1.  Background

The Social Welfare Department (SWD) and rehabilitation organizations always strive hard to provide rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities to help them develop their potentials for moving towards self-reliance and integrating into the community.

SWD has launched the “Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities through Small Enterprise” Project (3E Project) to enhance the employment of persons with disabilities in 2001. Through the grant as seed money, 3E Project supports NGOs to set up social enterprises with not less than 50% of its total headcount being persons with disabilities, so as to ensure persons with disabilities enjoying employment in a carefully planned and sympathetic working environment.

As of April 2014, there were 88 social enterprises funded by 3E Project, which created over 660 work opportunities for persons with disabilities. They are grouped into 4 categories namely Bakery & Catering Service, Retail, Professional Service and Cleaning Service.

To draw the attention of the public on social enterprises funded by 3E project, the Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation) (MCO) of SWD has published the 3E booklet since 2011. In 2014, MCO will launch a mobile app to introduce all 3E social enterprises and the “Happy Work Place” Competition to showcase the abilities of persons with disabilities and promote the social enterprises funded by 3E project.

2.  Objective and Theme

“Happy Work Place”Competition is specially created for the disabled employees of the social enterprises funded by 3E project. Participants shall submit an article expressing their feeling or experience in working at the social enterprises funded by 3E project (with photos attached). A public vote will be launched afterwards for the most touching articles. It is hoped that with the competition, public awareness of the abilities and talent of persons with disabilities in different work fields will be enhanced and more work opportunities can be made available to them.

3.  Eligibility

i)  Participants must be disabled employees of social enterprises funded by 3E project and nominated by social enterprises.

ii)  Participants must be currently employed in these social enterprises, if participants resign/leave the social enterprises before announcement of result, the entries will be withdrawn from the competition.

iii)  Participants can be individual or team for application.

iv)  Each social enterprise funded by 3E project shall nominate not more than TWO entries (including both individual and team participants).

v)  The nominating social enterprises funded by 3E project must be in operations during the competition. If the social enterprise terminated its business before announcement of result, the entries of its nominated participants will be withdrawn from the competition.

vi)  The social enterprise shall not hire less than 50% of its total headcount as persons with disabilities.

4.  Rules and Regulations

i)  Participants shall submit their application by using the prescribed application forms.

ii)  Each individual or team participants shall fill in ONE application form.

iii)  The MCO of the SWD (“the Organiser”) will take charge of all administration matters of the competition.

iv)  The Organiser reserves the right to use the submitted entries for future promotion. Participants and the nominating social enterprises shall raise no objection.

v)  The final decision on the results of the competition and all rights rest with the Organiser. Participants and the nominating social enterprises shall raise no objection.

5.  Submission of Applications

Application forms and further details can be obtained through the following channels from June 6, 2014 onwards:

(a)  Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation):

l  Room 2314, 23/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

l  Mong Kok Office - G/F, Mongkok Government Offices, 30 Luen Wan Street, Mongkok, Kowloon

(b)  Download from the Organiser’s website www.mcor.org.hk

6.  Submission of Entries

i)  Participants shall submit an article with not more than 500 words in English or Traditional Chinese Character (including punctuation marks). The participants shall write a touching story focusing on their feelings and experience when working in their nominated social enterprises funded by 3E project.

ii)  Participants shall submit 3 to 8 photos related to the story.

iii)  Participants shall submit the application form, article and photos at the same time. Please prepare the 2 sets of materials as stated below and insert them into the envelope and seal.

(a)  1 set of compact disc (CD): The photos must be in jpeg format and the size of each photo shall be at least 1MB.

(Application form and article could also be saved in the CD.)

(b)  1 set of hard copy: Application form, article and photos must be printed on A4 size white paper.

iv)  Participants shall submit all documents through one of the following methods on or before August 8, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.

(a)  By Hand : Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation) :

l  Room 2314, 23/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, or

l  Mong Kok Office - G/F, Mongkok Government Offices, 30 Luen Wan Street, Mongkok, Kowloon

(b)  By post : Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation) at Room 2314, 23/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (The postmark date will be regarded as the date of submission.)

v)  Late submission will not be considered.

vi)  Fax and Email copies will not be accepted.

7.  Voting

The Organiser will post all submitted entries on electrical platform and invite public voting for these entries from November 12, 2014 to December 24, 2014. The articles with the highest votes would be the winning entries.

