This contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).


I.1) Official name and address of the contracting authority

Ministerstvo obrany ČR / Address
Nám. Svobody 471
Postal code
160 01 / Town
Prague 6
Czech Republic / Internet address (URL)

I.2) E-mail Address and fax number to which Expressions of Interest are to be sent

E-mail address
/ Fax

Preliminary Information Memorandum (“PIM”) and Pre-qualification Questionnaire (“PQQ”) will be sent to the bidder in a hard copy and by e-mail without undue delay after the Ministry of Defence (“MoD”) receives the Expression of Interest from such bidder. In your Expression of Interest please provide contact details (name, address, fax number and e-mail address) of the person to whom the Preliminary Information Memorandum and Pre-qualification Questionnaire shall be sent. Please confirm the delivery of PIM and PQQ by fax and e-mail to the e-mail address and fax number set out above as soon as you receive PIM and PQQ.

I.3) Type of contracting authority

Central level - Czech Republic - Ministry of Defence


II.1) Description

II.1.1) Type of supplies contract

Supply of wheeled fighting vehicles and wheeled armoured personnel carriers and logistic and training support

II.1.2) Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority

Contract for supply of wheeled fighting vehicles and wheeled armoured personnel carriers and logistic and training support

II.1.3) Description/subject matter of the contract

The MoD has a requirement for supply of wheeled fighting vehicles and wheeled armoured personnel carriers and logistic and training support. The logistic and training support shall include in particular maintenance toolkit sets, operational and training documentations, ammunition, classroom training base, training of trainers, workshop specialists and other supporting personnel.

The MOD further requires the contractor to agree to provide defined services for operational support of the delivered vehicles during their lifecycle which the Czech army will not be able to provide through its own forces and means. This will be ensured through a framework arrangement which will form a part of the contract between MoD and the contractor. This framework arrangement will set out fundamental terms and conditions of the future agreements, which will be entered into by MoD and the contractor, and will secure future provision of such services.

For further details please refer to the Preliminary Information Memorandum which will be sent to interested parties together with the Prequalification Questionnaire upon delivery of the Expressions of Interest to the e-mail address and fax number stated in I.2.

II.1.4) Place of delivery

Czech Republic

II.1.5) Variants

Variants based on various technical solutions compliant with the technical requirements will be acceptable. A summary of main technical requirements set out for basic fighting version and derived modifications forms a part of PIM.

II.2) Quantity or scope of the contract

II.2.1) Total quantity or scope

See section II.1.3 and PIM.

II.3) time limit for completion

2007 – 2012. For further information please see PIM.


III.1) Conditions relating to the contract

III.1.1) Deposits and guarantees required

No deposits will be required. The MoD's requirements will be set out in the tender documentation and may include, among others,performance bonds and/or parent company guarantees.

III.1.2) Main terms of financing and payment

Payment after delivery. Details to be set out in the tender documentation.

III.1.3) Legal form of a company to which the contract will be awarded

The contract awarded will probably be entered into with a single legal entity seated in the Czech Republic, which will take form of a special purpose company (SPC) and which will meet requirements set forth by the Act no. 38/1994 Coll., on foreign trade with military materiel, as amended. Under Section 6 para. 1 of the Act foreign trade with military materiel may be undertaken only by a legal entity seated in the Czech Republic on the basis of a general authorization granted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

III.2) Conditions for participation

III.2.1) Information concerning the situation of the bidder and information and formalities necessary for the evaluation of the technical, legal and economic qualification criteria

The procurement process will be divided into two major phases: 1) pre-qualification phase and 2) phase of selection of the winning bid. The main aim of the first, pre-qualification phase is to ensure that only bidders who fulfill the respective technical, legal and economic qualification criteria move ahead to the second phase and that bidders who do not meet those criteria are excluded from the competition. The main aim of the second phase is to assess and evaluate bids submitted by bidders selected within the first phase, to decide on the winning bidder and to execute the contract with the winning bidder.

During the first phase, candidates will be assessed on the basis of information provided in response to the PQQ which will be sent to interested parties together with the PIM as soon as they deliver the Expressions of Interest to the e-mail address and fax number stated in section I.2. Completed PQQs must be delivered to the MoD in the manner and within the deadline specified in PIM.

III.2.1.1) Meeting technical, legal and economic qualification criteria – means of proof required

See PQQ.


IV.1) Type of procedure

The procurement is exempted from the scope of the Act no. 40/2004 Coll., on Public Procurement, as amended. The procurement will be conducted in accordance with the principles of the negotiated procedure and the relevant provisions of the Public Procurement Act will be applied where possible and reasonable. The procurement will be held in accordance with principles of transparency, non-discrimination, equal treatment and efficiency.

IV.2) Award criteria

Bids will be evaluated on the basis of criteria as stated in the tender documentation.

IV.3) Administrative information

IV.3.1) Time limit fordelivery of the Expressions of Interest

27 May 2005, 12:00 CET

IV.3.2) Language or languages in which the Expressions of Interest must be drawn up

Czech and English. In the event of discrepancies, the Czech version shall prevail.


VI.1) Additional information

The MoD expressly reserves the right:

(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice;

(ii) to cancel the tender;

(iii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the tendering competition.

Under no circumstances will the MoD be liable for any costs incurred by candidates in relation to this procurement.