The Restoration of All Things
The Restorationof All Things
(AThree Part Series)
The Blindness Lifts - The Root is Restored
(Part I – The Present)
A few Shabbat’s ago, I began going through the article on Romans 11 again. [Romans 11, located under The Heart of Elohim on Come, Enter the Mikvah]. I highly recommend this article as a solid foundational layer to this series. When I got to Romans 11:25, I stopped. Something here required me to investigate a little further into exactly what Sha’ul was meaning about this ‘secret’ of the hardening in part of Israel and the time of the fullness of the Gentiles coming in.
Romans 11:25-27 says: “For I do not wish you to be ignorant of this secret, brothers, lest you should be wise in your own estimation, that hardening in part has come over Yisra’el, until the completeness of the gentiles has come in.
And so all Yisra’el shall be saved, as it has been written, “The Deliverer shall come out of Tsiyon, and He shall turn away wickedness from Ya‛aqob, and this is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins.”
(Yisra’el, here, is speaking of the whole house of Ya’cob.)
What is this completeness, multitude and fullness of the gentiles (nations)? As Yedidah had pointed out in her excellent research of Romans 11, Genesis 48:19 says: “But his father refused and said, “I know, my son, I know. He also becomes a people, and he also is great. And yet, his younger brother is greater than he, and his seed is to become the completeness of the nations.”
Here Ya’cob was giving the blessings upon the younger son of Joseph (Ephraim). Ephraim is of the house of Joseph and is also called the house of Israel. We know that Ephraim went into all the goyim (nations/gentiles). Ephraim settled in what is known as the land of the great covenant people (Great Britain). Here is an excerpt from the article ‘Romans 11’:
“The power of Brit-am spread around the world, and English came a “completeness”, a fullness--a multitude of nations. The titles “British” and “Britain” come from the Hebrew “Brit-am” – Covenant people. So “Great Britain” is “the great covenant people”.
I want to take a moment to list out some of the meanings of the words/phrases – “completeness”, “gentiles”, “come in”
In both the Hebrew/Greek, the term completeness means fullness (someversions use multitudes). It means to fill up to capacity, all of which it contains, be filled, completion, sum total of abundance, accomplished, elapsed. As a container of water is filled to its capacity, the filling comes to a point in which it is finished, has arrived, reached a point of being completely full.
(Goyim in Hebrew/ ethnos in Greek)
Heathens, barbarians, pagans, foreigners, aliens, strangers to the covenant made with Abraham, Yitzak, Ya’cob. This covenant was renewed through the blood of Messiah. Thus, anyone not ‘IN’ Messiah, is a gentile.
Abba never made a covenant with Gentiles.However, the renewed covenant through Messiah (primarily for the lost sheep of the house of Israel sown among the gentiles), opened the way for Judah and the ‘whosoever will’ (includingdescendants of Ham and Japheth, though in all of scripture, it is evident that only two “pagans” actually embraced the covenant of Yahuweh – Ruth and Rahab.)
The House of Israel was sown into, among the nations (gentiles). The passion of His heart is to restore all of the Tribes back together into a remnant of people that have His Name written upon their hearts. All of Israel will be saved, yes, but only a remnant of the whole house of Ya’cob.
Come in
This word is made up of two words in Greek (eis and erchomai)
eis (a preposition) – properly, into (unto) – literally, "motion into which" implying penetration ("unto," "union") to a particular purpose or result.
According to the Thayer's Greek:
eis, a preposition governing the accusative, and denoting entrance into, or direction and limit: into, to, toward, for, among. It is used:
- of a place entered, or of entrance into a place, into; it stands before nouns designating an open place, a hollow thing, or one in which an object can be hidden
- means among (in among) before nouns comprising a multitude;
- If the surface only of the place entered is touched or occupied, to mark the limit reached, or where one sets foot.
B. Used Metaphorically,
I.eisretains the force of entering into anything, where one thing is said to be changed into another, or to be separated into parts, or where several persons or things are said to be collected or combined into one, etc.
II.designating the conditional state into which one passes, falls, etc is used of the business which one enters into, i. e. of what he undertakes denotes the end; the end to which a thing reaches or extends, i. e. measure or degree:
the end by which a thing is completed, i. e. the result or effect
erchomai: to come, go, accompany, among, appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, arrival
According to the Thayer's Greek: of persons; universally, to come from one place into another, and used both of persons arriving
Among all of these different descriptions, they all seem to point to one thing – one common definition:
To enter, come in, go into, arrive at a place among a people, a state of condition, business transaction where the limit, the purpose, the place where one sets the foot, an undertaking, the union for a specific result has been reached, completed, passes, comes to an end, falls.
So, in paraphrasing Romans 11:25 we come to this conclusion: “For I do not wish you to be ignorant of this secret, brothers, lest you should be wise in your own estimation, that hardening in part has come over Yisra’el, until..
