
The setting of The Maze Runner starts in a metal box that takes you into the Glade. Within the Glade, there are four villages. The Gardens, Bloodhouse, Homestead, Deadheads, and The Slammer. The Gardens is where the crops are. The Bloodhouse is where they raise and slaughter animals. The Homestead is where they live. The Deadhead is the grave yard. And The Slammer, is the jail, on the north side of the Homestead. The “Griever Hole” is the place off the cliff where they saw that all of the Grievers went down, and when they went down it, they landed in a room with a bunch of computers and they put in the code words. They ended up being in a room with a lady and a man, they brought then on a bus and ended up going somewhere else and they slept in some house/ room.

The Glade is where everything takes place. Where they live, grow crops, raise and slaughter animals, and even a grave yard. Now, on the outside of the Glade is a place called, The Maze. The Maze is what they think is the way out of The Glade. There are people called Runners that try and figure out The Maze, but no one has ever done it. They don’t know how big The Maze is, it may lead on forever, but no one knows.


Alby is one of the oldest Glader’s that lives at the glade. He also acts like he is in charge with Newt. Alby is a big guy, he is strong and Thomas thinks he is scary. Alby is kind of harsh towards Thomas because he is the new kid. Alby has a lot of responsibilities at the glade. He acts as a leader of all the boys there, and he takes care of Ben when he gets stung by a griever. Alby shot Ben in the cheek when Ben tried to attack Thomas. Thomas thinks that Alby doesn’t like him because he’s mean towards him but he is just trying to survive in the glade and get home. He is a major character.

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Mino: He is an Asian kid with strong arms and short black hair. He was seen first exhausted coming from the maze. He collapsed under the heat, he found the dead griever. He was the keeper of the runners and one of the first in the glade. He is a major character.


One of the characters from The Maze Runner is The Girl. Her name is Teresa. She is very mysterious, they don’t even really know anything about her though. She has long black hair. And is the last person to ever come to the Glade. When she got there, everyone thought she was dead. But really, she wasn’t. She shot up and said these words “Everything is going to change.” Then she laid back down and they think she is in a coma. She also had a piece of paper in her hand saying: She will be the last one. Ever. She is a major character.

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Thomas is new to the glade. The people also known as Gladers call Thomas greenie. Thomas is very confused about why he is at the glade and why all these weird things are happening to him. After a while, Thomas starts to get more and more familiar with the glade and how it works. He starts to realize that he has been here before but doesn’t remember any names or specific details. Some of the other Gladers think that they have seen Thomas before too but they can’t put their fingers on it either. When Thomas has finally adjusted to the Maze, he asked to be a runner with all the other guys. But soon he runs into trouble in the Glade. He is a major character.


Chuck: Chuck is a chubby kid with freckles. Chuck is Thomas’s first friends in the glade. He was the one in charge of Thomas for the first night. He is always so energetic and wanting to but in on Thomas’s conversations. He was the new newbie before Thomas. Personally chuck is happy he is not the newbie any more. Chuck is very obnoxious and has no friends but Thomas likes being his friend. He is a major character.

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Rising Action

  • Thomas comes to the Glade
  • He can’t remember anything from his old life
  • Someone got stung by a Griever
  • A day later a girl comes the Glade, and she is the first girl ever
  • The girl has a note that says, “She will be the last one. Ever.”
  • She randomly sat up and said, “Everything will change.”
  • They think the girl is in a coma because she hasn’t woken up
  • Ben tries to attack Thomas, but gets hot in the head with an arrow, but he doesn’t die
  • Ben breaks a lot of rules and gets put in The Maze, and ends up dying
  • They find a “dead” Griever
  • They go and try to find the dead Griever, but it was actually playing dead
  • Alby and Mino go into The Maze in the morning, but Newt is very worried because they haven’t come back yet and the doors are going to close soon
  • Thomas sees Alby and Mino about 100 yards away, but the doors are 5 feet away from closing
  • They didn’t make it, but Thomas steps into The Maze
  • Alby was earlier stung by a Griever
  • Thomas and Newt go through The Maze and end up tricking the Grievers and they all fall off the cliff and die
  • Thomas, Newt, and Alby were the first people to ever survive The Maze and come back in the morning,1269374360,1/stock-photo--d-person-coming-out-of-a-box-isolated-over-a-white-background-49403008.jpg


  • Everyone was talking about how Newt, Alby, and Thomas got through the maze for the night
  • The council of the keepers and runners had to have a meeting of what they were going to do with Thomas
  • For now they put Thomas as a runner, but Newt wanted him to go for keeper of all runners.
  • His plan was; hit high, get low. At least you got it.

