The Scandinavian Welfare State

in a Comparative Perspective

Fall semester, 2005.

Preliminary syllabus (August 11, 2005).


The course provides a broad introduction to welfare state theory and to different welfare models, in particular in Europe, and with special emphasis on the Scandinavian welfare model. To what extent can one speak of a Scandinavian model? How does it distinguish from Continental European welfare models, and from the more Liberal welfare models of the Anglo-Saxon countries? What do the various welfare models accomplish - in terms of protection against poverty, equality, social cohesion, citizenship and quality of life? Are there any negative side effects? Which welfare models are desirable?

What are the economic challenges to the modern welfare states? How are various welfare models affected by economic challenges like globalization, post-industrialization and ageing populations? Is it possible to maintain economic efficiency in countries where 30 per cent of the labour force is employed in the public sector and roughly one-half of GDP is collected in taxes. Are European and Scandinavian welfare models sustainable?

What forces of change - apart from economic challenges - are operating on the welfare state? How are they affected by the cultural challenge of individualization? How are public attitudes to the welfare state, and what are the goals and the relative power of competing political forces in relation to the welfare state? Will immigration and cultural diversity erode the legitimacy of European welfare states? What processes of change are currently visible, and where will they lead? Does Europeanization mean a difference? Will there be a convergence between welfare models or continued divergence?

The course is about European welfare states in general, but will devote particular attention to the Scandinavian welfare model(s).

The course is interdisciplinary, drawing in particular on insights from sociology, political science and economics. It is based on seminars with combinations of lectures and discussions. The course does not presuppose any particular qualifications.


Obligtory Readings:

Compendium to be bought in Centerboghandelen (the Central Book Store) + downloads.

Useful general background reading/handbook:

Einhorn, Eric S. & John Logue (2003). Modern Welfare States: Scandinavian Politics and Policy in the Global Age, 2.ed. Praeger/Greenwood..

(The book is not just about the welfare states but more generally about politics and policy in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland).

Greve, Bent (1999). The Changing Universal Welfare Model: The Case of Denmark Towards the 21st Century. Report, Roskilde University Centre. Can be downloaded from:


Jørgen Goul Andersen (coordinator)

Anette Borchorst


Sep. 5., 10-12. Lecture no. 1: Introduction to the course; the development of welfare state theory and welfare research; available literature and data;


Myles, John & Jill Quadagno (2002). “Political Theories of the Welfare State”. Social Service Review vol. 76(1), pp. 34-57.

Supplementary readings:

Supplementary readings in Danish:

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2000). “Komparativ velfærdsstatsforskning”. Dansk Sociologi, nr. 3, pp. 125-137.


Sep.12., 10-12.Lecture no. 2: Different Welfare Models in Europe

-Historical origins

-Quantitative and qualitative differences

-Welfare modelling: Concepts of welfare and welfare states

-Competing typologies, but roughly the same 3 (4) clusters

-Different Principles of justice: Need, citizenship and merit

-Different political economies

-Path dependence and resistance to change


Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1990). Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. London: Polity Press, pp. 18-34.

Kuhnle, Stein & Matti Alestalo (2000). “Growth, adjustments and survival of European Welfare States”, pp. 3-18 in Stein Kuhnle, ed., Survival of the European Welfare State. London: Routledge.

Mikko Kautto et al. (1999). “Introduction” (excerpt), pp. 10-14 in Mikko Kautto et al., eds., Nordic Social Policy. Changing Welfare States . London: Routledge, 1999. pp.10-14.

Christiansen, Niels Finn & Klaus Petersen (2001). AThe Dynamics of Social Solidarity: The Danish Welfare State, 1900-2000", Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 26(3), pp. 177-196.

Supplementary Readings:

Powell, Martin & Barrientos, Armando (2002). Theory and method in the welfare modelling business. Paper pres. to COST A15 Conference, Oslo, 5-6 April 2002. Download:


Esping-Andersen, Gösta & Walter Korpi (1987). “From Poor Relief to Institutional Welfare States: The Development of Scandinavian Social Policy”, pp. 39-74 in Robert Erikson, eds. The Scandinavian Model: Welfare States and Welfare Research. Armonk NY/London: M.E. Sharpe.

