PortmarnockCommunitySchool is a recognised co-educational school established under The Deed of Trust for Community Schools. Under the terms of the Deed of Trust – Articles of Management par. 2 - the school serves the community of Portmarnock and surrounding area. The school is under the trusteeship of the Loreto Sisters, the Archbishop of Dublin and Dublin and Dún Laoghaire ETB.It is multi-denominational, co-educational, offers a comprehensive curriculum, has a non-selective intake and promotes enlightened management reflected in high standards of academic achievement. PortmarnockCommunitySchool has a reputation for the provision of quality teaching and learning, earned through the excellence and commitment of its teaching staff. The support of the Parents and the local community are also vital ingredients in the school’s continued success.

The school is managed by a Board of Management, is funded by the Department of Education and Skills and operates within the regulations and guidelines set down from time to time by that Department. The school has a very active Parents’ Association and a strong Students’ Council.

Portmarnock Community School aims, with the resources available, to provide the best possible environment in order to cater for the cultural, educational, moral, physical, religious, social, linguistic and spiritual values and traditions of all students. We show special concern for the disadvantaged and we make every effort to ensure that the uniqueness and dignity of each person is respected, and responded to, especially through the pastoral care system in the school. We realize too, that we must cater for the changing needs of to-day’s world and towards that end, we frequently review our various programmes. Being keenly aware of the ever-increasing effect of outside influences on the lives of our students, we are even more concerned to maintain Christian values and practices.

Working together as a school community, the Board of Management, Parents, staff and students, aim to provide an environment which will allow each student to develop intellectually, physically, morally, socially and spiritually so as to enable them fulfill their role in society.

Within the context of the Department of Education and Skills regulations and programmes, the rights of the Trustees/Board of Management as set out in the Education Act 1998 (Section 15 (1), (2)),and the funding and resources available the school supports the following principles :-

Inclusiveness, particularly with reference to the enrolment of students with a disability or other special educational needs.

Equality with respect to maximum access and participation in the school.

Parental choice in relation to choice of school, having regard for the characteristic spirit of the school.

Respect for the diversity of beliefs, languages, traditions and ways of life in society.

Any queries arising from the Admissions Policy may be addressed to the Principal, Ms Eithne Deeney or theChairperson of the Board of Management.

Courses and Subjects Offered

Portmarnock Community School follows the Curricular programmes set down by the Department of Education and Skills, which may be amended from time to time in accordance with the Education Act 1998 (Sections 9 and 30).

Junior Cycle :- (3years)Senior Cycle :- (2years)







Business Studies,Chemistry,



Spanish, Accounting,

Home Economics,Economics.

Art, Spanish,

Technical Graphics,French,

Materials Technology (Wood),German,

Technology,Home Economics,

Music,Technical Drawing,

Civic Social and Political Education,Engineering,

Religion, Construction Studies,

S.P.H.E,Applied Mathematics

Relationships and Sexuality Education, Art,

Computer Studies, Music,

Physical Education, Religion,

Short Courses Physical Education

The Principal allocates students to classes. Subject to sufficient demand and resources, the Board of Management reserves the right to determine on an annual basis the range and level of subjects.

Transition Year

The Transition Year is a one-year programme, which comes immediately after completion of the Junior Certificate.

The aim of the programme is :-

To provide a good academic basis for beginning the Senior Cycle Course.

To develop aspects of the curriculum which tend not to be catered for in other Courses.

To develop teamwork through task oriented projects.

To develop links between school and the wider community.

To encourage students to become more responsible for their own development.

To introduce students to a wide range of cultural activities and sporting activities.

To prepare students to become responsible members of society.

A contribution fee (determined annually by the Board of Management) is required to facilitate the wide range of activities in which students are involved during this year.

For further details see Appendix 3

Extra-Curricular Activities

PortmarnockCommunitySchool provides for a wide range of artistic, cultural, social and sporting activities to develop the talents of all students and to provide them with the confidence to be involved in various activities in later life.

The school also places great emphasis on the development of team games for all its students.

The following activities are currently catered for:-


Gaelic Football (boys & girls)



Soccer (boys & girls)









Chamber orchestra

Provision of these activities is subject to resources and annual review.

Homework and Study

The school provides facilities for a Study period between 4.15 p.m. and 6.15 p.m. for 3rd and 6th year students. Our Teachers supervise these periods and there is a fee per term.

The school believes that study is a discipline, which must be developed. It involves both written and oral work. It is essential that the students develop the habit of study. The actual time to be spent on homework and study should be about an hour and half for first year and increasing for each year up to three hours for senior students.