The point at which the completeness, filling up, the sum total of abundance, the elapsed time, the accomplishment to fill up to capacity, all of which can be contained, of the nations, arrives at a point at which the purpose it set out to achieve has been reached.
I had to lay this foundation for what I am about to share. We understand now, that Ephraim, The House of Joseph/House of Israel, was scattered into all the nations. The blessing of Ya’cob upon Ephraim, that his seed would become the ‘completeness of nations’, takes on a whole new meaning. I do not believe that what I will share is the finalization and fulfillment of Romans 11:25-27, but it is a piece of the puzzle that leads to the ‘salvation of all of Israel’.
We understandthat, through Great Britain, the colonization of multitudes of nations occurred. In fact, the last major colony of Great Britain remained under their rule for 156 years. If you add the numbers 1+5+6, they equal the number 12. This is significant of the whole house of Ya’cob (the 12 Tribes).
On June 30, 1997, a very important piece of the restoration of the house of Israel took place. It was the day the great Empire of Great Britain officially came to end with the handing over of Hong Kong back to China. This was the day that the last major British colony was returned. That day brought to a close,British rule in China. It was officiallycalled the ‘fall of the British Empire’. Below I include some newspapers clippings and articles regarding this historic event:
HONG KONG, Tuesday, July 1 -- In the first moments after midnight, in a ceremony of solemn precision and martial music, China resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong today, ending 156 years of British colonial rule.
The last significant British colony, Hong Kong, was returned to Chinese sovereignty in 1997. By then, virtually nothing remained of the empire. (Encyclopedia Britannica Article)
The last significant territory to pass from under British control was Hong Kong, which was handed over to China in 1997.
The colony's return to China marks the last major act in a voluntary, prolonged dismemberment of modern history's greatest empire. Sic transit gloria imperii.
What I present to you here is that the final pullout of Great Britain from Hong Kong, was a partial fulfillment of Romans 11:25. The far extent of the colonization/occupation, where Ephraim set his foot, had been reached. The ‘arrival’ of Ephraim for the purpose of colonization had come to anend; fallen.
I still do not believe that this is the extent of the meaning of this verse, however it can be seen that the completeness of the nations, as spoken of by Ya’cob, had fulfilled it’s purpose, accomplished it’s goal of colonization.
But what does this have to do with the ‘hardness in part’ over Israel? The hardness and the blinding of the whole house of Ya’cob, I believe, is not only a result of the House of Israel and the House of Judah being scattered into all nations, but the fact that the house of Israel became absorbed into the church.
It wasn’t but a few hundred years after Messiah left, the vast majority (minus a few of course – a remnant), of the House of Israel/Ephraim, became quite comfortable in the ‘nest of Christianity’. For nearly 1700 years after Constantine merged a plethora of religions together, the church remained asleep, warm and comfortable, in the feathered nest that Lucifer created for it.
After doing the research on the handing over of Hong Kong to China, I began pondering this ‘hardening in part’ bit. After all, in order for all of Israel to be saved, the hardening and blindness must be removed at some point. But at what point? Is it all at once or a piece at a time?
I then asked myself this question, “when did the restoration back to the Torah and Hebrew roots begin?”
I knew my mom had told me that she began to become aware of her Hebrew roots and began studying/keeping Torah in the mid 1990’s. Of course the “Hebrew Movement”, the return of the ‘Christians’ back to their roots in the Hebraic culture, began long before the 1990’s.
The following is taken from Wikipedia:
Since the early 20th century, different religious organizations have been teaching a belief in Yeshua as mankind's redeemer and savior from man's own sinful nature and a lifestyle in keeping with the Torah, the Sabbath and the annual Feasts (or moedim, Holy Days). These include Messianic Judaism (to a very limited degree) in 1916, the Sacred Name Movement (SNM) in 1937, and the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) in the 1930s, and, later, the Hebrew Roots Movement. Thus far, the WCG has had the greatest impact on all organizations which teach these beliefs, including obedience to much of the Old Testament law, both nationally and internationally[2] until about 1994-95.
So, you can see that the return to the ‘roots’ of Torah really began in the early 20th century. Notice the last few words of the above excerpt: until about 1994-95. What happened over the next few years, I believe, is the start of the removal of the blindness from the House of Ya’cob.
Here below, aresome excerpts from a prophecy given by Dean Cozzens of Open Church Ministries, Colorado Springs, on December 3, 1997.(The prophecy can be read in full in appendix A.)
“Each of these four engines represents one of the four major moves of God’s Spirit ordained for this century: 1) The Pentecostal Movement, 2) The Faith-Healing Movement, 3) The Charismatic Movement, and 4) The Hebrew Movement. All four are sovereignly ordained of God and coordinate and interrelate in His mind.Each successive move builds upon the last, but each has its own distinctives. None are perfect, but they all have something from God to contribute to His plan. The prophecy said that God was now beginning to attach the fourth and final "engine" --the Hebrew Movement.
