Qualification / BTEC National Extended Diploma in Health & Social Care Level 3
Unit number and title / Unit 44: Vocational Experience
Hand out Date / w/c 9th September 2013
Hand in Date / 13th June 2014
Learner Name
Assessor name / Adelaide McLaughlin & New Lecturer (TBC)
Assignment title / Vocational Experience
Criteria Assessed / P1 explain the structure and function of a health or social care organisation
P2 report on own contributions to a specific team activity relating to health and social care
P3 make regular reflective entries in a personal journal related to own contributions to work in a health and social care setting
P4 present a portfolio of evidence from all placements that demonstrates the development of own practice in health and social care settings
P5 explain how continuing development of staff influences practice in settings.
M1 assess how their contributions to the team influenced the success of the activity
M2 assess how own development of knowledge, skills and understanding has made a difference to teams and individuals in health and social care settings
M3 assess how continuing development of staff can enhance the care of patients/ users of services.
D1 make recommendations as to how they could have adapted their own contributions to the team to enhance the success of the activity
D2 evaluate how own effectiveness as a carer has developed as a result of workplace experiences.
The purpose of this assignment is to:to explore a health and social care organisation, participate in teamwork and reflect on learning from the 100 hours of health and social care work experience incorporated in the unit.
Scenario:This is not a scenario but real life work experience placements. You will complete three placements, but they do not have to be equally spread out between the 100 hours. It is acceptable to have more than one placement within the same organisation as long as they are with different departments.

Task 1

P1 Explain the structure and function of a health or social care organisation
Complete an individual report describing one health or social care work placement organisation.

The report will include:

  1. Placement structure:
    What is the overall AIM of the organisation?
    What is the role of the organisation within the community?
    What policies and procedures does the organisation follow?
  2. Roles and responsibilities within organisation:
    Describe the staff hierarchy
    Describe the roles of each tier of the hierarchy
  3. Patients/users of services:
    Outline the user group/service users and their needs;
    Possible things to include: Things to include (if applicable to you):
  • Age group
  • Any specific health or social care issue(s)
  • Nature of vulnerabilities including their needs
  • How their needs are met – including professional support, family support, voluntary support
  • Their interests/hobbies and what effect these have
  • Any other information you think is relevant to describe the patients/user group.
  1. Services and resources provided by associated organisations: l
    What other organisations does it link to? Is there any inter-agency working? If yes, who with and why?

Task 2

P2 Report on your own contributions to a specific team activity relating to health and social care

M1 Assess how their contributions to the team influenced the success of the activity

D1 make recommendations as to how they could have adapted their own contributions to the team to enhance the success of the activity

You will complete a team fundraising activity for a local charity agreed upon by yourselves. You will plan and complete the activity in teams. You will keep a reflective fundraising diary before and after the activity.

P2, M1 and D1 will be all be assessed by yourfundraising reflective diary plus any minutes, photos or video evidence of your fundraising activities.

Your diary should follow a reflective model, eg Gibbs.

Your fundraising diary should include information about:

-Your planning in advance.

-Your consultation with others, those in your group and any other agencies you consult with.

-How the individual tasks are shared out and why.

-Monitoring of your progress towards the team goal. This will include things that don’t get done!

-Identification of any of Belbin’s team roles you think you AND others adopt with examples.

-A final team review of the activity at the end.

For M1 you should ensure your diary includes an assessment of how your contributions influenced the success of the fundraising

For D1 you should ensure your diary includes recommendations as to how you could have adapted your own contributions to the team to enhance the success of the activity.

Task 3

P3 Make regular reflective entries in a personal journal related to own contributions to work in a health and social care setting

P4 Present a portfolio of evidence from all placements that demonstrates the development of own practice in health and social care settings

M2 Assess how own development of knowledge, skills and understanding has made a difference to teams and individuals in health and social care settings

D2 Evaluate how own effectiveness as a carer has developed as a result of workplace experiences.

Task 3 is assessed via:

a)Your work placement timesheets

b)Your work placement diary

c)Your mentor’s work placement diary (you will need to ensure they complete this for you)

You should ensure you use a reflective model eg Gibbs, Atkins & Murphy, Kolb etc

Write reflective entries in your personal journal regularly, at least every 2-4 days you spend in placements. (P3 & P4)

Your entries should consider what you have learned from, for example, your work with users of services, interactions with staff or from observing or participating in specific activities and incidents in your placements. (P3 & P4)

You could also reflect on how knowledge and understanding from your classroom studies links to your learning from placements. (P3 & P4)

You should assess how your contributions have benefited two users of services. (M2)

Evaluate how your own effectiveness as a carer has developed as a result of your workplace experiences. (D2)

Please see the guidance notes at the beginning of your work placement journal for more detailed information.

Task 4

P5 explain how continuing development of staff influences practice in settings.

M3 assess how continuing development of staff can enhance the care of patients/ users of services.

P5 – covered by activity (see witness statement below).

M3 – individual essay assessing how the continuing development of staff can enhance the care of patients or users of the service.

Witness statement for P5
Learner name
Qualification / BTEC National Extended Diploma Health & Social Care
Unit number and title / Unit 44 Vocational Experience
Assignment / P5 Staff Development
Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
The student named above took part in group work activities (see completed sheets attached). They took part in small group work to summarise their class discussion onto a poster which they then presented to their peers. During group work and their presentation they took part in direct Q&A with lecturer and also from their peers.
Group work and presentation included work on the need for continuing professional development including discussions on the best and worst training they have received and the reasons for this.
Assessment and grading criteria
This covers the grading criteria of P5 for Unit 44.
Assessment is through the group work activities (see sheets attached), poster work, their presentations and also direct Q&A from the lecturer. .
How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria,
including how and where the activity took place
The activity took place in classroom ______on ______2013, and took three hours.
Witness name / Job role / Course Tutor Health & Social Care
Witness signature / Date
Assessor name
Assessor signature / Date