Shropshire Rural Community Council

The Creative Quarter, Shrewsbury Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY2 6LG

A Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales No. 4652487. Registered Charity No. 1096779

Registered Office: The Creative Quarter, Shrewsbury Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY2 6LG

The Shropshire Community Fund

Grants of up to £750 for Shropshire Groups

Small * Local * New * Self-Help

To be eligible for the Shropshire Community Fund your project must address health and wellbeing issues. This could include running healthy living activities or a health-focused service/self-help group.


ON 01743 360641

Shropshire Community Fund

The Fund was set up in 1989 in order to raise money in Shropshire and to direct it to local charities in the County. The Fund receives its income from a variety of sources including payroll deductions from individuals (Give As You Earn), support from a grant from the Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group and donations made under the Gift Aid Scheme. The Fund is administered by Shropshire RCC. Decisions are made by a Grant Panel which meets quarterly.

Applications are invited from organisations:

·  Which are located within Shropshire and/or have a significant number of beneficiaries within the County.

·  Which are, preferably, registered charities or have Inland Revenue charitable status or are established for charitable purposes.

Preference will be given to smaller, local and new groups with limited resources.

A small number of grants are available for other types of groups

All projects must demonstrate that they have a health focus and achieve a positive impact on health and wellbeing in the community. Funding is available in the following areas

1.  Start up costs of newly formed groups or support for new developments of existing groups

2.  Training costs for volunteers and staff

3.  Small capital grants for equipment

4.  Recurring grants and grants for general revenue costs may be considered in exceptional circumstances for health-focused groups where no staff are employed and for a maximum of 3 consecutive years in any 5 year period.


1.  Grants to individuals

2.  Salary costs of staff and other core costs

3.  Organisations which are already funded by the Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group

4.  Well resourced organisations that could achieve funding from elsewhere, or have reserves.

5.  Costly projects where a grant from the Community Fund would make little difference

6.  Repairs or improvements to buildings

7.  Grants cannot be paid in retrospect, i.e. for activities which have already taken place, or goods and equipment which have already been purchased

Please note:

1.  Grants are limited to a normal maximum of £750 and this figure will only be exceeded in exceptional circumstances. Grants are not necessarily dependent on matching funding although this will be welcome.

2.  Applications are normally only considered at the quarterly meetings but requests for small amounts (under £75) can be processed more quickly to meet your urgent needs.

3.  The Community Fund often receives applications for grants in excess of its limited resources. It will not therefore be possible for all applications which meet the criteria to be successful and the Fund can give no guarantee to meet the future funding needs of groups it has supported.

How to apply

Fully completed forms, with all attachments, should be returned by the given deadline to:

Jan Dodd, Grant Administration Officer

Shropshire Community Fund

Shropshire RCC

The Creative Quarter

Shrewsbury Business Park



Tel: 01743 360641 FAX: 01743 233335 email: