The NMPRA Research Grant funds clinical, resident-led Med-Peds research projects.The scope of funded research is broad, however NMPRA seeks to fund projects that aim to impact and improve patient care, which is typically a clinical or laboratory-based project.Areas of research can include, but are not limited to: clinical research, health services research or outcomes research, public health, epidemiology, informatics, and other general medicine-pediatric clinical research domains. Quality improvement projects without rigorous research methodologies will not be considered. NMPRA would like to provide pilot research funding to promising and innovative projects at a time in training when securing significant research grant funding can be challenging.

NMPRA will award upto $2,500 per selected project. The number of awards will depend on the funds available and the size of the award requests of the selected projects.

All applications, which include the application proposal, letters of support, and biographical sketches, must be submitted by 11:59 PM EST on July 14, 2017 to . Please submit the application as a single PDF.

*Applications will not be processed if any items are missing or if not submitted as a single PDF file.

The Research Grant winner will be expected to present his or her research at the NMPRA Annual Conference (Orlando, FL) in Fall 2018 as a condition of receiving these funds.

The specifics of this program are as follows:

1. The principal investigator (PI) of any proposal submitted must be a resident member of NMPRA or have submitted an application for membership. Please note the application process may take up to 5 business days. Time must be allowed for this prior to the submission deadline.

2. Eligible applicants are defined as: 1) med-peds residents in good standing; 2) med-peds chief residents (5th year chiefs).

3. Proposals submitted should address an important area of concern for the health or healthcare of children, adolescents, and adults, preferably an area of concern that is salient to med-peds. The awards will be one-time awards; multiple-year funding requests will not be considered. Preference will be given to those proposals that have the potential to lead to projects of a larger or longer-term nature, and that address an important med-peds health issue.

4.Applicationsmust be received byJuly 14, 2017 at 11:59 PM EST. These initial proposals must include the following items*:

  • Cover Sheet - indicating project title, PI name and contact information (address, telephone, email address), Level of Training and Institution, name and email for primary mentor, Division Director, and Department Chairs (Use Cover Page Form below).
  • Budget and Budget Justification- This should not include overhead (indirect costs), salary for the PI or mentors, or equipment for long-term use (e.g., computers, ipads, phones, etc.). A maximum of $500 is allowable for travel to the Annual NMPRA National Meeting for October 2018 during which you will be required to present the results of your research as a condition of receiving this award. You may request up to a total of $2,500. All items must be justified and the Board may modify your final budget if required (see sample budget template below). Proposals where the research has already been completed and requesting funds for publication fees only will not be considered.
  • Description of the proposal- This section should include specific aims, background, preliminary studies (if applicable), detailed methods, evaluation plan, timeline (the project must be completed within 1 year), description of key personnel, significance, tables (if any), and appendices (if any).The description of the proposal cannot be more than 8 double spaced pages with 1” margins and you must use a font size no smaller than Arial 11 (notethe cover page, references, tables/appendices, and budget are not included in the 8 page limit). Please adhere strictly to these requirements- failure to do so will result in disqualification of your application.
  • Relevance to Professional Career Section-Describe how you selected this topic for study and how this proposed project fits into your career plans. Include relevant research, clinical experience, and how the knowledge and skills you will learn will contribute to your future professional goals.
  • Biographical sketch- The biosketch should use the standard NIH biosketch form. For this purpose, the biosketch is not to exceed two pages and does not count towards the page limit.

The form can be found at the following site:

Instructions for filling out the form can be found at the following link:

  • Letter of Support from the primary research mentor and your primary mentor’s NIH Biosketch (not to exceed 4 pages and submitted a single PDF)including the plan for communication with the mentee. This letter/biosketchdoes not count towards the page limit and can be emailed separately.

The research mentor must have relevant research background and be knowledgeable in the specific field related to the project. The mentor's biographical sketch, in standard NIH format and limit to 4 pages, should include a list of the mentor’s research funding and must be submitted with the resident’s application. Mentors with funding from NIH or other national agencies are more likely to be experienced in quality mentorship and productivity.The mentor’s letter of support should explicitly answer the following questions:

  1. How does the proposed project fit into the resident's career plans?
  2. How was the topic selected by the resident?
  3. What components of the proposed study will the resident perform directly?
  4. What is the resident expected to learn from conducting the proposed research?
  5. Is the proposed project feasible to complete during residency training (eg, elective time set aside during the residency to complete the project)?
  6. What exactly is the mentor committed to do to ensure that the resident increases his or her research skills and successfully conducts the project?
  • Letter from Med-Peds Residency Program Director indicating you are in good standing with your residency program. The program director must write a letter of support and commitment to be submitted with the resident’s application (this does not count towards the page limit and can be emailed separately). In the support letter, the program director must state the time available for the resident to conduct the research project, such as research electives, etc.

