
In this third program Master D.K continues to discuss the nature of the Mysteries and the amazing types of revelation which will emerge through them—including the great Mystery of Electricity. Despite the terrible suffering through which humanity has recently passed and through which it is now passing, release into a far better world characterized by Christ-Consciousness is imminent. D.K. works at decentralizing human consciousness by explaining that the Spiritual Hierarchy too is passing through a great crisis which necessitates its externalization. Hierarchy’s progress involves a dual movement—embracing the planes of the spiritual triad and towards Shamballa as well as towards the lower three worlds. Humanity must learn its place and relationships to the other kingdoms of nature—which thus far, it does not realize. All kingdoms of nature are advancing in their own way and have their own objectives. The Hierarchy will appear on Earth again, after millions of years, as an act of sacrificial service, but it will also advance Hierarchy’s great step forward towards its next initiatory goal. Hierarchy’s externalization is a group recapitulation of incarnated process.




Transcription of Rays and Initiations, II, Program 3, pages 331-335.

The Great Invocation

Transcription of Rays and Initiations, II, Program 3, pages 331-335.

Hi everybody, we are continuing with our work in the Rays and the Initiations and we're working on Program #3.We are speaking here of the Mysteries and we've been discussing Masonry as a great current representation, though in somewhat crystallized form, of the Mysteries which will be restored.But D.K. does not want us to think that Masonry is the only method of restoring the Mysteriesand he says here:

“The Mysteries will be restored in other ways also, for they contain much besides that which the Masonic rites can reveal or that religious rituals and ceremonies can disclose; they contain within their teaching and formulas the key to the science which will unlock the mystery of electricity—that mystery of which H.P.B. spoke; though much progress has already been made by science along this line, it is as yet only embryonic in nature, and only when the Hierarchy is present visibly on earth, and the Mysteries of which the Masters are the Custodians are given openly to man, will the true secret and nature of electrical phenomena be revealed.” RI, Page 331

The Mysteries will be restored in other ways also, for they contain much besides that which the Masonic rites can reveal or that religious rituals and ceremonies can disclose; they contain within their teaching and formulas the key to the science which will unlock the mystery of electricity … and if anybody has studiedCosmic Fire, we realize how profound are D.K.'s references to someof the aspects of the mystery of electricity.Obviously it is presently beyond our ten in the way he is describing it. We know something of the most primitive forms of electricity, but in a way, the entire cosmic physical plane is a cosmic electrical phenomenon.

1:42 So there is so much to learn along these lines.So the mystery of electricity will be revealed by the Mysteries and the masters have to be very careful about how they do this. So there have been some investigators into these Mysteries over the years, I think John Kiely (spp??) was one and a well you know these stories go,but they said he was making so much progress so rapidly in these matters that the powers that be had to kind of intervene and scramble his notes so that there would not be acomplete revelation of some of the things that he had discovered which obviously would have been dangerous for humanity.

Anyway,… unlock the mystery of electricity—that mystery of which H.P.B. spoke; … It’s one of the keys to The Secret Doctrine. Well … much progress has already been made by science along this line, it is as yet only embryonic in nature, and only when the Hierarchy is present visibly on earth, … you see we have to see how dangerous this really is.… and the Mysteries of which the Masters are the Custodians are given openly to man, will the true secret and nature of electrical phenomena be revealed.So this is really the secret that involves the creation of form and the dissolution of form and the attraction and repulsion of all the various emanated beings to each other. We can expect that during the Aquarian age, which will be also largely 5th ray age, this kind of work can be brought forward;especially I would think during the second decanate ofthe age of Aquarius when Mercury is the major ruler,it is the planet which speaks of the relations of all things to each other.

“The Mysteries are, in reality, the true source of revelation, and it can be only when the mind and the will-to-good are closely blended and conditioning human behaviour that the extent of the coming revelation will be grasped, for only then can humanity be trusted with these secrets. They concern those capacities which enable the Members of the Hierarchy to work consciously with the energies of the planet and of the solar system and to control forces within the planet; they will put the ordinary psychic powers (today so stupidly approached and so little understood) in their rightful place and guide man towards their helpful usage.” RI, Page 331-332

The Mysteries are, in reality, the true source of revelation, and it can be only when the mind and the will-to-good are closely blended …but this is the will to the creation of the archetype which God intends. the will-to-good are closely blendedand conditioning human behaviour that the extent of the coming revelation will be grasped, for only then can humanity be trusted with these secrets. Right now humanity has the mind perhaps, but the will-to-good in a general sense is not yet sufficiently developed.

