The Radio and Television Supreme Council

The Radio and Television Supreme Council founded in 1994 is an administratively and financially autonomous and impartial public legal person for the regulation and supervision of radio, television and on demand media services which are under the jurisdiction of Republic of Turkey.

In the field of audio-visual media services, the main function of the Supreme Council is taking essential precautions for securing;

- Freedom of expression and information

- Diversity of opinion

- Media pluralism

- Competition environment for avoiding media concentration

- Protecting public interests

In order to achieve its primary objectives, Supreme Council;

Monitors and supervises the broadcasts of media service providers,

Makes and deploys the television channel and radio frequency planning in the framework of frequency bands for the terrestrial radio and television broadcasts,

Determines the required administrative, financial and technical standards for a broadcast license; grants broadcast licenses to those of such companies which fulfill the required qualifications; supervises them and revokes the broadcast licenses when required,

Performs other functions and use its powers determined by the Broadcasting Law No: 6112.


The Supreme Council is composed of 9 members who are elected by the General Session of the Turkish Parliament from among the nominees on the basis of the number of MPs of each political party.

The term for the Supreme Council members is six years.

The Supreme Council members elect a President and a Deputy President from among its members by holding a meeting.

The term of office of the President and Deputy President is two years.

The Supreme Council;

Meet with a quorum of at least five members and take decisions with affirmative votes of at least five members.

Decisions of the Supreme Council are subject to judicial review.

Revenues of the Supreme Council are;

Broadcast license fees from media service providers;

Annual usage fees for television channel, multiplex capacity and radio frequency to be collected from public and private media service providers broadcasting through terrestrial network;

A three percent share of monthly gross commercial communication revenues of media service providers excluding their sponsorship revenues.

When needed, treasury aid to be obtained from the budget of the Presidency of the Turkish Parliament.

Organizational Schema