Eskom Holdings SOC LtdENQUIRY No. : CORP4018
Part 3: Scope of Work
Document reference / Title / No of pagesThis cover page / 1
C3.1 / Employer’s Scope / 20
Total number of pages / 8
Part C3: Scope of Work1C3 Psc3 Cover page
Eskom Holdings SOC LtdENQUIRY No. : CORP4018
C3.1: Employer’s scope
1Description of the services
1.1Executive overview
The provision of Quality Management training at various Eskom Academy of Learning (EAL) sites on an “as and when required” basis
The provision of training as per the applicable SAQA, SAATCA and relevant legislative requirements to all quality management personnel in Eskom on the following subjects:
- ISO 9001:2015 Awareness
- ISO 9001:2015 Executive Awareness
- ISO 9001Transition from 2008 to 201 version of the standard
- ISO 9001:2015 Standard Implementation
- Internal Auditor Course
- Lead Auditors Training
- Quality Management Awareness Training
- Quality Tools and Techniques
- Requirements for quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Facilities (ASME NQA-1) Awareness
- Requirements for Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Facilities (ASME NQA-1)
- Nuclear Safety and Quality Management System Requirements (NSQ-100) Awareness
- Requirements for the Management System for Facilities and Activities (IAEA GS-R-3) Awareness
- Requirements for Quality and Safety Management Requirements for Nuclear Installations (NNR RD-0034) Awareness
Detailed description:
- Training must be based on the identified competency gaps
Operating Units must have an estimated number of participants for the training. This will be used to determine an estimated budget. The tenderers will have to include in their tenders costing requirements should Eskom not be able to have the specified number of training participants as stated in the original tender.
Training is to be delivered on an “as and when required” basis.
Each facilitator must facilitate only the courses that he/she is accredited for. If the trainers are to be changed during the execution of the contract, the credentials of the replacement trainers must be submitted timely to the CoE for approval
- Accreditation of Service Providers and training material:
Eskom requires all service providers to provide their SAQA ID registration numbers, the accrediting Seta certificate as proof of their accreditation and SAATCA registration for courses that require such course and Facilitator registration.
All education and training should emphasise the importance of meeting requirements and the needs and expectations of the customer and other interested parties.
Service providers must have knowledge of all the operating units in Eskom’s critical tasks.
Service providers must be prepared to update or customise, if required, their existing training material and training methodologies to address any Eskom business standard procedures/directives and specific risks.
Service providers are expected to provide the client with training content which is unit standard based, including formative assessment, summative assessment criteria and other assessment instruments.
Service providers will be required to customise their material content to accommodate Eskom’s policies and procedures (which will be provided once the contract is awarded)
Service providers must understand that they may at any time be assessed and evaluated with regards to course content, training methodology, trainer’s knowledge and experience.
All service providers must be accredited as training providers by the relevant SETAs and use accredited Facilitators, Assessors and Moderators.
All service providers and their Facilitators will be evaluated and reference checks will be undertaken to verify their accreditation and experience.
- Training Delivery and Quality Assurance:
Training will be provided as and when required basis.
Eskom may require service providers to use other training delivery methodologies different from classroom training as per the EAL Learning strategy where necessary.
Training delivery will be quality assured by the EAL responsible department and requested SMEs from the Business on random basis.
Service Providers will be required to use other South African official languages other than English where there is a need.
- Quality Assurance on training material:
Training material will be evaluated during the Technical Evaluation process/stage and quality assured randomly during training delivery by EAL and selected SMEs from the Business.
The tender enquiry and the contract will have a clause stating how Eskom will evaluate if the service provider is indeed providing in line with the contracted criteria. This may include requiring all facilitators to present to an evaluation panel and stating that SMEs or other suitably competent evaluators may on a random basis sit in during courses delivery.
If the training material is required in the EAL format/template, EAL will avail the templates to the tenderers with the issuing of the tender enquiry. State if a CDD, LG, FG, AG, PP are required.
Where courses and training material have been customised, they will have to be submitted to Eskom at least 21 days before the first training event is delivered for Eskom to accept/approve the content.
Eskom Academy of Learning (EAL) will reserve the right to evaluate and assess the training facilitators and course material content, come unannounced to the sessions for spot checks as part of quality assurance and control and to request the service providers to make the required changes to the course content or change the facilitator as may be recommended by the quality assurance assessments.
Eskom will raise a non-conformance report against non-compliance to the quality assurance evaluation recommendations.
Service providers must be prepared to offer refresher-training programmes and Train- The- Trainer for Eskom employees if required
The learner guides/manuals should be of good quality, comprehensive and contain relevant Eskom examples and scenarios. The use of PowerPoint slides as learner manuals will not be accepted.