8.  Result Announcement

For those winning articles, the nominating social enterprises will be notified by email in May 2015. The winning list will be posted on the Organiser’s website or related promotion channel after the award ceremony organized in June 2015.

9.  Enquiries

Please contact the Organiser via email () or call 2835 2705.

10.  Personal Data

The Organiser will keep the personal data of each participant confidential. The participants shall give consent that the Organiser has the right to disclose the personal data provided in the application forms and other enclosures to relevant parties, organisations and officials or persons related to the Organiser for the purposes of making assessment, advertising and promotion.

11.  Other Matters

Participants shall, under all circumstances, ensure that they will not violate the Intellectual Property (Miscellaneous Amendment) Ordinance 2001 or related regulations for collecting, accessing, possessing, processing, displaying or storing copyright material contained in the submitted entries. Should the Organiser violate any relevant intellectual property legislations due to non-compliance with the rules and regulations by participants, the Organiser shall bear no liability. The participants concerned may be held liable for any claims or compensation and shall indemnify the Organiser in full against any loss resulting from such infringement.

A.  Particulars (ONE application form for Each Individual / Team)

* Please delete as appropriate # If a team is more than 3 members, please submit additional sheet with all information.

Nominating Social Enterprise funded by 3E Project
Name of Organisation (English) (Chinese, if any)
Name of Social Enterprise (English) (Chinese, if any)
Address of Social Enterprise
Name of Contact Person / Position
Office Tel. Mobile No. / Fax & Email Address
Number of Staff in the Social Enterprise: ( ) Disabled Employees ( ) Able Employees
i. Individual
Name of English (Ms/Mr./other title*) (Chinese, if any)
Office Tel. Mobile No. / Email Address
ii. Team #
(1) Team Leader (Contact person of the team)
Name of English (Ms/Mr./other title*) (Chinese, if any)
Office Tel. Mobile No. / Email Address
(2) Team Member : Name of English (Ms/Mr./other title*) (Chinese, if any)
Office Tel. Mobile No. / Email Address
(3) Team Member : Name of English (Ms/Mr./other title*) (Chinese, if any)
Office Tel. Mobile No. / Email Address

B.  Article for“Happy Work Place”Competition

The article shall not be more than 500 words in English or Traditional Chinese Character (including punctuation marks).
Please supplement in separate sheet in case of insufficient space.
(Remark: A maximum of 500 words with punctuation marks of an article can be posted on electrical platform for public voting.)

C.  Declaration

1)  The Nominating Social Enterprise & the Participant(s) have fully read the Application Guide and completely understand the rules and regulations and requirement of the competition.

2)  The Nominating Social Enterprise & the Participant(s) hereby declare and warrant that all particulars given in this application form and other enclosures are true to the best of my/our knowledge.

3)  The Nominating Social Enterprise & the Participant(s) consent that the Organiser shall bear no liability for displaying or assessing the entry, and undertake to accept any loss and liability arising from any legal action against my/our entry.

4)  The Nominating Social Enterprise & the Participant(s) are willing to surrender the copyright of the entry for promotion use by the Organiser.

Signature & Chop of Nominating Social Enterprise: Signature of Individual Participant / Team Leader:


Name: Name:

Post Title:

Name of Social Enterprise:

Date: Date:

Personal Data Collection Statement

The personal data provided in the application form will only be used for processing the application and for matters relating to the promotion and publicity of “Happy Work Place” Competition. According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, participants have the right to request access to or correction of personal data. Participants who wish to request access to or correction of personal data may write to the Marketing Controller of the Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation) of the Social Welfare Department, whose address is at Room 2314, 23/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.


1.  Participants shall submit the entries with application form on or before August 8, 2014, 5:00 p.m., by hand or by post (please refer to the point 6 in page 2). The envelopes containing the application forms and entries shall bear the words < “Happy Work Place” Competition>.

(a)  By hand: Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation)

Room 2314, 23/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong; or

Mong Kok Office – G/F, Mongkok Government Offices, 30 Luen Wan Street, Mongkok, Kowloon

(b)  By post: Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation)

Room 2314, 23/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

(c)  Submission of entries by fax or email will not be accepted.

2.  If the application form is submitted by post, the postmark date will be regarded as the date of submission. Late submission will not be considered.

3.  Nominating Social Enterprise shall complete one application form for each individual / team with official chop affixed.

4.  Nominating Social Enterprise and participant(s) shall provide email addresses to facilitate notification of winner by email.

5.  In case of discrepancy between English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.