The RJR Booster Club would like to thank all of the
parents and athletes for their help with the concessions
during the home varsity football games this fall.
Special thanks goes to Portia Propst for overseeing the concession operations and the countless hours that she worked making sure everything went smoothly. Also a big thank you goes to:Kathy and Tim Pickett for all of the hours that they helped on game nights with concessions;Kendra Wilcox for coordinating the volunteers;Karen Rice for manning the Demon Shop/coordinating the Demon Shop volunteers; and Ted Irvin for taking care of the finances. With your support, the Booster Club was able to raise money for the athletic programs at RJR!
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 22 at 10:00 a.m. for the Bryson Gym Clean-Up Day as we get ready for the basketball/wrestling season! We are asking our student-athletes to come and help clean up the weight room and training areas used during the fall season. We need as many people as possible to clean up the lobby, trophy cases and the outside area of the gym. We want to show our DEMON pride for our beautiful Bryson Gym!
The next Booster Club meeting will be held on Monday, November 17th at 6:00 p.m. in the media center.
Go Demons!
Tim and Jeanne Brooker
RUN (and eat doughnuts) FOR A GREAT CAUSE AND
No one in our current student body attended RJR at the time, but many remember or know about Matthew Gfeller who died after suffering a traumatic brain injury in his first RJR football game six years ago. The following year, three of Matt’s friends honored Matt’s memory and his spirit with the first annual Matt Gfeller Memorial Doughnut Run.
The sixth annual run will be November 15
at 9:00 a.m. on our own R.J. Reynolds campus!
Proceeds from the event fund traumatic brain injury research at the Childress Institute for Pediatric Trauma at WakeForestBaptistMedicalCenter and at the MatthewGfellerSport-RelatedTBIResearchCenter at UNC-Chapel Hill. Proceeds from previous events have fully endowed the Matt Gfeller Scholarship which is awarded to an RJR senior each year.
Students should select that they are a “student at RJR” when registering. Schools that register 20 or more students will receive athletic training supplies from the Gfeller Foundation. Don’t let another school beat us….RJR is Matt’s school and we should have the highest student attendance in the race! As an additional incentive, all RJR students who register (***remember to select that you are an RJR student!***) will be entered to win a Village Tavern gift card!
Use this link to register today and be sure to select that you are a “student at RJR”:
If you aren’t available to run/walk on November 15th, you can still participate. Just register to “Sleep ‘n Support” and make a $30 donation to fund TBI.
It’s Not too Late to Place Your Order
Have you seen the RJR faculty shirts this year? Many students have and have asked for one themselves. Of course, students can’t have a faculty shirt, but you CAN have a “Class of…” one.
How? Fill out this order form and return to Karen Morris’ box or to the Arts Magnet office. Shirts are $20 and can be paid for by checks to R.J. Reynolds or in cash. The back will read “CLASS OF” and your graduation year. The faculty shirts say 23 because RJR has been in existence since 1923.
Name ______
1st period teacher(s) ______
Size ______Class of (circle one) 2015 201620172018
T-shirts will be delivered to first period teachers. Orders due byNovember 17th.
Swing Dance for a Good Cause
What: Swingin' for a Cause
When: November 21st, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
Why: In support of the NGO Carehighway
Eight to 12 volunteers are needed as chaperones for the event.
Volunteers are also needed to sell tickets at lunch from 12 to 2 on November 17th through November 21st. Table and chairs will be provided. Contact Elisabeth Anthony for more information.
PTSA Nominations for 2015-2016 School Year
We are only one quarter of the way through the school year, but it is time to start thinking about PTSA leadership for 2015-2016! Thank you to the following individuals who have agreed to serve on the Nominating Committee:
9th grade representative – Diane Cox
10th grade representative – Deborah Casstevens
11th grade representative – Karen Rice
12th grade representative – Kathleen Tatter
Nominating Chair – Lisa Carter
If you are interested in serving as a PTSA officer for the 2015-2016 school year or would like to submit a name for consideration, please contact Lisa Carter at by November 23rd.
Save the Date
Reynolds Revue, Registration Fair and PTSA Meeting
When: Wednesday, February 4th at 6:00 p.m.
Mark your calendars and tell all your friends!
Demon Shop
We have some new items -- sweatshirts and long sleeve T-shirts plus new dry-fit shirts and Nike, too!Come check them out!
Note to parents: Please email Karen Rice if you are interested in volunteering once a semester. It is a fun way to meet students, teachers and other parents!
Teachers . . . thank you for your SIT requests! With funds raised through our Legacy Campaign, we are able to provide our teachers with the tools they need to enhance our students’ learning and creative experiences! Check out how the SIT committee has been able to help our teachers, our students and our school so far.
Hosting for Moodle siteMobile Unit MakeoverEnglish Books
Foreign Language SuppliesSheep HeartsAP Latin Training
Professional Development AP Environmental TrainingAP US History Supplies
Conductivity ProbesNCTE ConferenceFetal Pigs
We are so thankful to our many, many generous donors who made it possible for us to “grant” these wishes!
We’re also thrilled to announce our new total . . .
$94,849 from 245 donors!
We are SO close to our goal! Send in your donation TODAY…it could literally be the one that gets us to our goal!
Please contact us at if you have any Legacy questions!
--Mickey and Tonu Kangur
Nov. 17Booster Club Meeting, MediaCenter, 6:00
Nov. 189th Grade Basketball vs. Summit, 4:15
Swimming at SW Guilford, 5:30
JV Boys Basketball at High Point Central, 6:00
V Girls/Boys Basketball vs. HP Central, 6:00/7:30
Nov. 19Wrestling vs. Walkertown/NE Guilford, 5:30
Nov. 20Wrestling vs. North Surry/Page, 6:30
Nov. 21JV/V Girls Basketball at SW Guilford, 5:00/6:30
Nov. 22Wrestling at Elkin, 9:00
RJR Mattress SaleFundraiser, Aux. Gym, 10:00
9th Grade Basketball at Glenn, 4:00
Field Hockey takes the Bronze in NCFHAState Tournament
Congratulations to the RJR Field Hockey team for its third-place finish in the state field hockey tournament last weekend! The Demons beat West Forsyth 2-0 and finished the season with an undefeated conference record and 16-5 record overall. Way to go Demons!
Reynolds Mattress Sale on November 22
Reynolds will be hosting a mattress sale to benefit athletics on Saturday, November 22 in the gym. Be sure to tell your friends and
family. Each and every mattress purchased that day will benefit the student-athletes at RJR.
Reynolds Lacrosse Fall Brawl
Saturday, November 15
Reynolds Lacrosse ispleased to host the first-ever Triad 7v7 Lacrosse Tournament "Fall Brawl"on Saturday,November 15thfrom 10 a.m. to the Children's Home on Reynolda Road.
Proceeds from the tournament will help fund the RJR Demons Men's Lacrosse season this spring. The "7’s for 7" tournament features fast-paced action on a shortened field to maximize ball-handling and scoring. Teams will have two attack, two midfielders, two defensemen and a goalie, and will substitute on the fly.
Thank you to our sponsors:
HanesBrands Inc.
Blue Rhino
I.L. Long Construction
Erickson Chiropractic
Quiet Pint
Krankies Coffee
DMA Architecture PLLC
Piedmont Disposal and Recycling
Ortho Carolina (Dave O’Brien)
Everyone is welcome to come by, grab some lunch, watch some college football at Tailgate Alley, and support some exciting lacrosse this weekend!