Minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2008.

1.Members Present: Denis Neads, Chairman: President David Hall: Paul Smith: Geoff Evans: Peter Pay:Ron Bruce: Derek Cartridge: John Nelson: Nigel Holt:

2.Apologies:Tony Hargrove: Sam Irving: Geoff Sykes:

3.Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th October 2008:

The following amendments were agreed:-

a). Apologies were received from Nigel Holt.

b). 15 b). The date for the Gluhwein was 30th November 2008.

c). 17 b). Peter Pay had requested clarification on who was the H & S Officer and Vulnerable Persons Officer.

The minutes were then agreed.

4.Matters Arising (Not on the Agenda):

4). 13 b). Club Council has dealt with this item.

13 c). John Nelson will liaise with the Club Secretary with the name of the proposed speaker from the Hospice.

17). a).Although TH was unable to attend the meeting he has reported that he has made contact with the secretary at Highfields school for to arrange the Seniors Day Out on 12/12/08 and with our Vulnerable Persons Protection Officer Simon Shaw. All is going well and he will report back at the next meeting


a). A letter requesting a donation towards an outing that Home Start are undertaking has been received and it was agreed that a £50 donation should be sent with a covering letter. DN pointed out that they had assets of £25,262 with 5 employees costing £52,870 in year end 2008. Nigel Holt agreed to look at their finances before a further request was received.

b). A letter has been received from the Association for Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus requesting general financial assistance. The letter came with two glossy booklets at a cost of 81p postage. DN reported that they had assets of in their group £1991,174.00 and their charity £1963,208.00. It was agreed not to support this national appeal. Chairman to write to them.

6.Financial Update:

Nigel Holt produced a comprehensive report with the assistance of the club Treasurer on the income and expenditure raised and spent by this committee over the past three years. There should be a target of theamount to be raised to cover the projected expenditure over the year. The Committee in waiting this year tried to quantify the expenditure on the proposed projects but the worthwhile request are difficult to give an accurate assessment. NH will produce a financial statement with the projected expenditure for the next Committee in waiting.

7.Young Musicians:

PS reported the following:

a).There will be two heats at HighfieldsSchool on Thursday 5th and Tuesday 10th March 2009 with the final at BarnabyGateChurch on Thursday 19th March 2009.

Estimated Cost £200

8.Citizenship award:

It was thought that this award should be given toa person of secondary school age who has served his or her community. PS agreed to discuss the practicalities of this with David Shannon and to report back.

9.Youth Development:

Items 9, Youth Speaks, 10, Young Chef, 11 CharacterBuilding and 12, the Apprentice were dealt with together under this heading. NH has introduced the Personal Finance Education Group (PFEG) to the committee which is group that the Government has set up to improve personal finance training to the youth of this country. PP has contacted Castle Club informing them of what we are doing. PS and PP have completed a lot of work on this including meeting with a representative of PFEG and have produced a letter to go to the senior schools in Newark. This was agreed and PP will send the letter to the relevant schools. We are too late to organise Youth Speaks and the Young Chef this year but we are preparing the ground for these initiatives to be available for next years Committee to complete.

10.Stroke Awareness.

GE updated the Committee on the progress of what now to be called “Know Your Blood Pressure”. Both our daughter clubs are involve and the organisation is ongoing date 18th April 2009.

11.Eddie Wagstaff Award:

DN has yet discussed this with JVP Ivor Walker.

12.4As Boat Update:

John Marshall has agreed to arrange for the signs to be made he just needs a photograph of the boat DN thought he had e-mailed them to him and has deleted the photographs from his computer. DN to arrange to take photographs and send them to JM.

13.Fund Raising:

a). Waitrose and Gluhwein;

Following reservations expressed by members that Club Council have agreed one date only for the selling of mince pies and Gluhwein in the market a letter was sent to all members requesting details of their availability to assist on the dates these events are arranged and proposed (Gluhwein-30/11/08, 13/12/08 & 20/12/08; Waitrose 18/12/08, 19/12/08, 20/12/08 & 21/12/08). Up to the date of the meeting 21 replies have been received from these replies there was insufficient number of members willing to help to support both Waitrose and the Gluhwein on 20/12/08 so it was agreed that we would recommend to Club Council that we use our limited resources to support the more profitable venture, that is the Waitrose collection.

The practicalities of what was needed to carry out the Gluhwein were discussed and agreed. President DH will look at what he has in his garages and write to Morrisons, The Bakers Oven and Lidals requesting assistance with the provision of mince pies. DN will organise what we need to purchase and confirm with George Sycamore our booking on 30/11/08.Exact quantities will be obtained following the decision of Club Council on what we are doing. Commencement of the craft market and food stalls will be at 1100 hours on 30/11/08 with vehicles to be clear of the market square by 1030 hours. To heat the mulled wine we need gas rings and 2 large pans with lids both of which Brian Phillips always supplied. Members of the committee agreed that they would supply these items. DN to collate.

The Waitrose collection will be discussed further at the next meeting. DN & President DH to visit Waitrose management to discuss the possibility of obtaining a PR licence.

The ferret race awaits the provision of a suitable venue which President DH is currently investigating.


There was a general discussion on membership and possible members but no one had any body in mind or anything to add/suggest from previous suggestions.

15.Any Other Business:


16.Date of the Next Meeting:

Some Committee members had requested a different night for our meetings as they were having difficulty in making Tuesdays. It was agreed that we meet on the first Wednesday of the month. Next meeting at The Forge will therefore be on Wednesday 3rd December 2008.

Meeting closed at 2115 hours.


Denis Neads 03/09/2008