The Society of Professional Women (SOPW)

Meeting Minutes

2 June 2014

The Society of Professional Women held their monthly meeting on Monday, 2 June 2014 7:00 p.m. at the Home of Mrs. Eddgra Fallin. The following members were present:

Eddgra Fallin / Mamie Handy / Cheryl Richmond
Juanita Sales Lee / Erica Burnett / Kiietti L. Walker Parker
Katrina Kier / Eddgra Fallin / Alfreda Handy-Sullivan
Claudinette Purifoy-Fears / Natalie Steele / Juanita Sales Lee
Ecleave Jackson

The President called the meeting to order meeting when a quorum was present. The President welcomed all to the final meeting of her tenure but noted that she would continue to serve the organization in other areas. The hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Eddgra Fallin, Ms. Erica Burnett and Mrs. Katrenia Kier.

The Collect was recited and the agenda was adopted by consensus. The President asked members to sign the sign-in sheet in place of roll call and the minutes of meeting will reflect the persons in attendance.

The minutes of the May 2014 meeting were read and approved.

The President provided the report of the Treasury:

Beginning Balance as of 5/31//14 - $1,142.61

Disbursements: $ 128.80 (Lakeside Use Fee and Website fee)

Ending Balance: $ 1,013.81

There were no questions in regards to balance and report filed for audit.

Old Business:

  1. The President advised that we were still on track to host a membership drive at the Huntsville Madison County Library and that members should provide her with contact information of prospective members. She will revamp membership applications and have available. Mrs. Handy- Sullivan asked if hostesses would be needed and the desired attire for the occasion. Noted that since this is a meet and greet, members should be willing to mingle and get familiar with guests. Attire would be business casual. Library has been secured for 16 August.
  1. No report on website.
  1. Our Signature event which will be our fundraiser for the year and hopefully for years to come. We need begin planning effort. We will need to have committees to plan program, secure location, food, vendors, etc….

New Business:

1. New Officers for 2014-2015 were inducted and Mrs. Katrenia Kier presided and offered oath. Officers are as follows:

PresidentNatalie F. Steele

Vice President Eddgra Fallin

Treasurer Alfreda Green

Secretary Claudinette Purifoy-Fears

Corresponding SecretaryRachel Clay Walker

Parliamentarian Juanita Sales Lee

Meeting was adjourned. Dining and fellowship commenced under the guidance of our hostesses who treated us to a great fish fry, spaghetti, salads and an array of desserts. Wonderful time had by all.

Respectfully Submitted,

C. Purifoy-Fears

P.O. Box 1071 Normal, AL 35762