There is now an alarming growth in students having part-time jobs. The school wishes to advise Parents/Guardians that this militates against participation in the overall function of the school and reduces the effectiveness of the student’s classroom involvement. We seek the Parent’s/Guardian’s co-operation in trying to solve this serious problem as we feel that in the long run it is detrimental to the student’s progress.

Students’ Council

The school has a Students’ Council for the past number of years. The Council consists of students elected from each class in the school. The Co-Ordinator of the Student Council is a member of the staff.

Parents’ Association

The school has an active and vibrant Parents’ Association. The Parents’ Association aims to promote the educational development of our students and to assist with the various school activities.

The Association meets on the first Tuesday of every month during the school year, their AGM is held each year in October. Membership of the Association is Voluntary.

The school recognizes the complementary roles of Parents and teachers in educating the young and in partnership we pursue the common aim of educating our students according to Christian principles.

School Functions and Meetings

Parent-Teacher meetings are held once a year for each year group. These meetings are highlighted on the school calendar which is available on the school website Parents/Guardians are strongly urged to attend.

There are various functions and meetings during the year and Parents/Guardians will be notified well in advance of such meetings. These meetings are usually held in the evening. The following is a sample of what can take place during the year:

Presentation Night at end of school year.

Graduation Night (6th Years).

Mock Interviews for the sixth year students.

Career Talks.

Subject choices for third year students.

Meeting for Parents of incoming first years.

Various talks on Alcohol and Drug awareness.

Admissions Policy

Eligibility and Admission Criteria

PortmarnockCommunitySchool’s Admissions Policy welcomes all students for whom the school can provide an appropriate education. The school aims to provide an integrated and inclusive education.

Each year the Board of Management shall decide in advance the number of First Year students for whom the school can provide an appropriate education, having regard to the facilities, personnel, plant and resources.

On application, the Parents/Guardians will be informed of the number of students theschool proposes to enrol in a given year.

Students who are eligible for Admission

Having reached the required age: 12 years on the 1st January in the calendar year following the child’s entry into First Year.

Having completed Sixth class in Primary School.

Be willing to accept the school ethos.

Be willing, with Parents/Guardians to accept school Code of Behaviour/Discipline. Confirmation in writing, is required, that Parents/Guardians and student accept the Code of Discipline.

Be willing to take an Assessment Test if offered a place.

N.B. : In the event of school having more applications than places

available, the following criteria in order of priority apply :-

Children from St. Marnock’s NS, St. Helen’s NS through the Howth Deanery and St. Andrew’s NS and Scoil an Duinninigh who are ordinarily resident in Portmarnock and who have brothers/sisters in Portmarnock Community School.

Children from St. Marnock’s NS, St. Helen’s NS, through the Howth DeanerySt. Andrew’s NS and Scoil an Duinninigh who are ordinarily resident in Portmarnock

The children of school staff who have brothers /sisters in PCS.

The children of school staff.

Children from other primary schools in the Howth Deanery who are ordinarily resident in Portmarnock and have brothers/sisters in PCS

Children from other primary schools in the Howth Deanery who are ordinarily resident in Portmarnock .

Children who are ordinarily resident in Portmarnock and have brothers/ sisters in PCS.

Children who are ordinarily resident in Portmarnock.

Children from St. Marnock’s NS, St. Helen’s NS, St. Andrew’s NS, Scoil an Duinninigh and other primary schools in the Howth Deanery who are ordinarily resident outside Portmarnock and have brothers/sisters in PCS.

Children from St. Marnock's NS, St. Helen's NS, St. Andrew's NS, Scoil an Duinninigh and other schools in the Howth Deanery who are ordinarily resident outside Portmarnock .

Children who are brothers/sisters, daughters/sons of past pupils.

Children who have brothers/sisters currently attending Portmarnock Community School

Any other applicants.

Portmarnock is defined as the area specified on the attached map. It is the area bounded by the line marking the development area as drawn by Fingal County Council. This boundary includes the following roads. Blackwood Lane, Drumnigh Wood down to the Moyne Road and the Station Road. The boundary is marked by a continuous red line on the attached OS map.

Please note:

  1. If there are insufficient places available under any criteria the principle of first come first placed will apply.
  2. "The school reserves the right to refuse enrolment to any student in exceptional cases. Such an exceptional case could arise where either:

(a)The student has special needs such that, even with additional resources available from the Department of Education and Skills, the school cannot meet such needs and/or provide the student with an appropriate education or

(b)In the opinion of the Board of Management, the student poses an unacceptable risk to other students, to school staff or to school property"

Note:- The Parents/Guardians of a child who accept a place in the school and

subsequently do not take up that place are liable to have any future

applications referred to the school’s Board of Management for consideration.

Applications Forms to be returned as soon as possible but not later than November 30 of the year preceding entry - which is the enrolment date.

