthropods on arrival in WA.
Treated in accordance with one of the following:
Option 1
Plants (including non-bearing fruit trees/plants) other than Plants for Consumption
All plants in non soil potting medium
To be certified as —
(I) “The potting medium has been treated with:
(a) “Bifenthrin 2g/kg (granules) as per permit 9796, applied within 60 days prior to export”
(b) “SuSCon Green® at label recommendations (insert rate used), applied within 180 days prior to export”
(c) “Immersion or drenching of the container and root ball in a solution of bifenthrin as per permit 10043 and a commercial wetting agent (Insert product name) used at the manufacturer’s recommended rate (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
(d) “Immersion or drenching of the container and root ball in a solution of chlorpyrifos 500 g/L at 40 mL/ 100 L of water and a commercial wetting agent (Insert product name) used at the manufacturer’s recommended rate (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
(a) “Furalaxyl at label recommendations (insert rate and product used) applied within 10 days prior to export”
(b) “Thiophanate-Methyl/Etridiazole (e.g. Banrot) or Etridiazole – (e.g. Terrazole) (Insert product name) at label recommendations (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
(II) ”The above ground parts have been treated with:
(a) “Methyl bromide fumigated at
i. 32 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 21oC or greater; or
ii. 40 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 16oC or greater; or
iii. 48 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 10oC or greater.
Fumigation for quarantine purposes is not permitted if the ambient minimum temperature falls below 10°C.
Fumigation is to be carried out in accordance with AQIS fumigation standards, “AQIS Methyl Bromide Standard - Version 1.6 – March 2011.”
(b) “Imidacloprid as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export”;
“Acetamiprid 225g/L at 44ml/100L applied within 10 days prior to export”
“Bifenthrin as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export”
(c) “Mancozeb as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export”; or
“Chlorothalonil (or any other Group 28, 29, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M9 fungicide) (Insert product name) at label recommendations (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
All plants in a potting medium containing soil
To be certified as —
(I) “The potting medium has been treated with:
(a) “Bifenthrin 2g/kg (granules) as per permit 9796, applied within 60 days prior to export”
(b) “SuSCon Green® at label recommendations (insert rate used), applied within 180 days prior to export”
(c) “Immersion or drenching of the container and root ball in a solution of bifenthrin as per permit 10043 and a commercial wetting agent (Insert product name) used at the manufacturer’s recommended rate (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
(d) “Immersion or drenching of the container and root ball in a solution of chlorpyrifos 500 g/L at 40 mL/ 100 L of water and a commercial wetting agent (Insert product name) used at the manufacturer’s recommended rate (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
(a) “Furalaxyl at label recommendations (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
(b) “Thiophanate-Methyl/Etridiazole (e.g. Banrot) or Etridiazole – (e.g. Terrazole) (Insert product name) at label recommendations (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
(II) “Prior to potting up the soil has been treated by:
(a) “Steam pasteurisation at 600C for 30 minutes”;
(b) “Fumigation with methyl bromide at 0.5kg/m3 for 24 hours on an impervious floor with the material to be fumigated being not more than 300mm deep”;
(c) “Fumigation with methyl bromide at 0.6kg/m3 for 72 hours on an impervious floor with the material to be fumigated being not more than 660mm deep”;
(III) “In a soil mix which has been obtained from an area more than 20 km from an outbreak of potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis).”
(IV) “The above ground parts have been treated with:
(a) “Methyl bromide fumigated at
i. 32 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 21oC or greater; or
ii. 40 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 16oC or greater; or
iii. 48 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 10oC or greater.
Fumigation for quarantine purposes is not permitted if the ambient minimum temperature falls below 10°C.
Fumigation is to be carried out in accordance with AQIS fumigation standards, “AQIS Methyl Bromide Standard - Version 1.6 – March 2011.”
(b) “Imidacloprid as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export”;
“Acetamiprid 225g/L at 44ml/100L applied within 10 days prior to export”
“Bifenthrin as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export”
(c) “Mancozeb as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export”; or
“Chlorothalonil (or any other Group 28, 29, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M9 fungicide) (Insert product name) at label recommendations (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
Plants with leaves – bare rooted and cuttings
To be certified as —
“The above ground parts have been treated with:
(a) “Methyl bromide fumigated at
i. 32 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 21oC or greater; or
ii. 40 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 16oC or greater; or
iii. 48 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 10oC or greater.
Fumigation for quarantine purposes is not permitted if the ambient minimum temperature falls below 10°C.
Fumigation is to be carried out in accordance with AQIS fumigation standards, “AQIS Methyl Bromide Standard - Version 1.6 – March 2011.”
(b) “Imidacloprid as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export”;
“Acetamiprid 225g/L at 44ml/100L applied within 10 days prior to export”
“Bifenthrin as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export”
(c) “Mancozeb as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export”; or
“Chlorothalonil (or any other Group 28, 29, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M9 fungicide) (Insert product name) at label recommendations (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
Bulbs, corms, rhizomes and other below ground vegetative structures free from leaves potting medium and soil
To be certified as —
“All parts treated with:
(a) “Methyl bromide fumigated at
i. 32 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 21oC or greater; or
ii. 40 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 16oC or greater; or
iii. 48 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 10oC or greater.
