July 2002

Day \ Rite / 1570[1] (Pius V) / 1939 (Pius XI) / 1956 (Pius XII) / 1962 (John XXIII) / 1970[2] (Paul VI)
Monday / Octave Day of S John the Baptist, d. / Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, d I cl. / Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, d I cl. / Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I cl. / Feria.
At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds com Octave of SS Peter & Paul App. / At Lauds com Octave Day of
S John the Baptist.
At Prime festal (53, 118a, 118b) psalms, short lesson of the Octave (feast). / At Prime festal psalms, v Qui tuo nos sanguine, short lesson of the feast. / At Prime festal psalms, v Qui tuo nos sanguine, short lesson of the feast. / At Prime festal psalms, v Qui tuo nos sanguine, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’[3] psalms. / At Hours festal psalms. / At Hours festal psalms. / At Hours festal psalms.
In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect Octave SS App, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, (in Low Mass 2nd collect Octave Day), Credo, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Credo, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Credo, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the following, com of Octave Day, Octave SS Peter & Paul App & SS Processus & Martinian MM. Doxology[4] of the Incarnation at all hymns of Iambic metre. / Vespers of the feast, com of the following. Doxology of the Incarnation at all hymns of Iambic metre. / Vespers of the feast. / Vespers of the feast. / Vespers of the feria.
Tuesday / Visitation of the BVM, d. / Visitation of the BVM, d II cl. / Visitation of the BVM, d II cl. / Visitation of the BVM, II cl. / Feria.
Doxology of the Incarnation at all hymns of Iambic metre. / Doxology of the Incarnation at hymns of Mattins and Lauds only.
At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson SS Processus & Martinian MM. / At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson SS Processus & Martinian MM. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds com of Octave SS App and SS MM. / At Lauds com SS MM. / At Lauds com SS Processus and Martinian MM. / At Lauds com SS Processus and Martinian MM.
At Prime festal psalms, v Qui natus es, short lesson of the feast. / At Prime festal psalms, v Qui natus es, short lesson of the feast. / At Prime ferial psalms, v Qui natus es, short lesson of the feast. / At Prime ferial psalms, v Qui natus es, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours festal psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms.
In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect Octave, 3rd collect SS MM, Credo, Prf BVM, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, (in Low Mass 2nd collect SS MM), Credo, Prf BVM, Ite, missa est / In Mass Gloria, (in Low Mass 2nd collect SS MM), Credo, Prf BVM, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, (in Low Mass 2nd collect SS MM), Credo, Prf BVM, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the feast, com of Octave SS App. / Vespers of the feast, com of following. / Vespers of the feast. / Vespers of the feast. / Vespers of the feria.
Wednesday / 5th day within the Octave of SS Peter & Paul, sd. / S Leo II PC, sd. / S Leo II PC, sp. / S Irenæus EM, III cl. / S Thomas Ap, feast.
At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds com Octave of SS Peter & Paul App.
At Prime festal psalms, short lesson of the Octave. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours festal psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms.
In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect Concede nos, 3rd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Credo, Prf App, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect Octave SS App, 3rd collect Concede nos, Credo, Prf App, Ite, missa est. last Gospel of Day within the Octave SS App. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, PrfApp, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the Octave. / Vespers of the feast, com of the following. / Vespers of the feria. / Vespers of the feast. / Vespers of the feast.
Thursday / 6th day within the Octave of SS Peter & Paul App, sd. / 6th day within the Octave of SS Peter & Paul, sd. / Feria, sp. / Feria, IV cl. / Feria. (S Elizabeth of Portugal)
At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons
At Prime festal psalms, short lesson of the Octave. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of the Octave. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of season. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms.
In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect Concede nos, 3rd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Credo, Prf App, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect Concede nos, 3rd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Credo, Prf App, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf, Benedicamus Domino[5]. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the Octave. / Vespers of the following, com of the Octave. / Vespers of the feria. / Vespers of the feria. / Vespers of the feria.
Office of the Memoria.
In Mass one collect, Prf of the Saint or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the memoria.
Friday / 7th day within the Octave of SS Peter & Paul App, sd. / S Antony Mary Zaccaria C, d. / S Antony Mary Zaccaria C, d. / S Antony Mary Zaccaria C, III cl. / Feria (S Antony Mary Zaccaria Priest)
At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds com Octave of SS Peter & Paul App.
