The Society for Genomics Policy and Population Health
Council meeting
Minutes of meeting held on 15/4/07 by conference call at 0930
Present / ApologiesDr Layla Jader (Chair)
Dr Hilary Burton
Dr Mair Crouch
Dr Stuart Hogarth
Alison Hall
Professor David Melzer
Dr Imran Rafi
Jane Lane / Mr Alastair Kent
1. Welcome & Apologies
Apologies were received from Alastair Kent. M Hopkins did not attend the call.
Note: a fire alarm disrupted the call at 1000. After this only I Rafi, D Melzer,
L Jader, H Burton, A Hall and J Lane recommenced the call.
2. SGPPH Events
i. Spring meeting 08:
· There were 36 attendees in total. The meeting was encouraged to continue any publicity efforts. Action: ALL
ii. BSHG September 08:
· Flyer for plenary session
As the speaker from Celera is not talking about DCT, SH will approach him to see if some items on it can be included. Depending on Celera's response,
C Patch may need to be asked to alter her talk content a little, and the flyer's introductory text and text on the speakers may need to be amended, and Ruth Cole alerted. Action: SH, and maybe JL later
· Flyer to promote SGPPH
It was decided to update the flyer to advertise the 3rd AGM when details were known; and for flyers to be professionally printed up, sent to BSHG for distribution in the delegate packs / be available at the session. Action: JL
· Submission of poster to BSHG conference
It was agreed to act on AH's idea of a poster summarising the Spring meeting. Sowmiya would be invited to the meeting to take notes and photos. The speakers permission would need to be sought first. Action: JL
The previous year's poster could be updated and also submitted. Action: JL
iii. AGM 6 November 08:
· Format, Venue, Topic, Subcommittee
It was decided to have a similar format to last year's AGM. The venue would be in central London, eg ICH, Wellcome Trust, School Oriental Studies. Action: JL
Some discussion took place on possible topics. It was finally decided to have the theme of Screening for the AGM, with the theme of broad cardiovascular genetic issues, including FH, for the Spring conference 09. Screening would include items on Taysachs and metabolic disease, and also a genetic variety of juvenile diabetes for which there was now an effective treatment. Delivery mechanisms of new screening initiatives would also be a good subject to include. In general terms, it was considered best if PHGF members could lead this meeting, due to their experience and contacts in this area. Action HB/AH. DM could help procure a speaker on the diabetes issues. Action: DM. It was decided that all Council members would be included in the AGM subcommittee unless they specifically opted out. HB would draft out some initial ideas for discussion at the 1st subcommittee meeting, to be held by telephone conference call. Dates for this meeting in the next 2-3 weeks to be birdcaged. Action: JL.
· Business Session
· Chair: AH clarified that the endorsement of L Jader as Chair was just a formality as no other council member had, to date, expressed interest in this role.
· Future of the Society: It was decided that this would not form a major topic of discussion at the AGM. It was agreed that the Society was not ready for PHGF to remove its support. However The Society should prepare a document stating what services it needs, how it planned to procure these, and to apply to PHGF for a grant for 08/09.
BSHG might be able to take on some of the administration, eg on website, communications, but not all. Action: AH to liaise with MH about this.
3. General update:
· Web Forum
This had not been used to date, so maybe it would not be run in future. AH had not had time to put news stories on the website, so just Society news would be put on in future.
LJ suggested a system of email prompts to members, when a new item was put on the website. Action: JL to ask CC if this is possible.
It was also decided to put a list of members' names, geographical location, and email addresses on the website. Action: JL to get permission from the members and compile the list for the website.
4. AOB:
The next council meeting will take place in July. Action: JL to birdcage
J Lane 16.4.08