Baldwin, Peter (1990). The Politics of Social Solidarity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Korpi, Walter (1983). The Democratic Class Struggle. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Chapter 2.Greve, Bent (1999). The Changing Universal Welfare Model: The Case of Denmark Towards the 21st Century. Report, Roskilde University Centre.

Kautto, Mikko, Johan Fritzell, Bjørn Hvinden, Jon Kvist & Hannu Uusitalo (2001). “Introduction: How distinct are the Nordic welfare states?” (pp. 1-17) and “Conclusion: Nordic Welfare States in the European Context” (pp.262-72) in Mikko Kautto et al., eds., Nordic Welfare States in the European Context. London: Routledge.

Sep.19, 10-12.Lecture no. 3: A Welfare State in Detail: Key Characteristics of the Danish Welfare State

-universalism, financing through general taxes, comprehensive social services

-social rights: child allowances, child care, leave arrangements, education, students

allowances, housing, unemployment benefits, social assistance, disability benefits, early retirement allowance, pensions, health care, elderly care etc.

-employment and unemployment rates; part- and full-time employment

-the Danish labour market and labour market regulations; minimum wages

-levels of public expenditure; levels and forms of taxes

-the central and decentral welfare state


Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2002) Social Protection Systems for the Unemployed in Scandinavia. An Overview. Paper presented at COST A13 workshop, Florence, May 31-June 1.

Kongshøj Madsen, Per (2002). “The Danish Model of Flexicurity: A Paradise - with Some Snakes”, pp. 243-65 in Hedva Sarfati & Giuliano Bonoli, eds., Labour Market and Social Protection Reforms in International Perspective. Parallel or converging tracks?. Aldershot: Ashgate/ISSA.

Supplementary Readings:

NOSOSCO-Nordic Social Statistical Committee (2004) Social Protection in the Nordic Countries. Copenhagen: NOSOSCO (download from

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2002) A Note on the Termination of the Danish Job Leave Programmes. Paper presented at COST A13 workshop, Florence, May 31-June 1.

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2002) De-standardisation of the Life Course in the Context of a Scandinavian Welfare Model: The Case of Denmark. Paper Presented at International Seminar: Recomposing the Stages in the Life Course. Paris, Maison des Sciences de l´Homme, June 5-6, 2002.


Goul Andersen, Jørgen & Jensen, Jan Bendix (2002) “Employment and unemployment in Europe: overview and new trends”, pp. 21-58 in Goul Andersen, Jørgen, Clasen, Jochen, van Oorschot, Wim & Halvorsen, Knut (2002) Europe’s New State of Welfare. Unemployment, Employment Policies and Citizenship. Bristol: Policy Press.

Supplementary readings in Danish:

Forsikringsoplysningen (2004). Sociale ydelser. Copenhagen: Forsikringsoplysningen.


Sep.26, 10-12Lecture no. 4: Gendering Welfare States

-welfare state differences in integration of women into the work force and in politics

-child care facilities and social care services in the Scandinavian welfare states

-convergence between welfare states?

-are the Scandinavian welfare states particularly women-friendly?

-ethnic inequality and gender inequality


Borchorst, Anette & Birte Siim (2002). ”The Women-Friendly Welfare States Revisited”, NORA Challenges to Gender Equality in the Nordic Welfare States, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 90-98.

Fraser, Nancy (1997). Justice Interruptus. Critical reflections on the Postsocialist Condition, New York/London: Routledge, pp. 11-66.

Oct. 3. Lecture no. 5: Accomplishments of the welfare state: equality & citizenship

-the moral and political logic of universalism

-equality, redistribution, and protection against poverty


-social cohesion and social trust

-citizenship and quality of life

-legitimacy of the welfare state


Rothstein, Bo (1998). Just Institutions Matter. The Moral and Political Logic of the Universal Welfare State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 144-56.

