The Sleepers Almanac No.9

Submissions Cover Sheet


Phone number(s):

Email address:

Postal address:

State: Country: Postcode:

How I heard of Sleepers:

Title of your piece/s (no more than 2):

Word count/s (n.b. limit of 10,000 words per piece):

o I have read a previous Almanac.

o I understand that if I haven’t heard by October 2013, I haven’t made it into the Almanac.

Submission Guidelines for The Sleepers Almanac No. 9

·  Sleepers reserves the right to only accept submissions that comply with these guidelines.

·  We encourage submissions from all around the world.

·  As per usual, as well as short stories, we will publish a limited number of illustrations and poems in the Almanac (see previous Almanacs for examples).

·  Submissions must be accompanied by the completed cover sheet – ‘The Sleepers Almanac No. 9 Submissions Cover Sheet’ (this).

·  We will accept up to two submissions per person.

·  The word limit for each piece is 10,000 words.

·  By submitting your work, if accepted you are granting authority to Sleepers to publish your piece in print, as well as epublishing rights, including on Sleepers and affiliated distribution sites, and in their App.

·  Please do not submit work that has been published elsewhere.

·  Your submission must be typed in Word, double-spaced, in 12-point.

·  Please make sure your name appears only on this completed cover sheet and not on any of the pages of the document.

·  Send submissions via email only (submissions sent in the post will not be accepted).

·  Prepare your submission in Word format and submit it with this cover sheet to:

·  Closing date for submissions to The Sleepers Almanac No. 9: August 4, 2013.

·  All authors whose pieces are accepted will be notified before October 2013.

Thanks so much for your submission!