This fourth movement is to be called "The Hebrew Movement." This movement will to some degree encompass and influence the entire body of Christ, adding depth, and leading us into greater unity at last, not just with one another, but with God and with His Word.
Where are we now? My personal opinion is that in church history at this point, we’ve managed to get taxied back out to the runway. I think that our plane has taxied about as far as it can on the taxiway of Greek thinking. If we go much further, we’ll run off the other side of the runway into the ditch.
I believe that right now, God is saying, "Turn and align your thinking more perfectly down My revealed runway of Hebrew thought, the thoughts I revealed through the Hebrew people, and let’s get ready to go to Glory!" We must meet God on His terms, not ours.
We’ll leave on the same runway Jesus landed on--Old Testament Hebrew revelations and prophecies, and Hebrew ways of thinking and living. That’s who God revealed Himself to be, and Who Jesus also showed Himself to be when He lived here on this planet in the flesh.
Many errors were incorporated into the early church in order to please and accommodate the Greek culture, and to escape anti-Hebrew persecutions from the Romans. these early corruptions are what we mean by the Hebrew-to-Greek shift. The correction of this past mistake is the turning of that great airliner in what is called the Greek-to-Hebrew shift, or the Hebrew Movement. It is what God now expects from us before He more fully empowers us, and thrusts us into His glory. It’s what we need to do to make Him more comfortable about openly identified Himself with us in His full approval of glory and power.”
So you can see, just 6 months after the “fall of the British Empire”, that something happened – a calling out of Ephraim from the nest of Christianity to fly upon the wind with the wings of her ancient roots.
Man always has to have a name for something. In this case it is called a movement. However, for those true ones that Yahuweh is calling forth in this hour to be more and more set-apart unto Him, it isn’t a movement, but a lifestyle – the lifestyle of purging any and everything Greek/Roman from our lives. If we do not make the shift from the nest into flying upon the wind of His Spirit, we will remain asleep, comfortable, and retain a ‘falsely’ padded security that is soon to come crashing down.
Ok, I’m one step closer to what I want to finally bring together in this study. The Word of Elohim is multi-faceted, with varying degrees of fulfillment. When I found this prophecy and began to connect the dots between the completeness of the nations coming in and the revitalizing of the move to return to Torah; I found the following article. I will share it in it’s entirely here, but when finished reading, I will share with you what spoke to my heart.
I believe the article I found was no accident, but a confirmation that the remnant of the House of Israel, began to be awakened back to it’s roots in Torah in the mid 1990’s. In fact, the year 1997. Please note the date of the article: June 10, 1997 (the beginning of Shavuot that year).
Torah's recovery in Chicago
is cause for celebration
June 10, 1997
Web posted at: 6:32 p.m. EDT (2232 GMT)
CHICAGO (CNN) -- Wrapped in lace, the scraps of leather parchment arrived in Chicago, a remnant from war-ravaged Minsk in the former Soviet Union.
They were pieces of a Torah, scrolls containing the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. The scriptures were nearly lost during World War II. But an immigrant carried the Torah to America in an arduous journey that in many ways is a metaphor for the trials of the Jewish people.
"The Torah was initially written in the former Soviet Union," Rabbi Zev Cohen of Adas Yeshurun Synagogue in Chicago said. "It was owned by a family and when the Nazis entered that town, they hid the Torah and they ran."
After the war, the Torah couldn't be found. It had been taken by a neighbor.
"He said he had to feed his family during the first 15 years after the war, so he cut the Torah up into children's slippers and sold them," Cohen said.
Years later, the original owner recovered the remaining pieces -- and brought them to Chicago.
When that story was told to the members of a local synagogue, they were so moved that they decided to reconstruct it.
Scribe Yochanan Nathan was hired for the job, which included repairing extensive water damage and shrinkage.
Nathan fixed what he could and rewrote the missing parts, which entails a lot more work than just copying letters. It takes three hours to write just one column, and he had to replace 222 columns.
After two years of arduous work, the new was joined with the old: the restored Torah was complete. "It really is a symbol of survival, that we can make it," Cohen said.
"I am not big enough to say what's a miracle or not, but it's really close."
Russian immigrant Simcha Lapushin played a big role in recovering the Torah. His friend brought the Torah pieces to Chicago.
The friend is now dead, but Lapushin is alive to celebrate the event. "I brought him here. It is such a beautiful sight," Lapushin said. "I tell all my friends, I should live long enough to tell the story over to everyone and anyone I meet."
© 1997 Cable News Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This is probably one of the most beautiful stories I’ve ever read. The timing of this article is highly significant to the ‘restoration of the Torah’ for the House of Israel. The parallels are absolutely incredible and astonishing.