Fritzell, Johan (2001). “Still different? Income distribution in the Nordic countries in a European comparison”, pp. 18-41 in Mikko Kautto et al., eds., Nordic Welfare States in the European Context. London: Routledge.

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2002) “Coping with Long-Term Unemployment: Economic security, labour Market Integration and Well-being. Results from a Danish Panel Study, 1994-1999". International Journal of Social Welfare, vol. 11(2), pp.178-190.

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2005). “Public Support for the Danish Welfare State. Interests and Values, Institutions and Performance”, in Erik Albæk, Leslie Eliason, Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard, and Herman Schwartz, eds.. Crisis, Miracles and Beyond: Negotiated Adaptation of the Danish Welfare State. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.

Svallfors, Stefan (2003). “Welfare regimes and welfare opinions: A comparison of eight Western countries”, Social Indicators Research, vol. 64, pp. 495-520.


Supplementary Readings:

Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2001). ASustaining State Welfare in Hard Times: Who Will Foot the Bill? Journal of European Social Policy, vol. 11 (2), pp.133-147.

Korpi, Walter & Joakim Palme (1998). “The Strategy of Equality and the Paradox of Redistribution”, American Sociological Review vol.63(5), pp. 661-87.

Forma, Pauli & Olli Kangas (1999). “Need, citizenship or merit: Public opinion on pension policy in Australia, Finland and Poland”, pp. 161-89 i Stefan Svallfors & Peter Taylor-Gooby, eds., The End of the Welfare State. London: Routledge.

Kröger, Teppo (2001). Comparative research on social care. The state of the art. Soccare Project Report 1. Brussels: European Commission (can be downloaded from:

Rostgaard, Tine & Torben Fridberg (1998). Caring for Children and Older People - A Comparison of European Policies and Practices. Copenhagen: Socialforskningsinstituttet. Publication 98:20.

Greve, Bent (1999). The Changing Universal Welfare Model: The Case of Denmark Towards the 21st Century. Report, Roskilde University Centre. pp. 57-84.

Supplementary readings in Danish:

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2003). Over-Danmark og under-Danmark? Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. Chapter 2-3.

CASA (2002). Social årsrapport. Copenhagen: Socialpolitisk Forening and CASA.

Finansministeriet (2002,2004). Fordeling og incitamenter 2002 (2004). Copenhagen: Ministry of Finance.

Hjorth Andersen, Bjarne, red. (2003). Udviklingen i befolkningens levekår over et kvart århundrede. København: Socialforskningsinstituttet. Rapport 03:14.


Oct. 10, 10-12Lecture no. 6. The challenge of ageing populations

-Scandinavian welfare states overcoming the hard times of the 1980's

-Demographic changes and pension systems: cross-national variations in Europe

-The politics of pension reforms in Europe and in Scandinavia

-Early retirement problems in Europe


Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2000) "Welfare Crisis and Beyond", pp. 69-87 in Stein Kuhnle, ed. Survival of the European Welfare State. London: Routledge. (longer version: “Beyond Retrenchment” (1997) available from

Myles, John & Paul Pierson (2001). “The Comparative Political Economy of Pension Reform”, pp. 305-33 in Paul Pierson, ed., The New Politics of the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Supplementary Readings:

World Bank (1994). Averting the Old Age Crisis. Policies to protect the old and promote growth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-23.

Bonoli, Giuliano (2003). “Two worlds of pension reforms in Western Europe”. Comparative Politics vol.35(4), pp. 399ff.

Goul Andersen, Jørgen & Christian Albrekt Larsen (2002) Pension politics and policy in Denmark and Sweden: Path Dependencies, Policy Style, and Political Outcome. Paper Presented at XV World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, July 7-13, 2002.

Commision (2003). Joint Commission/Council Report on adequate and sustainable pensions. Brussels: European Commission. Downloadable from

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2002). “Denmark: From the edge of the abyss to a sustainable welfare state”, ch. 143-62 in Jørgen Goul Andersen, Jochen Clasen, Wim van Oorschot & Knut Halvorsen, eds., Europe’s New State of Welfare. Unemployment, Employment Policies and Citizenship. Bristol: Policy Press.