- Duration of Training interventions:
The duration of each training intervention will be as per the scope in this document. The supplier should stick to the stipulated durations and not shorten nor lengthen the training; offer practical demonstrations during classes where applicable otherwise Eskom will raise a non-conformance report against such actions.
- Learner Assessment and Competency Certificates:
Learners must be assessed upon completion of training according to the outlined outcomes and be given competency certificates upon successful completion of the training
If there are assignments, these need to be compiled and marked. The service provider must make provision for moderation as well.
a)The certificate must include the following: SETA logo, ES/ETQA registration number of the assessor with his/her signature, South African identification numbers, the NQF level and the number of credits obtained (for courses that have such) must appear on the certificate. Certificates must be issued within 30 days after completion of the assignment.
b)In instances where the service provider sub-contracts (Eskom must be notified in advance and only pre-approved service providers), the sub-contractor will have to meet all Eskom’s contractual obligations
c)All training material, registration/accreditation documentation, assessment tools, approved facilitators and moderators qualifications and accreditation to be submitted during the pre-tender phase (electronically – on a CD).
- CPD points:
All training must carry CPD points and unit standard credits where applicable and must be facilitated and assessed by SAATCA and SETA Accredited Facilitators/ Assessors where applicable.
- Travelling & Subsistence Expenses
Costs for delivering training at various sites in relation to travelling, accommodation, flight tickets, and toll gate fees:
Travelling & subsistence expenses should be part of the training delivery costs, with the assumption that the service provider(s) should be able to provide training in any of the EAL training delivery sites.
The travelling & subsistence expenses will be for the account of Eskom as per the Eskom traveling management policy and should be reflected on the Suppliers invoice.
- Materials, Time and/or facilities
Eskom the Employer will give access to training facilities as and when required;
Eskom Academy of Learning will provide training venues/site, projector, flip charts, markers, pens and the minimum number of target audience unless negotiated differently
Eskom will provide a safe learning environment for both the learners and Facilitators. The safety of learnersis the facilitator’s responsibility for the duration of the intervention.
The Service Providers will be required to:
- Provide training manuals and supporting materials;
- The Suppliers must provide a copies of the relevant Acts when doing legislation based training such as Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations.
- Have a national footprint and deliver training at various EAL training sitesduring the normal Eskom business hours;
- Quote per person per course and not per number of training sessions;
- Provide a laptop for the Facilitator and Eskom will provide computers where the training is delivered through e-leaning.
- Give Eskom permission to subject them to Non Conformance process (where they are seen not to comply)
1.2Interpretation and terminology
If required include here definitions additional to those used in the conditions of contract which are required only for the purpose of making the Scope easier to draft and read. Also list abbreviations used and provide a full interpretation of each one, for example:
The following abbreviations are used in this Scope:
Abbreviation / Meaning given to the abbreviationECSA / Engineering Council of South Africa
SACPCMP / South African Council for Project and Construction Management Professionals
2Specification and description of the services
2.1. ISO 9001:2015 Awareness
1 Day
Training shall be provided as and when the need arises
Refresher training will be conducted as and when required
Validation of certificate:
Certificate will not expire
Unit Standard:
Target Group:
All employees
To equip learners with comprehensive understanding of ISO 9001:2015 standard, as part of the Quality Management System.
Learning outcomes:
On completion of this course, learners will be able to understand the:
a)Scope of a quality management system and
b)Quality Management principles
c)Terms and definitions typically used in a quality management system
d)Elements of a benchmark quality management system
e)Compatibility between ISO 9001 quality management system and other management systems
f)Overview of management responsibility towards a quality management system
g)Overview of resourcing requirements for a quality management system
h)Overview of the requirements and process for product realisation
i)Measuring and monitoring a quality management system
Course content:
The course must cover the following:
There will be an assessment
2.2. ISO 9001:2015 Executive Awareness
4- 6 Hours
Frequency, Refresher training and Certificate Validation:
Training will be once off and the certificate will not expire
Target Group:
All managers and senior managers
Course Outcome
a)Background of QM
b)The benefits of ISO 9001 Quality Management systems;
c)The requirements of ISO 9001
d)Quality management principles;
e)Documents requirements of ISO 9001
f)Conformance and non-conformance
Course Contents:
The course scope shall include:
There will be assessment
The significant differences between the ISO 9001:2008 version and ISO 9001:2005, necessitate that all clients previously trained on the 2008 version have a clear understanding of the differences in revised requirements and how to implement and maintain the changes to successfully retain ISO 9001 certification status.
Purpose of the Course:
The objective of this course is to enable clients to smoothly transition their existing or newly implemented ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System to the 2015 version. It also assist clients understand the timelines of certification against 2008 to 2015 and enables learners to effectively implement the change management process.
Entrance Pre-requisite:
Successful completion certification of ISO 9001:2008 Module1. Any client who has not previously been trained on the 2008 version of the standard would require attendance of the ISO 9001:2015 Module 1 instead, which negates the need to attend this course.