Falling Action

  • That night, Gally ran away. They have been looking for him all night
  • People said that he ran into the maze, but no one knows for sure
  • Thomas and Newt went and saw Alby. Alby wanted Newt to leave so he could talk to Thomas
  • Alby was telling Thomas that he knew who he was. But when he was just about to tell him who he really was, Alby started to choke himself, but it wasn’t him. It was someone else
  • He told Thomas to look out for the girl, to watch out for her
  • The girl woke up and everything started to change
  • And Thomas went through the changing
  • The walls didn’t close, the walls didn’t change different ways, and the grievers invaded the glade
  • Thomas and Teresa have a special power that they can talk to each other and communicate
  • They were hiding in the homestead
  • They put Teresa in the Slammer for a night because they didn’t know what they would do with her
  • Thomas went to go and talk to Teresa and talk about everything, and they thought they found out how to figure out the maze
  • Thomas went and got Newt and Alby to let out Teresa and they did
  • They ran to the Map Room and the maps were all burnt, they were all devastated
  • Turns out that Newt hid the real maps and the ones in the map room were just fake, nothing happened to the real maps
  • They got out all of the maps and started to figure out the maze
  • They found the words: FLOAT, CATCH, BLEED, DEATH, STIFF, and PUSH.
  • They didn’t know what it all meant, but Thomas had an idea that they had to go down the “Griever Hole”
  • Alby basically killed himself because he just went and ran to the grievers and they killed him
  • So they went through the maze to The Griever Hole and fought the grievers a lot of them died, but Chuck, Newt, Teresa, and Thomas
  • They jumped off the cliff, and landed in a room that had a bunch of computers in it
  • Teresa went to the computers and typed in the code words. While Chuck and Thomas were fighting off the grievers
  • It wouldn’t let Teresa put in the last word: PUSH, but Chuck thought of just pushing the button, and it worked. All of the grievers got shut off
  • Then 2 people walked in the room, a man and a woman. They were the creators. They also told Teresa and Thomas that they were part of the creators too
  • All of the sudden a random person came in with a gun and killed the creators and told all of them to go onto the bus because the creators were bad people
  • They were on the road for a while and ended up at a building and slept there


The resolution of the Maze Runner was one of the worst endings I’ve ever read the ending is they go to a house after escaping from the Wicked and go to sleep. They could have had a better ending. They could have done …..The maze shut down and the thing went blank and they fell like a hologram going away and they hit the ground and they end up in the next book Scorched Trails. That’s the way I would have ended it but they ended it with They went to sleep.


The theme of the book The Maze Runner is to follow what your mind and heart want. In this book Thomas comes to the glade. He doesn’t know where he is or why he is there. But he has this weird feeling like he has been there before; he also has the feeling like he was a runner in his previous life. Thomas tries out all the jobs in the glade but the jobs don’t feel right. He can’t shake the feeling like he has to become a runner. When some of his friends are stuck out in the maze he breaks the number one rule but going out into the maze right before the doors closed. He and his friends are trapped out into the maze, they have to try and survive the night. Thomas and his friends end up being the first three people ever to survive the whole night out in the maze without being killed. Thomas ended up becoming a maze runner. The keepers decided to let him become one because he did such a great job surviving and helping to other boys survive. Thomas followed his heart and mind by breaking the number one rule and going out into the maze to help a friend and he became a runner.



The feeling about a scene or a subject created by the writers selection of words and details.

·  Something to do with feeling.

·  Feeling you get while reading the novel.

The mood in Maze Runner is depressing, exciting, and adventurous all at the same time. It is exciting because when Thomas and the others are running through the Maze, you never know when a griever might pop out and sting someone. Also when the girl Teresa comes to the Maze, the doors won’t close all of a sudden.

It is adventurous because again, they’re running through the Maze trying to find a way out and trying to get back home. Never knowing if they might encounter a griever or trying to get back before the doors close.

But it’s depressing because a lot of people get hurt in the process of all this and some kids even die

Adventure! “… hidden behind thorny, ragged bushes that looked like they hadn’t been trimmed in ages.” P. 191