5. A review panel, convened by the NMPRA Executive Board, will review submitted applications and present applicants for funding to the Board for vote. Review criteria for proposals include: relevance of the proposed project to impacting med-peds issues, likelihood of project success, support from the home institution as well as commitment of the research mentor, and overall quality of the submission.

6. Awards will be made with the understanding that the project is initiated by October 2017 and will be completed within one year. Awardees are encouraged to submit abstracts from their projects to PAS and SGIM research meetings among others. You must include an acknowledgement of grant funding from NMPRA for any abstracts, poster presentations, and manuscripts that results as a product of this research project.

7. Awardees are required to submit to the NMPRA Board a progress report regarding the funded project nine months after the project start date and a final report upon completion of the project. Awardees are also required to attend the national NMPRA Annual Meeting, which is held in conjunction with the AAP NCE in Fall 2017 to present the results of their research.

Responsibilities of the Applicant

  1. Complete application and e-mail application with your biographical sketch as a single PDF to y 11:59 PM EST on July 14, 2017.
  2. Request a letter of support and commitment from the program director, emailed directly to y 11:59 PM EST on July 14, 2017.
  3. Request a letter of support from the proposed research mentor with a copy of his or her biographical sketch, in standard NIH format and limit to 4 pages, which includes a list of the mentor’s research funding. This should be emailed directly to y 11:59 PM EST on July 14, 2017.
  4. Notify NMPRA of any address change or contact information changes.
  5. Important: Submit your proposal to your Institutional Review Board (IRB) as soon as possible. No checks will be awarded without prior IRB approval or exemption. Funds must be used only for allowed expenses detailed in your final budget approved by the board for the approved project only. Any changes must be submitted for approval.
  6. You must include an acknowledgement of grant funding from NMPRA for any abstracts, poster presentations, and manuscripts that results as a product of this research project.
  7. You must present your findings at the NMPRA Annual Meeting in October 2018 in Orlando, FL.

Please note that grants may be used only for the approved study under the supervision of the approved mentor; a request to change study topic or mentor must be approved by NMPRA and will be allowed only under special circumstances. If the approved project cannot be conducted or completed, the institution is expected to return all unspent funds to NMPRA. For questions, write to .

You will receive email confirmation when your completed application materials are received.

*Please Note – incomplete submissions and proposals that exceed page limits or font/margin requirements will not be forwarded to the review team. For any questions, please contact NMPRA’s President-Elect at.



Project Title

PI Name

PI Contact Info (institution, mailing, phone, email)

PI Level of Training and Institution



Primary Mentor Name

Primary Mentor Email

Division (or Program Director for Med-Peds Residency) Director Name

Division (or Program) Director Email

Department Chairs Names

Department Chairs Emails

Proposals involving human subjects require Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval.
Has your IRB approved this proposal? / YES
Currently Under Review
Not Applicable (no human subjects)
The check will be made payable to the name of the institution. The grant must be used specifically for this project and not any others. Funds from grant award should not be used for computer or electronic equipment. No indirect charges will be paid to the institution. Please issue the check to:
Institution Name
Institution Address
Institution Telephone

*Participation Statement

If funded, I agree to attend and present my research results at the NMPRA Annual Meeting in Fall 2017.

Signature of Applicant______

Sample Budget

Note: Sample items are listed. However, this is not an exhaustive list.

Item Justification Amount

Research Assistant (rate/hour *number of hours OR

percent effort * duration; tasks) $XXXX

Equipment* (not computer, but project specific such as digital

recorder for qualitative data collection) XXX

Transcription (rate * time * number of subjects) XXX

Remuneration (amt/subject * number of subjects) XXX

Postage (amt /mailing * number of mailings) XXX

Software, type (number of licenses) XXX

Supplies (specify items and amount for each itemized) XXX

Consultant, name (time and role) XXX

Local travel (miles/trip* number of trips * Fed rate) XXX

NMPRA Annual Meeting Travel for October 2015 (max $500) XXX

Research training*** (specific course, dates, location) XXX