St. Patrick’s B.N.S., Hollypark.

Dear Parents,

The second last week of the school year – we can’t believe it.

We welcomed our new Junior Infants to our school for a short visit yesterday.

Eight years ago we welcomed our 6th class boys for their first visit! It does not seem like eight years. Next Tuesday 26th June - the rest of the school will form a Guard of Honour to mark their last journey as Hollypark boys. (Tuesday 2.25pm) Tissues at the ready!

They have been a particularly lovely group of boys. They had a wonderful trip to Killary last week– quite a special experience for all of us. Thanks to Mrs. Regan, Mrs. McCarrick, MsCrotty and Ms O Callaghan for accompanying the boys on this great trip.

Graduation will take place next Tuesday evening, beginning with Mass in Foxrock Church, ending with entertainment in the Parish Centre. Places are limited in the Parish Centre.

We are just about recovering after doing the double this year with our 6th class soccer team. The supportersrallied again and were in full voice and full colour for the cup final against Balgaddy, which took place on Mondayin Tolka Park. The win for the team (5-1) was well deserved for the team, which has been exceptional this season. Thanks to Mr. McEvoy and Mr. Mitchell, for all their work with the team.

Well done to our hundreds of boys taking part in the KIlmacudCrokesMini-All Irelands. Our hurlers did brilliantly last week and we look forward to seeing our footballers take part in the finals on Friday. Well done to all those who won beautiful medals in the recent Cabinteely World Cup.

Tours are all over now except for 5th classes, who will go to Lough Ree next Tuesday. Ms. Kearn’sclass went to ‘Fighting Words’ in Glencree yesterday Miss O Neill’sand class will go tomorrow.

A special thanks to our Parents’ Association, who have played a huge role in school life and events over the past year. We really appreciate their presence and all their work. Thanks to P.A. Chairperson, Sarah Abbey, treasurersSiobhán May and Gráinne Quinn, secretary Maria Ivens, the other members of the committee and the many volunteers, who helped out at all of the events over the last school year. We know we are blessed with our amazing P.A.

Thanks also to the team of mums (20), who have run the library so successfully all year. Thanks to Emer Murphy for her stewardship of the library and in advance to Elaine McAree, who will take over next year.

Special thanks to 6th class parent members of the committee, present and past for their work with the P.A. over the last eight years. We really appreciate it.

This is the last newsletter of the school year.

Thank you parents for your wonderful support over the past year. The close

communication and co-operation between home and school is very powerful and is of great benefit to your son(s).

We hope our boys and families have a lovely summer and we look forward to seeing them back – bright and early on Thursday August 30th.

Le dea-ghui,

Helen Kelly
