The Rev. Roger Hungerford, Vicar
Email address:
Phone numbers: 309-797-2515 and cell 1-757-639-5610
Church Website:
Flowers on the Altar are givenby Mac McAdams to the glory of God in loving memory of his wife, Joan, and granddaughter, Jennifer.
Birthdays –Oct.11-Kathy Holmgren, Jeff Meyers
Anniversaries – Nov.10-Dennis and Sue Runyon
Crucifer-Kathy Hand
Acolyte-Norma Bumann
Chalice Bearers-Dennis Blevins and Mike Eddy
Readers-John Slover, Jim Sullivan, Ed Day, Barb Bevauns
THINGS CALENDARIC (Events are held at the Church unless otherwise noted):
Every Wednesday-Holy Eucharist service at 7:00am
11/6-ECW Bazaar this morning
11/10- ECW Meeting at Paulsen Clubhouse at 1:00 pm
11/13-Veteran’s Sunday
11/14-BC Meeting at 6:15 pm
11/3-ECW Bazaar
11/18-19-DioC Annual Convention
11/20-FinalECW Bazaar
11/24-Thanksgiving Day Service at 10:00 am
11/27-Advent Begins
1/19/17-Serve Meal at Christian Care
2/12-Bishop Lee visits
ECW MEETING -Our next meeting will be this comingThurs., Nov.10th at1:00p.m. at the Paulsen Clubhouse. Everyone is welcome. The program will be presented by Janel Bihn. She will talk to us about Quilts.
FYI – Don’t PASS BY the big All Saints Bulletin Board right outside Rev. Rog’s office without taking a peek!! It is ALWAYS attractive and full of CURRENT INFORMATION about all the activities past, present, and future at All Saints!!
ECW BAZAAR - ECW will once again be holding our mini-bazaar following Sunday services startingTHIS MORNING. The money we raise goes to outreach. We have funded charities for local, diocesan and international projects. Anyone wishing to donate items to be sold may bring them on any of theBazaar Sundays. Any questions? Call Marge Allemeier (309-797-3814).
RAFFLE BASKETS - ECW will be selling raffle tickets for the baskets that were assembled originally for Trivia Night. Tickets will be sold on the first 3 Sundays of the Bazaar, and the final drawing for the winners will take place on Nov. 20th.
THANK YOU! – Our 4th Annual Trunk or Treat was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who participated in any way. It all came together beautifully. This year we had approximately 200 kids come through the decorated car line. Bags and bags of candy were given out by all the car attendees. Fr. Larry and Fr. Jim worked continuously throughout the evening to feed the hungry Trick or Treaters…and Sue Erickson and Sandy Seeley-Copley cooked all those dogs. Balloon artist Rick Eugene gave out hundreds of balloon animals. (Elsa from Frozen is still the biggest request!) The Second Alarmers and their fire truck and the Red Cross truck were both a hit. We’re looking forward to next year!
FOOD COUNT AND HOLIDAY MEALS – This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, our traditional day to bring in canned goods for the Quad Cities food pantries. So, where do we stand for this year? So far, we have collected 2,076 items. That’s a lot of food. Thank you for your generosity! But holidays are coming, which means some families will be hard pressed to buy any extras for a festive holiday meal. Doesn’t your family have a traditional special meal each year? Doesn’t it cost you a little extra to buy? If we could step up our collecting a bit, maybe that would help a family buy some of those extras. Any dollar not spent on a regular meal – because help was received from a food pantry – is a dollar saved for an extra item that might not normally be affordable.
VETERANS DAY SERVICE -On Sun., Nov. 13th, we will celebrate Veteran's Day. We are asking all Veterans to wear something from their associated branch of the service like a cap, or coat, or medal. I would ask that you wear a uniform if you saved one, but if you are like me, I am well past the days when I could fit that size clothing. As a tribute, a flag will be placed out in front along the entrance sidewalk in honor of each of All Saints’ living veterans.
ADVENT EVENT! -Thurs., Dec. 15that Butterworth Center. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm followed by music of the season by the All Saints Choir. $20 per person. (Facilities can accommodate up to 60 people). Your check, made out to All Saints, will reserve your place. Please give your checks to Barbara Primm.
THANKSGIVING IS COMING - We will have our annual Thanksgiving Day Worship service on Thurs.,Nov. 24that 10 the sanctuary. It will be celebrated by our esteemed bubble blowing priest Fr. Jim.Coming to this worship is a great way to start this festive day and keep life in perspective.This is the service where we reflect on all the blessings we have received from our loving God. We happen to be one of the very few churches that will have a service on Thanksgiving Day, so it is one of the best days to invite family and friends
HONOR THE PAST, SERVE THE PRESENT, PROVIDE FOR THE FUTURE -Thepurposefor our annual stewardship campaign theme isthree-fold. To honor the past, we remember our parishioners who attended All Saints on a fairly regular basis, who contributed to the life of our parish in some tangible way, and who helped/or attended parish events and who now worship in paradise. They were part of the group that established our parish and/or they helped shape our community into who we are today. They are our roots anchoring us in this community. We honor them by how weserve the presentthrough our worship and our current ministries to bring God's healing, hope filled-spirit into our world. Weprovide for our futureby looking beyond our interests now and thinking about the legacy we wish to leave to the future. Providing for our future is about our dreams and where and how God is creating our future church. All Saints is a wonderful and transformative place. For many, All Saints is a source of strength and comfort.Your pledge is an act of thanksgiving for all the blessings God has shared with you. Your pledge is the way we continue to bring God's healing hope-filled spirit into our world through All Saints.
So far we have collected 29 pledges and one gift totaling for approximately $85,000 (the most recently received pledges are awaiting to be tallied). We are awaiting responses from about 15 or 20. Please let us know of your pledge intent.
DID YOU KNOW? - You can access our weekly bulletins, sermons and schedule through our website. Our webpage can be found at
EVENING BIBLE STUDY- We meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the church office. We are currently studying Deuteronomy. Everyone is welcome and each session is unique. Our discussions are lively and insightful. Come and join us, and bring your Bible.
COFFEE HOUR – Welcome to our coffee hour after the service this morning in the Fellowship Hall.The Hostess for this week is Robbin Bradford.