Bus Rules

The South Hackensack Board of Education is once again offering courtesy busing for any student attending HackensackHigh School who has successfully completed the application process for this transportation. Any student who doesn’t follow the rules listed below runs the risk of having the privilege of riding the bus suspended. If the privilege of riding the bus is suspended, it will be the parent’s responsibility to provide transportation.

  1. While riding the bus, students are under the authority of the bus driver. Students shall give the driver the same respect and courtesy they give to a teacher. For example, if asked for their bus pass or for their name, students are to provide that item/information.
  1. Waiting for the bus:
  2. be at your bus stop ten (10) minutes early – anyone late will be left behind as the driver has a schedule to maintain;
  3. have your bus pass ready to show the driver;
  4. stay back from the edge of the road;
  5. stand quietly – respect other people’s property;
  6. wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to get on the bus.
  1. When boarding or leaving the bus:
  • step on and off quickly and quietly. Don’t dilly dally or play games – get on the bus;
  • show your bus pass to the bus driver;
  • be seated immediately upon entering the bus;
  • no pushing or shoving;
  • cross properly in front of the bus;
  • watch your step.
  1. While on the bus:
  • do not stand or move from place to place while the bus is in motion. Remain seated until the bus stops.
  • inappropriate behavior such as loud and disruptive noise, profane language, obscene gestures, or throwing anything on or out of the bus is not permitted;
  • behavior in any manner which infringes upon the rights of any other student will not be tolerated. This includes any form or type of harassment or bullying;
  • absolutely no tobacco, drinks, alcohol or illegal drugs will be allowed;
  • keep feet and articles out of the aisles;
  • keep head and arms inside the bus;
  • anyone who defaces the bus in anyway will pay for the damage and can not ride the bus until arrangements have been made to pay for such damages.