At Prime festal psalms, short lesson of Octave. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms.
In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect Concede nos, 3rd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Credo, Prf App, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect Octave SS App, Credo, Prf App, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the following. / Vespers of the following, com of S C. / Vespers of the feast. / Vespers of the feast. / Vespers of the feria.
Office of the Memoria.
In Mass one collect, Prf of the Saint or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the memoria.
Saturday / Octave Day of SS Peter & Paul App, d. / Octave Day of SS Peter & Paul App, dm. / BVM on Saturday, sp. / BVM on Saturday, sp. / Feria (S Maria Goretti VM or BVM).
Doxology of the Incarnation[6] at all hymns of Iambic metre. / Doxology of the Incarnation at the hymns of Mattins and Lauds only.
At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Prime festal psalms, short lesson of Octave. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of the Octave. / At Prime ferial psalms, v Qui natus es, short lesson of the BVM. / At Prime ferial psalms, v Qui natus es, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms.
In Mass Gloria, one collect, Credo, Prf App, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Credo, Prf App, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Prf BVM, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Prf BVM, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the Octave, com of Sunday. / Vespers of the following, com of Octave and SS Cyril and Methodius EE CC. / Vespers of the following. / Vespers of the following. / Vespers of the following.
Office of S Maria Goretti.
In Mass one collect, Prf of the Saint or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Office of BVM.
In Mass one collect, Prf BVM or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Sunday / 7th Sunday after Pentecost, sd. / 7th Sunday after Pentecost, sd. / 7th Sunday after Pentecost, d. / 7th Sunday after Pentecost, II cl. / 14th Sunday of the year
At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds suffrages of the BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / At Lauds com SS EE CC. / At Lauds com SS Cyril & Methodius EE CC.
At Prime Dominical (117, 118a, 118b) psalms, Quicumque, Dominical preces, short lesson of season. / At Prime Dominical psalms, short lesson of season. / At Prime Dominical psalms, short lesson of season. / At Prime Dominical psalms, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours festal psalms. / At Hours festal psalms. / At Hours festal psalms.
In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect ad libitum, Credo, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect SS EE CC, Credo, Prf of Sunday, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, (in Low Mass 2nd collect SS EE CC, Credo, Prf of Sunday, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect Credo, Prf Sunday, Ite, missa est / In Mass Gloria, one collect, 3 readings, Credo, Prf Sunday (I-VI), Ite, missa est.
Vespers of Sunday, suffrages of the BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / Vespers of Sunday, com of following and SS EECC. / Vespers of Sunday, com SS EE CC. / Vespers of Sunday. / Vespers of Sunday.
At Compline preces.
Monday / Feria, sp. / S Elizabeth of Portugal, sd. / S Elizabeth of Portugal, sp. / S Elizabeth of Portugal, III cl. / Feria.
(Office of the BVM in choro)
At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds suffrages of the Cross, (BVM[7]), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / At Lauds suffrage of ‘All Saints’.
At Prime ferial psalms, Dominical preces, short lesson of season. / At Prime ferial psalms, Dominical preces, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms.
In Mass 2nd collect Fidelium, 3rd collect A cunctis, Common Prf, Benedicamus Domino. / In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect ad libitum, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the feria, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul and for Peace. / Vespers of the feast, suffrage of ‘All Saints’. / Vespers of the feria. / Vespers of the feast. / Vespers of the feria.
At Compline preces. / At Compline preces.
Tuesday / Feria, sp. / Feria, sp. / Feria, sp. / Feria, IV cl. / Feria.
(Office of the BVM in choro)
At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / At Lauds suffrage of ‘All Saints’.
At Prime ferial psalms, Dominical preces, short lesson of season. / At Prime ferial psalms, Dominical preces, short lesson of season. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of season. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms.
In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect ad libitum, Common Prf, Benedicamus Domino. / In Mass, 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Fidelium, 4th collect ad libitum, Common Prf, Benedicamus Domino. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf, Benedicamus Domino. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the following, suffrages of the (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / Vespers of the following, suffrage of ‘All Saints’. / Vespers of the feria. / Vespers of the feria. / Vespers of the feria.
At Compline preces. / At Compline preces.
Wednesday / Seven Holy Brothers & Companions, sd. / Seven Holy Brothers & Companions, sd. / Seven Holy Brothers & Companions, sp. / Seven Holy Brothers & Companions, III cl. / Feria.