They concern those capacities which enable the Members of the Hierarchy to work consciously with the energies of the planet and of the solar system and to control forces within the planet; they will put the ordinary psychic powers (today so stupidly approached and so little understood) in their rightful place and guide man towards their helpful usage.05:15 So, the revelation of the Mysteriesare concerned also with the development of the siddhis in the human being, the powers, and especially the higher powers.So obviously there are some who have learned about this and know about this, but it cannot be sent out for general assimilation.

“The Mysteries will restore colour and music as they essentially are to the world and do it in such a manner that the creative art of today will be to this new creative art what a child's building of wooden blocks is to a great cathedral such as Durham or Milan. The Mysteries, when restored, will make real—in a sense incomprehensible to you at present—the nature of religion, the purpose of science and the goal of education. These are not what you think today.” RI, Page 332

The Mysteries will restore colour and music as they essentially are to the world…and now we remember the 7th purpose of Sanat Kumara and how his daily ritual orchestrates color and sound breaking upon the three worlds in a daily fashion, and this is said to be literally the case.As a matter of fact, I think it might be, you know, for some of us who may not be familiar with that, I think it would be good to take a look at this ‘colour soundbreak’:

“g. The final phase of the divine purpose is the most difficult of all to indicate, and when I say indicate, I mean exactly that, and nothing more definite and clear.” RI, Page 246

And here is the amazing statement which will relate to what we're just discussing.

“Does it mean anything to you when I say that the ceremonial ritual of the daily life of Sanat Kumara, implemented by music and sound and carried on the waves of colour which break upon the shores of the three worlds of human evolution, reveal—in the clearest notes and tones and shades—the deepest secret behind His purpose? It scarcely makes sense to you and is dismissed as a piece of symbolic writing, used by me in order to convey the unconveyable. Yet I am not here writing in symbols, but am making an exact statement of fact. As beauty in any of its greater forms breaks upon the human consciousness, a dim sense is thereby conveyed of the ritual of Sanat Kumara's daily living. More I cannot say.” RI, Page 246-247

08:00Marvelous.(Returning to page 332 quote.)The Mysteries will restore colour and music as they essentially are …and that means in the eyes of the lord of the world … as they essentially areto the world and do it in such a manner that the creative art of today will be to this new creative art what a child's building of wooden blocks is to a great cathedral such as Durham or Milan. Amazing, and look at the span covered by that analogy. … a child's building of wooden blocks is to a great cathedral …The Mysteries, when restored, will make real—in a sense incomprehensible to you at present—the nature of religion, the purpose of science … ray 6, ray 2, ray 5… and the goal of education. Ray 3, ray 2. These are not what you think today.So, we have to accept the veiled condition of our consciousness. It is veiled of course and our attempt is to see using that consciousness and naturally what we do see must presently be veiled compared to the truth which is to be revealed.This is meant to stimulate. Remember that great zeal about which D.K. talks?Stimulate our aspiration, our anticipation,our will and our willingness to persist in our studies and in the application of thatwhat we learned, and to persist in the dissemination of the Ageless Wisdomto all who can possibly benefit from it.

“The ground is being prepared at this time for this great restoration. The Churches and Masonry are today before the judgment seat of humanity's critical mind and the word has gone forth from that mass mind that both of them failed in their divinely assigned tasks. It is realised everywhere that new life must be poured in and great changes wrought in the awareness and in the training of those who work through and in these two media of truth. Those changes have not yet been carried out, for it will take a new vision and a new approach to life experience, and this only the coming generation is capable of giving; they and they alone can bring about the needed alterations and the revitalisation, but it can and will be done:” RI, Page 332