Course Duration:
Two (2 days)
2.4ISO 9001:2015 Standard Implementation
5 Days.
Training shall be provided as and when the need arises.
Refresher will be conducted where the content of standard change.
Validation of certificate:
Certificate does not expire
Unit Standard:
Manage requirements related to quality and other standards_116785
Target Group:
All employees involved in the implementation of the Quality Management System and contactor SHEQ Management Personnel.
To provide learners with skills and knowledge to be able to plan, implement and audit the ISO9001:2015, Quality Management system.
To enable learners to run a competitive, reputable and sustainable business, maintain acceptable standards of performance related to the process, product or service.
Course contents:
The course should therefore cover the following:
On completion of this course, learners will be able to:
a)Explain the fundamentals of Quality Management Systems;
b)Explain the elements of successful Quality Management;
c)Occupational Health, Safety and Quality (SHEQ) Policy;
e)Implementation and operation;
f)Checking and corrective action; and
g)Management review.
On completion of this course, learners will be able to:
a)Explain the fundamentals of Quality Management Systems;
b)Explain the elements of a successful Quality Management system;
2.5Internal Auditor Course
3 Days
Training shall be provided as and when the need arises
Refresher will be conducted where the content of internal regulations, standards and procedures set changes.
Validation of certificate:
Unit Standard:
Target Group:
Quality Management Practitioners
The purpose of this course is to equip learners with knowledge and skills to audit a Quality Management System, documentation related to materials, components, process performance and final product for compliance with specifications, e.g. policies, procedures and company performance criteria.
Learning contents and outcomes:
On completion of this course, learners will be able to:
- Understand and apply the ISO 19011requirements for auditing;
- Develop auditing material required to conduct an internal audit;
- Prepare and plan for an internal audit;
- Perform audits displaying appropriate auditing techniques;
- Compile and audit report;
- Review systems and processes;
- Audit suppliers with or without formal management system in place;
- Understand what a certification body expects for conformance proof.
2.6Lead Auditors Training
5 Days
Training shall be provided as and when the need arises
Retraining will be conducted where internal regulations, standards and procedures change
Unit Standard:
Perform auditing activities _12674
Verify compliance to safety, health and environmental requirements in the workplace _259604
Target Group:
All employees involved in the Quality Management System, including Supervisors, Quality Reps, SHEQ Practitioners, Business Unit Managers and other members of the Auditing team.
The purpose of this course is to:
- Enable learners to be able to understand the importance of compliance to safety, health and environmental legal and other requirements for a specific workplace and the importance of integrating safety, health and environmental considerations into all routine activities at the workplace;
- Equip learners with knowledge and skills to audit a Quality Management System, documentation related to materials, components, process performance and final product for compliance with specifications, e.g. policies and procedures, company performance criteria and;
- Enable learners to identify any deviations and workplace safety performance in the workplace from health, safety and environmental requirements and be able to ensure that the correct action is taken in situations where safety health and environmental issues are not in accordance with requirements.
Course contents:
The course scope shall include:
a)A detailed proven procedure/process for effective internal audits that can be applied to any process/ SHE management system.
b)The Audit Process and Measuring effectiveness
c)Audit methodology(s)
d)Commitment to auditing;
e)Requirements from OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001; (Separate training on the different standard requirements)
f)SANS ISO 19011:2003 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing;
g)Developing an audit system;
h)Arranging an audit;
i)Planning and managing audits;
j)Auditors selection and training;
k)Carrying out the audit;
l)Managing the on-site process as the team leader;
m)Maximizing the effectiveness of the audit team;
n)Interviewing styles;
o)Use of audit protocols;
p)Compliance verification strategies;
q)Data collection and interpretation;
s)Case studies of current best practices; and
t)Acting on audit results.
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, learners will be able to:
a)Plan and prepare for the audit process.
b)Communicate the audit plan to affected parties
c)Conduct the audit process.
d)Interpret and evaluate findings.
e)Compile an audit report.
f)Report on the audit findings.
g)Follow-up and evaluate corrective action(s) / improvements made.
h)Discuss and explain auditing process and purpose of auditing.
2.7Quality Management Awareness Training
1 day
Training shall be provided as and when required
Refresher will be conducted where the content or procedures changes
Validation of certificates
Target Group
Learning outcomes
• Overview of ISO 9001 Documents Requirements• Fog Index (Writing to the Correct Target Groups)
• Flow diagrams, flow charting, dependencies and interdependencies
• Procedure writing (Inputs , Activities, Outputs)
• Document Control (Numbering, Revisions, Authorizations, Review)
• Cross functional procedural writing and mapping
• Overall understanding the need for effective procedure writing
• Writing to a specific target audiences
• Understanding the impact of incorrectly or poorly written procedures
2.8 Quality Tools and Techniques