At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds suffrages of the BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / At Lauds suffrage of ‘All Saints’.
At Prime festal psalms, Dominical preces, short lesson of the Saints. / At Prime ferial psalms, Dominical preces, short lesson of the Saints. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of the Saints / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms.
In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect ad libitum, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect ad libitum, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, one collect, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the feast, com of the following, suffrage of the BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / Vespers of the feast, com of the following, suffrage of ‘All Saints’. / Vespers of the feria. / Vespers of the feast. / Vespers of the feria.
At Compline preces. / At Compline preces.
Thursday / S Pius I PM, sp. / S Pius I PM, sp. / Feria, sp. / Feria, IV cl. / S Benedict Ab, memoria.
(Office of the BVM in choro)
At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds suffrages of the (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / At Lauds suffrage of ‘All Saints’. / At Lauds com S Pius I PM. / At Lauds com S Pius I PM.
At Prime festal psalms, Dominical preces, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, Dominical preces, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of season. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms.
In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect ad lib, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect ad libitum, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect (in Low Mass 2nd collect S PM), Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect (in Low Mass 2nd collect S PM), Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf or of the Saint, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the following, suffrages of the (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / Vespers of the following, com SS Nabor & Felix MM. / Vespers of the feria. / Vespers of the feria. / Vespers of the memoria.
At Compline preces
Friday / SS Nabor & Felix, sp. / S John Gualbert Ab, d. / S John Gualbert Ab, d. / S John Gualbert Ab,III cl. / Feria.
(Office of the BVM in choro).
At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds suffrages of the (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / At Lauds com SS MM. / At Lauds com SS Nabor & Felix MM. / At Lauds com SS Nabor & Felix MM.
At Prime festal psalms, Dominical preces, short lesson of the Saints. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms.
In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect ad libitum[8], Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect SS MM, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, (in Low Mass 2nd collect SS MM), Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, (in Low Mass 2nd collect SS MM, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Common Prf or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Vespers of the following, suffrages of the BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / Vespers of the feast, com of the following. / Vespers of the feast. / Vespers of the feast. / Vespers of the feria.
At Compline preces.
Saturday / S Anacletus PM, sd. / S Anacletus PM, sd. / BVM on Saturday, sp. / BVM on Saturday, IV cl. / Saturday S Henry or BVM)
Doxology of the Incarnation at all hymns of Iambic metre. / Doxology of the Incarnation at hymns of Mattins and Lauds only.
At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds suffrages of the BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / At Lauds suffrage of ‘All Saints’. / At Lauds com S Anacletus PM. / At Lauds com S Anacletus PM.
At Prime festal psalms, Dominical preces, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, Dominical preces, short lesson of the Saint. / At Prime ferial psalms, v Qui natus es, short lesson of the BVM. / At Prime ferial psalms, v Qui natus es, short lesson of season.
At Hours ‘festal’ psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms. / At Hours ferial psalms.
In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect ad libitum, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect ad libitum, Common Prf, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, (in Low Mass 2nd collect S PM), Prf BVM, Ite, missa est. / In Mass Gloria, (in Low Mass 2nd collect S PM), Prf BVM, Ite, missa est. / In Mass one collect, Prf of the Saints or Common Prf, Ite, missa est.
Vespers from the chapter of the following, com of S PM, suffrages of the BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / Vespers of the following, com
S PM and S Bonaventure ECD. / Vespers of the following. / Vespers of the following. / Vespers of the following.
At Compline preces.
Office of S Henry
In Mass one collect, Common Prf or Prf of Saint, Ite, missa est.
Office of the BVM
In Mass one collect, Prf BVM or ad libitum, Ite, missa est.
Sunday / 8th Sunday after Pentecost, sd. / 8th Sunday after Pentecost, sd. / 8th Sunday after Pentecost, d. / 8th Sunday after Pentecost, II cl. / 15th Sunday of the Year
At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 9 lessons. / At Mattins 3 lessons. / At Mattins 2 lessons.
At Lauds suffrages of the BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace. / At Lauds com S ECD. / At Lauds com S Bonaventure ECD.
At Prime Dominical psalms, Quicumque, Dominical preces, short lesson of season. / At Prime Dominical psalms, short lesson of season. / At Prime Dominical psalms, short lesson of season. / At Prime Dominical psalms, short lesson of season.