The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Norris City-Omaha-Enfield

Community Unit School District #3 of White, Hamilton and Gallatin Counties, Illinois, was called to order by Joe Lane at 7:00 p.m. in the Superintendent’s Office on Wednesday, February 17, 2016. All members had been previously notified and those answering roll call were: Matt McArthy, Karen Weiss, Scott Riggs, Joe Lane, and Paul Black. Also attending were David Flechs, Matt Vollman, Todd Haley and Carla Carter. Lincoln Hobbs and Bart Henson were absent.

Joe Lane made the motion to accept the minutes as presented. Karen Weiss seconded. A unanimous vote followed.

The bills were approved on a motion by Joe Lane and second by Scott Riggs. Roll Call Vote: Matt McArthy, Aye; Karen Weiss, Aye; Scott Riggs, Aye; Joe Lane, Aye; and Paul Black, Aye. Motion Carried.

The Booth Trust report was approved on a motion by Scott Riggs and second by Karen Weiss. The balance is $136,355.90. Roll Call Vote: Matt McArthy, Aye; Karen Weiss, Aye; Scott Riggs, Aye; Joe Lane, Aye; and Paul Black, Aye. Motion Carried.

The annual report from Conger & Elliott Law was reviews and approved on a motion by Scott Riggs. Karen Weiss seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Matt McArthy, Aye; Karen Weiss, Aye; Scott Riggs, Aye; Joe Lane, Aye; and Paul Black, Aye. Motion Carried.

The Principals told the Board that PARCC testing will be done beginning March 7. The 6-8th grades attended the High School play on February 5. Grade School volleyball is about halfway through the season and High School basketball is into Regional play. The High School will be holding a career fair on February 26 to give students an opportunity to discuss job opportunities with local people. Booth Student Council will be hosting a Book Fair beginning February 29.

For a curriculum update, the principals felt the math curriculum for all grades was going in the same direction and now looking to improve overall preparedness for high school and college. Now the focus will change to Language Arts. With so many new and reassigned Language Arts teachers, it is time to direct the programs into a focus on strengthening the program.

Principal Todd Haley updated the Board on the credit recovery, Odessyware, program. The district purchases 7 spots but currently has 5 online at a time. There are 20 enrolled in the program but only 3 are full time. The program is designed to allow students to catch up on lost credits, for homebound students and to allows students to take advanced classes or courses in a field not available at the high school, such as criminal justice classes.

Superintendent Matt Vollman told the Board that he received a 90-day extension on the Maintenance Grant. This will complete the final phase of the Maintenance Grant from last year. The HVAC systems will be installed at the High School and should be completed in the spring. One-percent tax money will be used to match the state grant.

Scott Riggs made the motion to accept the resignation of Bruce Weiss as Grade School JV basketball coach. Matt McArthy seconded. A unanimous vote followed.

The Board approved the resignation of Gretchen Stock as EC/PK aide at Booth on a motion from Scott Riggs and second by Karen Weiss. A unanimous vote followed.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. on a motion by Scott Riggs and second by Joe Lane. A unanimous vote followed.


President Secretary - February 17, 2016