The Scarlet Watch
- A Scarlet Watch party must always include exactly one commander.
- It may include up to three specialist troopers.
- The total number of models in a Scarlet Watch party may not exceed 10.
Special abilities:
Purposeful – once per game, when a friendly Scarlet Watch model finishes his activation, the owning player may immediately activate another Scarlet Watch model.
Warriors of the Scarlet Watch benefit from the following ability:
Brave – members of the Scarlet Watch may re-roll all failed BRV tests.
Special training
In addition to the regular training every initiate undergoes, the templars are further tutored by their appointed commanders. Depending on the mission they are given, it might be intensive physical work-out, if the unit is expected to cover large stretches craggy highlands, or a number of other, highly-specialized exercises. In the case of the Scarlet Watch, the templars are often subjected to mystical rites which grant them extraordinary powers... The exact nature of these ceremonies is a closely guarded secret and revealed to no one but the circle of high mages.
When building a Scarlet Watch army, the player may purchase one, and only one, of the following types of special training. The cost of each model in the army increases by the amount specified in the training’s description. If playing a campaign, each new recruit enlisted between battles must also pay for the chosen training.
- Terror – at the start of each turn, before the Command Phase begins, the player may choose one of his models for each full 100 GC of his current army. Until the end of the turn, the selected model gains Fear/(X+2), where X is the model’s base BRV score. Increase the cost of each model in the army by 1GC.
- Hold the line! – all models in the army have Indomitable. Increase the cost of each model in the army by 1GC.
- Dark salvation – this training may be used whenever a friendly model within 10” of a mystic belonging to the army is target of a damage roll. After making the damage roll but before resolving it, the mystic may expend 3 Magic Stones to force the opponent to re-roll all successes gained in that damage roll; results of 10 do not generate bonus dice in this re-roll. The mystic may not use this ability on himself. Increase the cost of each model in the army by 2GC.
- Reform – at the end of the Recovery Phase, each model in the army that is not in melee may move up to 1” in any direction. At no point during this action may the model come into base contact with an enemy model(s). Increase the cost of each model in the army by 1GC.
Army List
Type: commander
Weapons and equipment:
A Dark Guard is equipped with a Scythe of the Damned (see Scarlet Watch armory); its cost is included in the model’s base cost.
A Dark Guard may purchase any spells from the lists available to him. He begins the gamewithoutanyspells.
Additionalweapons and equipment:
One-handed weapon… 3GC
Type: specialist trooper
Weapons and equipment:
A RavnSkaller is equipped with a one-handed weapon; its cost is included in the model’s base cost.
Additional weapons and equipment:
One-handed weapon… 3GC
Nifl Guard (0 – 2)
Type: specialist trooper
Weapons and equipment:
A Nifl Guard is equipped with a two-handed weapon; its cost is included in the model’s base cost.
Additional weapons and equipment:
One-handed weapon… 3GC
Scout (0 – 2)
Type: specialist trooper
Weapons and equipment:
A Scout is equipped with a one-handed weapon; its cost is included in the model’s base cost.
Additional weapons and equipment:
One-handed weapon… 3GC
Throwing Axe (x3)… 2GC
Crimson Champion (0 – 3)
Type: trooper
Weapons and equipment:
A Crimson Guard is equipped with a one-handed weapon; its cost is included in the model’s base cost.
Additional weapons and equipment:
One-handed weapon… 3GC
Two-handedweapon… 4GC
Fallen (1 – 5)
Type: trooper
Weapons and equipment:
The Fallen is equipped with a Blade of the Fallen (see Scarlet Watch armory); its cost is included in the model’s base cost.
Additional weapons and equipment:
Blade of the Fallen… 5GC
The Scarlet Watch Armory
Blade of the Fallen – a most unusual sword, its blade had been forged from armor and arms of templars who perished in battle. It is to remind its wielder how the end of their service should be. Due to the unique nature of the weapon, it may be used either as a one-handed weapon, in this case the model may use two such weapons at once, or a two-handed weapon. Templars have utmost respect towards these swords and may never throw them. Every time the owning player puts together attack and damage dice pools, he chooses whether the Blade of the Fallen is considered a one – or two-handed weapon.
Scythe of the Damned – a symbol of authority the mages wield over the Scarlet Watch. By no means a hollow badge, the scythe makes for a powerful weapon in the hands of a mage. A Scythe of the Damned is a two-handed weapon. Before rolling on the damage table against the enemy, the wielder may sacrifice 1 HP (and only one) to add +1 to the final result.
Throwing Axe – a ranged weapon designed to be thrown over a short distance. It cannot be used in close combat. Each Throwing Axe may be thrown only once. When playing a campaign, assume the weapon is recovered after each battle.
Weapon name / Short range3” – 6” / Maximum range
6” – 9” / Strength / Special rules
Throwing Axe / +1 / 0 / 3 / none
Spell List
Ice Wall… 6GC
Mystic Stone cost: 2
Difficulty level: 4
Successes: 2
Range: 10
Description: The caster places an Ice Wall template (found at the end of the rulebook) fully within the spell’s range; it can be placed outside his LoS but not on top of enemy models. The area occupied by the Ice Wall is considered impassable terrain and blocks LoS for enemy models. Remove the Ice Wall at the end of the resolution phase.
Template size: 4” diameter.
Eternal Duty… 5GC
Mystic Stone cost: 4
Difficulty level: target’s ARM
Successes: 3
Range: 6
Description: Target a friendly model who has lost at least 5 HP. If the spell is a success, the model recovers 4 HP. A model may be affected by this spell only once per turn.
Wisdom of the Sacred Tree… 3GC
Mystic Stone cost: 3
Difficulty level: friendly commander’s CMD
Successes: -
Range: -
Description: For each success, increase by +1 the result of the CMD test in the next Command Phase taken by the caster’s army.
Winter Fury… 5GC
Mystic Stone cost: 3
Difficulty level: target’s ARM
Successes: -
Range: 9
Description: Target model loses a number of HP dependant on the number of successes achieved in the test:
Successes / HP Lost1 / 1
2-3 / 2
4-5 / 4
6+ / 5
The spell merely results in HP loss and does not generate a roll on the damage table.
Know Their Minds… 7GC
Mystic Stone cost: 3
Difficultylevel: 6
Successes: 3
Range: 12
Description: Target an enemy model that has not yet activated this turn. If the spell is successfully cast, that model’s owning player is obliged to activate him at the nearest opportunity. Thiseffectsupersedesanyotherrulesgoverning model activation.