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (1997) "The Scandinavian Welfare Model in Crisis?", Scandinavian Political Studies, vol.20(1), pp.1-30.

Schwartz, Herman (2001). “The Danish ‘Miracle’: Luck, Pluck or Stuck?”. Comparative Political Studies vol. 34(2), pp. 131-55. (longer version (1999) available from

Supplementary readings in Danish:

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2004). Pensionsbomber og pensionsreformer. Danmark som rollemodel. Social Kritik no. 94.

Velfærdskommissionen (2004). Fremtidens velfærd kommer ikke af sig selv. København: Velfærdskommissionen (download from

Finansministeriet (2004). Finansredegørelse 2004. København: Finansministeriet.

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2004). “Fremtidens velfærd kommer ikke af sig selv”. Social Kritik no. 94.

Jensen, Per H. (2004). “Hvorfor er erhvervsdeltagelsen blandt ældre så høj i Danmark?”, Social Kritik nr. 94:4-22.

Kirk, H. og Jesper Wegens (2002): Fra beskyttelse til diskrimination - Ældrepolitikkens seniorpolitiske omkostninger. Arbejdsliv, nr. 3:9-23

Jensen, Per H. og T.Kjeldgaard (2002): Årsager og effekter af den tidlige tilbagetrækning fra arbejdsmarkedet. Arbejdsliv, nr. 3:43-62

Oct. 17, 10-12.Lecture no. 7. The Challenge of Postindustrialisation, Globalisation and Europeanization

-From diffuse to specific notions of globalisation

-How could globalisation affect the welfare state: Macroeconomic constraints, low-skilled structural unemployment, tax competition

-The Danish Flexicurity Model: Flexibility, security, and ALMP

-Europeanization as an aspect or as a response to globalisation

-Does Europeanization put pressure on the Danish welfare state?


-Convergence or divergence between European welfare states?


Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1996). “After the Golden Age? Welfare State Dilemmas in a Global Economy”, pp. 1-31 in Gøsta Esping-Andersen, ed., Welfare States in Transition. National Adaptations in Global Economies. London: Sage.

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2005). Citizenship Politics: Activation, Welfare and Employment in Denmark. Proceedings of the conference Social Governance in the Global Era - Beyond 20th Century’s Social Democracy. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 14-17, 2003.

Leibfried, Stephan (1993). “Towards a European Welfare State”, from C.Jones (ed.), New Perspectives on the Welfare State. London: Routledge. (excerpt)

Supplementary Readings:

Garrett, Geoffrey & Deborah Mitchell (2001). “Globalization, government spending and taxation in the OECD”, European Journal of Political Research, vol.39,2, pp.145-77.

Goul Andersen, Jørgen & Halvorsen, Knut (2002) “Changing labour markets, unemployment and unemployment policies in a citizenship perspective”, pp. 1-20 in Goul Andersen, Jørgen, Clasen, Jochen, van Oorschot, Wim & Halvorsen, Knut (2002) Europe’s New State of Welfare. Unemployment, Employment Policies and Citizenship. Bristol: Policy Press.

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2001) How Much Should the Unemployed be Searching and Available for a Job? Unemployment Criteria, Search Theory, and the Transition from Unemployment to Employment. Paper prepared for VI. COST A13 Workshop in Ljubljana, June 8-9, 2001.

Pedersen, Peder J., Marianne Røed & Lena Schröder (2003). “Emigration from the Scandinavian welfare states”, pp. 76-104 i Torben M. Andersen & Per Molander, eds., Alternatives for Welfare Policy. Coping with Internationalisation and Demographic Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Palier, Bruno (2003). “Analysing the Relationships Between Globalization, European Integration and Welfare State Changes”, Global Social Policy, vol.3(2), pp 146-51.

Risse, Thomas, Maria Green Cowles & James Caporaso (2001). “Europeanization and Domestic Change: Introduction”, pp. 1-21 i Maria Greem Cowles, James Caporaso & Thomas Risse, eds., Transforming Europe. Europeanization and Domestic Change. Itacha: Cornell University Press.

Knill, Christoph & Dirk Lehmkuhl (2002). “The national impact of European Union regulatory policy: Three Europeanization mechanisms”, European Journal of Political Research, vol.41(2), pp. 255-80.

Ferrera, Maurizio (2003). “European Integration and National Social Citizenship: Changing Boundaries, New Structuring?”, Comparative Political Studies, vol.36,6, pp. 611-52.

Armingeon, Klaus (2003). “The OECD and European Welfare States”, Global Social Policy, vol.3(2), pp.143-46.

Swank, Duane (2001). “Political Institutions and Welfare State Restructuring: The Impact of Institutions on Social Policy Change in Developed Democracies”, pp. 197-237 i Paul Pierson, ed., The New Politics of the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Supplementary readings in Danish:

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2003). Over-Danmark og under-Danmark? Ulighed, velfærdsstat og politisk medborgerskab. Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. pp. 70-82.

Borchorst, Anette & Peter Abrahamson (2002). "EU - en udfordring for den danske velfærdsstat?", Politica, vol.34, no. 1, pp. 38-52.

Oct.24, 10-12.Lecture no. 8. The Future of the Welfare State. Challenges to legitimacy; dynamics of change; interpretation of current transformations

-sources of change: Anonymous economic forces (functionalism), interest mobilisation, ideas, institutions, changes in legitimacy

-individualism and collectivism

-immigration and multiculturalism

-path dependence revisited

-retrenchment or qualitative change?

-targeting and recommodification?

-changing the welfare mix?

-activation of the welfare state?

-new steering models

-welfare reform in Denmark


Pierson, Paul (2000). “Increasing Returns, Path Dependence, and the Study of Politics”, American Political Science Review vol.92(4), pp. 251-67.

Hall, Peter (1993). “Policy Paradigms, Social Learning, and the State: The Case of Economic Policy-Making in Britain”, Comparative Politics vol.25(3), pp. 175-96.

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2005). “Immigration and the legitimacy of the Scandinavian welfare state”. AMID working paper.

Supplementary Readings:

Goul Andersen, Jørgen (2001). “Change without challenge: Welfare states, social construction of challenges, and dynamics of path dependency”. pp. 121-38 i Jochen Clasen, ed., What Future for Social Security? The Hague: Kluwer.

Green-Pedersen, Christoffer (2002). The Politics of Justification. Party Competition and Welfare-State Retrenchment in Denmark and the Netherlands from 1982 to 1998. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 13-16, 19-30.

Swank, Duane (2001). “Political Institutions and Welfare State Restructuring: The Impact of Institutions on Social Policy Change in Developed Democracies”, pp. 197-237 i Paul Pierson, ed., The New Politics of the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bonoli, Giuliano (2001). “Political Institutions, Veto Points and the Process of Welfare State Adaptation”, pp. 238-264 i Paul Pierson, ed., The New Politics of the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Pierson, Paul (1994). Dismantling the Welfare State? Reagan, Thatcher and the Politics of Retrenchment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.1-26.


Torfing, Jacob (2001). “Path-dependent Danish welfare reforms: The contribution of the new institutionalisms to understanding evolutionary change”, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol.24 (4), pp. 277-309.

Green-Pedersen, Christoffer (2003). Still there but for how long? The counter-intuitiveness of the universal welfare model and the development of the universal welfare state in Denmark. CCWS Working Papers # 32.

van Oorshot, Wim & Peter Abrahamson (2003). “The Dutch and Danish Miracles Revisited: A Critical Discussion of Activation Policies in Two Small Welfare States”. Social Policy & Administration, vol. 37(3), pp. 288-304.

Gilbert, Neil (2002). Transformation of the Welfare State. The Silent Surrender of Public Responsibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp.9-57.