The ground is being prepared at this time for this great restoration. The restoration of the Mysteries, yes. The Churches and Masonry are today before the judgment seat of humanity's critical mind and the word has gone forth from that mass mind that both of them failed in their divinely assigned tasks. You know, what does it mean by this?Perhaps the Great War need not have precipitated as it did, hadMasonry and the church performed their tasks better. It is realised everywhere that new life must be poured in and great changes wrought in the awareness and in the training of those who work through and in these two media of truth. Yes, I have been now a Mason 40 years, this year,in Scorpio of 1974.And I've been in threeMasonic movements and also you know conducted choirs in quite a number of churches, so I’ve had experience with both of these two media of truth,and I can say at least in the early days of Masonrythat many participating in them liked very much the rituals and the general seriousness and solemnity of the rites, but had no idea of the occult methods being used, or at least the implications, the occultspiritual implications behind all that they were performing without great depth of understanding. Co-Masonry was an improvement and then the recent efforts of A.U.M. over the last 25 years,Ancient Universal Mysterieshave really brought depth into the idea of Masonic reformation. And if the positive trends continuethere, a path will be created for the true reformation of Masonry. And as for the church, well it is a little more available to humanity and closer to human understanding.There's been a lot of repetition of thesame old dogma and approach,but there are also those promoting esoteric Christianity and adeeper more loving humanistic understanding of the gospels.So reformation is underway there as well. Recently in the last 50 years let’s say, we've had a couple of the popes of the Catholic church who have tried to advance this process and maybe, it's too early to tell that the most recent of the Popes seems well on his way to bringing forward a type house cleaning and reformation.

13:57So the process is in theworks and the trend is correct.Thereis also the reactionary backlash naturally, in much of fearful society because you know that kind of, I won’t call it conservatism, it's not conservatism really, it’s reactionary response. It is based on fear and trying to cling to the security of the bad old ways. Anyway, the battle is going on right within these two media of truth, very important media.

Those changes have not yet been carried out, …and this was written in the 1940swhere … will take a new vision and a new approach to life experience, and this only the coming generation is capable of giving; … and what do we mean by that generation,just 20 and 25 years? or do we mean a wholegroup of spiritually minded people coming in over several biological generations? … they and they alone can bring about the needed alterations and the revitalisation, but it can and will be done: … and we’re in the midst of seeing it done to a significant extent.

"That which is a mystery shall no longer be so, and that which has been veiled will now be revealed: that which has been withdrawn will emerge into the light, and all men shall see and together they shall rejoice. That time will come when desolation has wrought its beneficent work, when all things have been destroyed, and men, through suffering, have sought to be impressed by that which they had discarded in vain pursuit of that which was near at hand and easy of attainment. Possessed, it proved to be an agency of death—yet men sought life, not death.

So runs the Old Commentary when referring to the present cycle through which mankind is passing.”RI, Page 332

15:16 And then from the old commentary, solemn and beautiful words: That which is a mystery shall no longer be so, and that which has been veiled will now be revealed: … no longer through a glass darkly as St. Paul told us. … that which has been withdrawn … in the early days following the war on Atlantis … will emerge into the light, and all men shall see and together they shall rejoice. So much has prevented the happiness of humanity, recently the great comic sufferingin these latter days of the age of Pisces, a very karmic sign. That time will come when desolation has wrought its beneficent work, …we've been deprived of so many things, they've been taken from us and we've seen that we no longer really need them to live the truly human spiritual life. … when all things have been destroyed, and men, through suffering, have sought to be impressed by that which they had discarded in vain pursuit of that which was near at hand and easy of attainment. The great spiritual values of that which man once possessed and then discarded no longer pursued will be appreciated once again, and that which was near at hand which wasthe product of the senses, and the material perception will be seenasrelatively valued as compared to that which had been discarded. Possessed, it proved to be an agency of death—yet men sought life, not death.So our values will be readjusted. We willsee and understand a better way of life based upon true spiritual values.

Let me read this without interruption of commentary:That which is a mystery shall no longer be so, and that which has been veiled will now be revealed: that which has been withdrawn will emerge into the light, and all men shall see and together they shall rejoice. That time will come when desolation has wrought its beneficent work, when all things have been destroyed, and men, through suffering, have sought to be impressed by that which they had discarded in vain pursuit of that which was near at hand and easy of attainment. Possessed, it proved to be an agency of death—yet men sought life, not death.Death of consciousness obviously, and notice it’s all humanity together rejoicing,it’s a great and commonrealization, and you know that which is of great value is not easy of attainment, that we have to realize and we have to be willingto spend the energies of our life in the pursuit of that which is not easy of attainment. And so may it be when our sense of values is rightly adjusted.