Fumigation for quarantine purposes is not permitted if the ambient minimum temperature falls below 10°C.
Fumigation is to be carried out in accordance with AQIS fumigation standards, “AQIS Methyl Bromide Standard - Version 1.6 – March 2011.”
(b) “Imidacloprid as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export or chilling”;
“Acetamiprid 225g/L at 44ml/100L applied within 10 days prior to export or chilling”
“Bifenthrin as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export or chilling”
(c) “Mancozeb as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export or chilling”; or
“Chlorothalonil (or any other Group 28, 29, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M9 fungicide) (Insert product name) at label recommendations (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export or chilling”
Dormant deciduous plants – bare rooted (free from soil and potting media) and cuttings
To be certified as —
“All parts treated with
“Methyl bromide fumigated at
i. 32 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 21oC or greater; or
ii. 40 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 16oC or greater; or
iii. 48 g/m3 at an ambient temperature of 10oC or greater.
Fumigation for quarantine purposes is not permitted if the ambient minimum temperature falls below 10°C.
Fumigation is to be carried out in accordance with AQIS fumigation standards, “AQIS Methyl Bromide Standard - Version 1.6 – March 2011.”
(b) “Bifenthrin as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export”
“The above ground parts have been treated with:
(a) “Mancozeb as per permit 9795, applied within 10 days prior to export”
(b) “Chlorothalonil (or any other Group 28, 29, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M9 fungicide) (Insert product name) at label recommendation (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
“The above ground parts have been treated with white oil (Insert product name) at label recommendation (insert rate used), applied within 10 days prior to export”
Option 2
Treatment on Arrival in Western Australia
Ornamental Plants (including non-bearing fruit trees/plants) other than Plants for Consumption
Entry into the State is prohibited except by permit.
Permits may include the following conditions and others as considered necessary;
(i) Consignments to be substantially free from pests and diseases on entry to Western Australia.
(ii) All consignments must be imported into Western Australia in a manner that prevents the escape of pests and remain in this state until unloaded.
(iii) Consignments to be taken under quarantine security direct from the point of entry into Western Australia to a premise registered by quarantine for this purpose as directed by an Inspector.
(iv) On arrival at a registered premise, consignments to be unloaded into a secure area approved by an Inspector.
(v) Treatment on arrival to be carried at a premise registered for that purpose.
(vi) Prior to treatment an Inspector to carry out an inspection of the consignment.
(vii) Permit authorising treatment on arrival may be cancelled if a consignment is determined by an Inspector not to be substantially free from pests and diseases.
Option 3
Plants for Consumption
Entry into the State is prohibited except by permit
Consignments are subject to inspection on arrival, and may be subject to sampling for chemical analysis to confirm adequate treatments have been conducted.
- Detection of live arthropods, quarantine weeds or quarantine diseases in a consignment will result in treatment, re-export or destruction as appropriate, and may result in the suspension of corresponding accreditation.
- Evidence of failure to conduct adequate treatment shall result in suspension of corresponding accreditation. Any re-instated consignor shall be subject to additional sampling and analysis for a specified period of time.
- Subject to prior approval by an Inspector, treatment and /or inspection upon arrival is permitted as an alternative to pre-export treatment and/or inspection specified in the Plant Diseases Regulations 1989.
- All consignments must be imported into Western Australia in a manner that prevents the escape of pests and diseases and remain so until on-arrival inspection and / or treatment is undertaken.
- Consignments to be free from pests and diseases of quarantine concern on arrival in Western Australia.
- Consignments to be imported into Western Australia direct to a prescribed inspection point unless otherwise directed by an Inspector. The consignment may be placed under quarantine by an Inspector to a premise registered for the inspection and / or treatment to be carried out.
- On arrival at the prescribed inspection point and / or registered premise consignments to be unloaded into a secure area approved by an Inspector.
- Inspection and or treatment upon on-arrival to be carried at a premise approved for that purpose.
- Future inspector approvals permitting inspection and / or treatment upon arrival may be cancelled if a consignment is found not to meet the above requirements.
Requests for Approvals should be forwarded to Quarantine WA: .
- Subject to prior approval by an Inspector, inspection upon arrival of bare rooted plants and cuttings/budwood is permitted in lieu of other measures prescribed in the Plant Diseases Regulations 1989.
- All consignments must be imported into Western Australia in a manner that prevents the escape of pests and diseases and remain so until on-arrival inspection and/or treatment is undertaken.
- Consignments to be free from pests and diseases of quarantine concern on arrival in Western Australia.
- To be 100% inspected by an inspector on arrival in Western Australia.
- All importation requirements, including labeling, other than those specified as exempted by an inspector, to be met.
- An inspector's approval may be cancelled or not approved for future consignments if a consignment is found not to meet the above requirements.
Requests for Approvals should be forwarded to Quarantine WA: ..
GRANT JACKSON| Manager | Technical Services |