The same policy applies to the EYFS at Rushmoor School

At Rushmoor ‘Every Child Matters’



The school is essentially mixed ability, and the whole ethos of the school is that of helping children without reference to selective factors. However, the school follows mainstream education to GCSE and thus there are conditions to govern entry in order to be fair to both children and parents.

A child entering the school should fit within the following criteria. The child should

  • have a reasonable chance of following a full curriculum through to GCSE.
  • fit happily into his or her peer group.
  • not have Special Needs beyond those which we believe we are able to cope with and are able to help.
  • not present difficulties such that the child adversely affects the ability of the staff to teach others, or of other children to learn.

Assessment for entry into the Nursery will be by registration and by a meeting with the Parents and the child. The Head of the Nursery Unit will judge readiness and suitability. A child will not be accepted until the child reaches the age of three. The child must be out of nappies.

In the rest of the School, the child will be asked to come and spend the day in his or her own age group. During the course of the day visit, teachers will be asked to report briefly on the child's performance. Special notice will be taken of the levels of Mathematics and English apparent. Special work may need to be set within the lessons to check basic skills. Older pupils may be set short assessments in English and mathematics. Subsequent offers of a place will be subject to satisfactory reports from the child’s current school.

If the child is known to have Special Educational Needs, or if it becomes apparent during the day visit that there are specific problems, then if possible, the child will spend a lesson with the SENCO.

At the end of the day, all information acquired will be used to try to answer essential questions:

  • Will the child fit happily into the group?
  • Does it look as if the child will make progress within the school, and follow a mainstream course to GCSE.?
  • If there are difficulties, are they within the scope of help available in the school?
  • Do we stand a reasonable chance of achieving that which the parents are expecting?
  • Do we believe that we can help the child and give value for money?

If the answers to these questions are positive, then the offer of a place will be made in writing. In some circumstances this may be made subject to conditions where the outcome may be particularly uncertain. It is essential that parents understand that we will always act in the best interests of the child.

The School is here to help children, and therefore, we will take in any child whom we truly believe we are able to help and for whom we feel this to be a suitable school.

Admissions Policy Page 1Reviewed January 2010

Next review: January 2011