Applicants will be notified within twenty one working days after the closing date for receipt of applications whether a student is admitted or not.

Application Forms can be obtained by writing to or e-mailing the school office. (admissions@portmarnock

Enrolment Procedure

Parents/Guardians have to return the Application Form for admission to First Year on or before the 30 November of the year preceding entry. The school will confirm in writing whether the student is admitted or not. In the case of students with special needs, the Board, having received the relevant information, will make a decision and inform the Parents in writing of this decision.

There will be two Assessment Tests in the Spring Term of the year of entry as dictated by the Howth Deanery Committee, which all incoming First Year students must sit. Generally, this test is used to assess achievement levels in order to best facilitate students according to their needs.

There is an Information Evening for all incoming students and their Parents/Guardians before the assessements. This is a vital part of our enrolment process. Parents/Guardians are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting.

Parents/Guardians are requested to pay a ‘voluntary contribution’ determined annually by the Board of Management. (Enrolment is not determined by payment)

Parents will receive the following with an Application Form :-

Admissions Policy

Code of Behaviour


The Board of Management reserves the right to refuse an application for admission in exceptional circumstances. Education Welfare Act, 2000, Section 24; (5), Page 22

Education Act 1998, Section 29, Page 27; Circular Letter M48/01.

The Board of Management of a recognised school shall not refuse to admit as a student in such school a child, in respect of whom an application to be so admitted has been made, except where such refusal is in accordance with the policy of the recognised school concerned published under section 15 (2) (d) of the Education Act 1998. Education (Welfare) Act 2000. (Section 19 (1).)

Should a student’s application for admission to the school be refused the Parents/Guardians have the right to appeal to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Skills, (Education Act 1998, Section 29 (d).) The Parents/Guardians are informed in writing of the Board's decision and the reasons why the student was not accepted should be clearly stated. The right to appeal should be restated and the application form provided. (Circular M48/01). The appeal must be made within 42 calendar days from the date the decision of the Board of Management was notified to the Parents/Guardians concerned. (Circular, M48/01).

An appeal may be made to The Secretary General of the Department of Education and Skills, The Appeals Administration Unit, Department of Education and Skills, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1.

An appeal should be made in writing on Application Form supplied. The Appeals Application Form should be completed in full and should state :

  1. The decision being appealed.
  2. The grounds on which the decision is being appealed.
  3. The date that the Parents/Guardians were informed of the decision.
  4. All other relevant information. Etc. ( Circular M48/01).

The school must be informed in writing of the decision to appeal.

Having regard to the desirability of resolving grievances within the school where possible, the parties to an appeal under Section 29, i.e. the appellant and the school's Board of Management, will be asked to consider the matter in the first instance at local level to see if an accommodation can be reached As a general rule, appeals will only be considered by an appeals committee under section 29 where the parties are unable to resolve the issue at local level. (Circular M48/01).


The school will use the resources, both financial and personnel resources, provided by the Department of Education and Skills to make reasonable provision and accommodation for students with disabilities orspecial educational needs. These students are free to participate in the life of the school in so far as is reasonable and practicable.

The Board of Management needs to be aware of any special needs as early as possible, so that these needs can be assessed and addressed if possible.

In making provision for special needs students the following information is required.

Has the student had access to any of the following resources ? :

  1. Special needs assistant or classroom assistant.
  2. Special class.
  3. Help, for specific needs, from any resource teacher.
  4. Assistance with behavourial modification.
  5. Psychological assessment report to be provided.
  6. Any additional resources to help with their special needs.
  7. Help in areas including, visual impairment, hearing impairment, general learning disability or emotional disturbance.
  8. Any resource in relation to travel or mobility ETC.

If an expert report is provided, it should include a workable strategy for addressing the needsof the student, allowing for the resources available.

The Board of Management, having gathered all relevant information and professional documentation, assesses how the needs of the special needs students can be met.

N.B. : It may take some time for the Department of Education and Skills to process such applications. Parents are strongly advised to inform the school as early as possible and discuss their particular situation well in advance of making application.

As soon as is practicable, but not later than 21 working days, after a Parent has provided, the relevant information, the Board of Management shall make a decision in respect of the application concerned and inform the Parents in writing thereof. Education Welfare Act (Section 19, (3)).

Subject to the availability of places and resources late applications may be accepted up to 31 May of the year of entry.

Transfer of a student from another post primary school

The school will make every reasonable effort to facilitate a student seeking a transfer to our school. The Board of Management will decide on applications for admission to any other year other than First Year by applying the following criteria:

The Board will decide, subject to a place being available in a year after first year, whether or not a transfer :

Is in agreement with school Admissions Policy.

Is in the best interest of the student.

Is in the best interest of the school.