2010 / Jan 2011 / June 2011 / Jan 2012 / June 2012 / Jan 2013 / June 2013 / 2014
4 / Describe how Hitler achieved the remilitarisation of Rhineland / Describe how signing of Nazi Soviet Pact led to outbreak of war / Describe main features of Anglo German naval agreement 1935 and Germany’s agreement with Poland 1934 / Describe Hitler’s main aims on foreign policy / Describe how Hitler was able to take control of Austria in 1938 / Describe what happened in Saar in 35 and importance for Hitler / Describe how Hitler remilitarised the Rhineland in 1936 / Describe what Hitler did in Foreign Policy before Germany remilitarised Rhineland
6 / What were Hitler’s aims in Foreign Policy / Main results of signing of Munich agreement / Why did Britain not oppose Germany’s remilitarisation of Rhineland / Main aim of signing of Nazi Soviet pact / Was Munich agreement a victory for peace / Why was there no opposition to reoccupation of Rhineland / Reasons why Chamberlain pursued a
policy of appeasement / Main reasons for success of Anschluss
10 / What was the most reason for outbreak of Second World War
Occupation of Czechoslovakia 1939
Nazi Soviet Pact 1939 / Greater success for
Hitler’s Foreign Policy
Remilitarisation of Rhineland 1936
Anschluss with Austria 1938 / Most important cause of Second World War
Hitler’s aims in Foreign policy
Chamberlains policy of appeasement / Which was the greater danger to world peace
Anschluss March 38
Sudeten Crisis Sept 38 / Which was more important cause of Second World War
Remilitarisation of Rhineland
Nazi Soviet Pact / Which was greater threat to world peace
Sudeten Crisis
Nazi Soviet pact 39 / Which of Hitler’s polices more likely to lead to war
Towards Austria
Towards USSR / Most important reason for outbreak of Second World War
Hitler’s occupation of Czechoslovakia 1939
4 / Describe how Hitler took control of Austria in 1938
6 / Why did chamberlain and Daladier sign the Munich agreement
10 / Which was the bigger threat to world peace in the 1930s
- The remilitarisation of the Rhineland
- The Nazi Soviet pact of 1939
Paper 1 Topic 4 The Origins of the Cold War 1945 -1960
2010 / Jan 2011 / June 2011 / Jan 2012 / June 2012 / Jan 13 / June 2013 / June 2014
4 / Describe membership & aims of Nato and Warsaw Pact / Describe part played by General Macarthur in Korean War / Describe what was decided at Yalta about future of Germany / Describe how Marshall plan aimed to help countries remain free from communism / Describe Berlin airlift / Describe part played by USA in Korean War / Describe Khrushchev’s policy of peaceful coexistence / Describe effects of dropping of Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima
6 / Was the expansion of communismthe main reason for start of cold war ? / Causes and consequences of Berlin blockade / Why did US take part in Korean War? / Why did Stalin call off Berlin blockade in 1949 / Main aims behind Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid / Main aims of Marshall Plan / Main reasons for Soviet expansion of Eastern Europe 45-47 / Main reasons for expansion of Soviet Union in Eastern Europe
10 / Greater effect on development of Cold War
Berlin Blockade and Airlift 48-49
Korean War 50-53 / Most important cause of Cold War
Potsdam Conference
Truman Doctrine / Which was more important in causing of Cold war
Soviet Expansion in Eastern Europe 45-48
Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan 47 / Which was the greater threat to world peace between 49 and 55
Korean War 53-55
Formation of Nato and Warsaw pact / Greater threat to world peace
Development of nuclear weapons
Korean war / Which event caused more in tension
Potsdam conference
Berlin blockade 48-49 / Most important reason for development of Cold War
Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
Berlin blockade and airlift 48-49 / Most important cause of development of Cold war after 1945
Berlin blockade and airlift
Formation of Nato and Warsaw Pact
4 / Describe how Europe became divided by the Iron curtain in the years 1945-1946
6 / Why did the Americans introduce the Marshall Plan
10 / Which was the more important cause fo the development of the Cold War
Berlin Blockade 48-49
Korean War 50 -53
Paper 1 Topic 5 Crises of the Cold War and Détente 1960-1980
2010 / Jan 2011 / June 2011 / Jan 2012 / June 2012 / Jan 2013 / June 2013 / 2014
4 / Describe how Kennedy prevented Soviet missiles being placed on Cuba / Describe events in Hungary when Nagy was Prime Minister / Describe how Brezhnev and USSR responded to Prague Spring / Describe U2 crisis which followed shooting down of spy plane / Describe how USSR responded to Nagy’s reforms in Hungary / Describe what happened at bay of Pigs in Cuba in 1961 / Describe main features of arms race and space race
57-69 / Describe what happened during U2 crisis after Gary Powers plane shot down
6 / Reasons for building of Berlin Wall / What were the main effects of the U2 Crisis? / Importance of launching of Sputnik by USSR / Why did Kadar and USSR oppose reforms of Nagy / What were main reasons for invasion of Prague by USSR in 1968 / What were the main reasons for the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956 / How did Kennedy and Khrushchev work together to prevent nuclear war during and immediately after Cuban Missile Crisis / Was building of Berlin Wall a threat to peace?
10 / Greater challenge to Khrushchev’s policy of peaceful coexistence?
Hungarian Uprising
U2 crisis / Which event had the greater effect on world peace in the 1960s
- Building of Berlin wall
- Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia
U2 crisis 1960
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 / Which event was greater threat to world peace in 60s
Building of Berlin Wall
Cuban missile Crisis / Which side gained more from the Cuban Crisis
Kennedy and USA
Khrushchev and USSR / Which was the greater success for Khrushchev and USSR
U2 crisis
Building of
Berlin wall / Greater threat to world peace
Building of Berlin wall 1961
Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia 68 / Which leader did more to prevent Cuban Missile Crisis developing into nuclear war
Kennedy or Khrushchev
2015 Specimen
4 / Describe how USA and USSR almost went to war over Cuba in 1962
6 / Why was Berlin wall built
10 / Which event was a greater threat to Détente
- Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia
- Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan