DECEMBER 8, 2014
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Mike Blackburn.
Roll call was taken. Those present were;Brian Jaschen, Fred Moreau and Kate Phelps
Absent: Dwain Pelzer and Doug Shere
Also present: City Clerk, Shari Mueller
Phelps motioned to approve the consent agenda a) Approval of the Agenda, deleting #4-Oath of Officeb) Approval of thepublic hearing and regular meeting minutes of November 10, 2014
c) Approval of the expenditures. Moreau seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Council member Brian Jaschen gave an update on the Source Water Protection Program. The last meeting was held on November 25th. One (1) landowner that was contacted to participate in the monitor testing of the wells was present to discuss a few concerns.
Howard Peterson with PeopleService has flagged all the areas for the monitoring wells that will be drilled and tested. Five (5) test locations were flagged.
On December 15th the monitors were installed. On December 17th they will run a 24 hour pump test to see what the capture zone area is for the west well and will determine how far well #10 reaches to obtain water. December 18th they will pull the test well monitors and plug the holes.
The results of the testing will be available and an update will be presented at the next City Council meeting.
PeopleServiceReport – Steve Robinette, Regional Manager and Howard Peterson were both present. Howard presented the report for November.
PeopleService has already had three (3) calls on freeze ups this winter. It was discussed to have a reminder put on the water bills to check heat tapes and insulation on pipes and the meters.
There have been several items that have come up missing around the old water plant. This area is being closely monitored as there have been a couple of vehicles that have been seen frequently in that area.
The East Ridge lift station pumps are scheduled for cleaning and inspecting this month.
Street Report – The Street Department took down the pink out banners and put up the Christmas decorations along with installing outdoor music downtown for the holiday season.
Maintenance, repairs and cleanup was done on the city pickup truck, boom truck, mowing equipment and the city shop, along with winterizing the street sweeper. Alleys have been graded as needed.
The compost brush pile is maintained weekly.
Phelps motioned to accept the Mayor’s recommendation to re-appoint Deb Breeding as a Park Board member for a one (1) year term from January 1, 2015-December 31, 2015, Moreau seconded. Jaschen nay. Motion carried.
Moreau motioned to accept the Mayor’s recommendation to re-appoint Brad Klindt as a Park Board member for a two (2) year term from January 1, 2015-December 31, 2016.
Jaschen seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Jaschen motioned to accept the Mayor’s recommendation to re-appoint Marsha Williams as a Park Board member for a two (2) year term from January 1, 2015-December 31, 2016. Phelps seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Moreau motioned to accept the Mayor’s recommendation to re-appoint Don Jones as a Liberty Board member for a three (3) year term from January 1, 2015-December 31, 2017. Phelps seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Jaschen motioned to accept the Mayor’s recommendation to re-appoint Ralph O’Tool as a Liberty Board member for a three (3) year term from January 1, 2015-December 31, 2017.
Moreau seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Phelps motioned to accept the Mayor’s recommendation to re-appoint Greg Pierce on the Malvern Low Income Housing Board for a five (5) year term from January 1, 2015-
December 31, 2019. Moreau seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Jaschen motioned to approve moving the March 2015 City Council meeting from Monday, March 9th to Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 7pm. Phelps seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Jaschen motioned to approve the health insurance premium plan change. Phelps seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
MAYOR REPORT:Nothing to report.
Council member Kate Phelps and Project Manager for the CDBG Downtown Main Street Façade Project updated the Council on the project. Construction is well under way. The tentative plan is to paint the exterior of two (2) businesses, C & M’s Café and My Girls Inc. this week. They are in the process of picking out awnings for four (4) businesses. There were more issues with
the roof on 403 Main Street than anticipated. The roofs are being replaced on both 401 & 403 Main Street buildings.
The steel fabrication on 401 Main Street is temporary and not a permanent fixtures.
The City Clerk discussed the progress in regards to the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Project. There are two (2) properties that are ready to start construction. A third property isready to start construction but will start after the first two (2) properties are done. There are four (4) more properties that are pending the inspection that will be done by Dave Riedemann with Southwest Iowa Planning Council. Once the inspection process is complete a Housing Committee meeting will be scheduled to approve the contractor and the work that will need to be done on each property.
The City Clerk discussed the Schildberg Foundation Grant with the City Council and options as to what project to move forward with. The City Clerk will consult with the Park Board and work together to decide what project to write the grant for in January 2015.
NUISANCE DISTRICT UPDATES: November 11, 2014 – December 8, 2014
District #1 – Kate Phelps –Nothing to report.
District #2 – Dwain Pelzer– Absent
District #3 – Doug Shere–Absent
District #4 – Brian Jaschen–Nothing to report.
District #5 – Fred Moreau–Nothing to report.
The Mayor requested a letter be sent in regards to the property located at W 5th Street & 3rd Avenue. A courtesy letter was sent and no action has been taken.
Jaschenmotioned to adjourn. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at8:27pm.
Mayor, Michael K. Blackburn City Clerk, Shari L. Mueller