The Savior/Messiah Archetype

Humanities, Spring 2016

Archetype: the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies: prototype; also: a perfect example. (Merriam-Webster)

Many cultures throughout history have mythologies that include stories of a savior or messiah who share similar or exact characteristics, experiences, and even birth dates. The reoccurrence of these messianic figures constitutes a sort of “hero archetype.”

Alone, or with ONE partner, research one of the gods listed below. Find answers to the questions that follow and organize them in a way that will make it easy for you to discuss your findings in a small group.

Krishna of Hindostan

Buddha Sakia (or Sakia Muni) of India

Thammuz of Syria

Wittoba of the Telengonese

Zulis (or Zhule), also Osiris and Orus, of Egypt

Odin and Thor of the Scandinavians

Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia

Baal and Taut, "the only Begotten of God," of Phenicia

Indra of Thibet

Alcestos of Euripides

Bali of Afghanistan

Jao of Nepaul

Mikado of the Sintoos

Beddru of Japan

Hesus or Eros, and Bremrillah, of the Druids

Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico

Fohi and Tien of China

Adonis, son of the virgin Io of Greece

Ixion and Quirinus of Rome

Prometheus of Caucasus

Mohamud (or Mohammed, Mohammad) of Arabia

Look for information about the following:

  • Where, when, and in which religion did the god (or son of god) originate—as far as scholars can tell? In what time of year is the god born?
  • Was the god’s birth prophesied, and if so, by whom?
  • What is the nature of the “birth” of the god? Are stars or planets relevant in the story of the god’s birth? Do magi, shepherds, or angels figure in the birth narrative?
  • In Christianity, Jesus’ purpose is to suffer, die, and be resurrected in order to atone for the sin of all beings, initiated by the fall of Adam and Eve in the creation story we read from Genesis. What is this god’s intended role or purpose in the world? Does the god’s purpose include the role of a Savior, Messiah, Prophet, Christ, or Mediator?
  • What titles are given to the god?
  • Is the god of royal origin but humble birth? Was the god’s life threatened as an infant? If so, how does he/she escape death?
  • Is the god aware of its divine origin? Does he/she show early evidence of divinity (like Jesus teaching in the temple at 12)?
  • Does the figure die? If so, how? Does darkness (aphasia) occur at the death of the god? Does the savior descend into a type of hell after death? Is he/she reincarnated or resurrected?