The Project on Integrated Solid Waste Management for Municipalities in the Republic of El Salvador


Annex 1 Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Annex 2 Plan of Operation (PO)

Annex 3 Proposed Assignment and Learning Subjects for ISDEM Project Execution Unit Members

Annex 4 Project Implementation Organization

Annex 5 Information on the Counterpart Organizations

Annex 6 IDB Decontamination Program for Critical Area

Annex 7ASINORLU 9 Municipalities Organization Charts

Annex 8 ASINORLU 9 Municipalities - Staff Data

Annex 9 ASINORLU 9 Municipalities - Revenue and Expenditures during 2003 - 2005

Annex 10 Answers to the Questionnaire for Assessment of EL Salvador Central Government Capacity for Administering Solid Waste Management (SWM)

Annex 11 Answers to the Questionnaire for Assessment of ASINORLU 9 Municipalities

Annex 12 ASINORLU Solid Waste Management Data Tables List (18 tables)

Annex 13 ASINORLU Waste Collection Amount Survey Results (2004)

A –1

Annex 1.Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Duration:November 1, 2005-March 31, 2009 Target Group:ISDEM、MARN、MSPAS, Local Municipalities
Narrative Summary / Objectively Verifiable Indicators / Means of Verification / Important Assumptions
Overall Goal /
More than 50% of municipalities given trainning on ISWM by ISDEM introduce ISWM by 2012. /
MARN report /
1. Future policies or laws enacted in the Republic of El Salvador are compatible with the Project.
2. Financial resources are available for implementing strategic plan of ISWM.
3. The Project execution unit in ISDEM evolves into a permanent body.
4. The Technical Committee of the Project evolves into a permanent body.
Municipalities implement appropriate Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) to improve the environmental sanitary condition in the Repblic of El Salvador.
Project Purpose /
1. More than 3 associations of municipalities manifest their interest in introducing ISWM.
2. The central government will announce their measures to apply the ISWM to municipalities.
3. The central government makes the budgetary plan to implement ISWM by the end of the Project. /
1. (1) ISDEM's annual opeartion report
(2) Manifest document of municipalities regarding ISWM adoption
2. Government's official paper
3. Government's official paper showing the plan of budget
ISDEM, MARN and MSPAS (the central government) will strenghten their capacities to apply ISWM to municipalities in the Republic of El Salvador, and the central government will decide to implement all the measures to do it.
Outputs /
1. The ISWM in ASINORLU is functioning in the sustainable manner.
2.(1)The counterparts obtain eighty percent (80%) marks in the test on ISWM .
(2) At least seventy percent (70%) of trainee on the ISWM are satisfactory with the training.
3.(1)The Strategic Plan of the ISWM application is approved by the ISDEM's Board of Directors.
(2)More than 20 municipalites receive the ISWM training by ISDEM. /
1. Personnel assigned as counterparts remain in their instituitions throughout the entire period of the Project.
2. Natural disasters do not affect the Project.
3. The change of local government in ASINRLU does not affect the pilot project.
4. The change of central government does not affect the Project.
1. The relevant organizations in the central government and ASINORLU develop the ISWM, which is feasible and adapted to the present conditions of municipalites in the Republic of El Salvador.
2. The counterpart personnel in the central government will acquire the knowledge and experiences on the ISWM.
3. The central government will establish the systems for applying the ISWM to municipalities in the Republic of El Salvador.
Activities / Inputs / 1. Counterpart personnel will not resign
1. Planning and implementation of the pilot / 1.Japanese Side / changed during the Project.
project in ASINORLU / (1)Dispatch of experts / 2. Natural disaster does not affect the
1.1 Study and analysis of present condition of / Long term: Chief Advisor(Solid Waste anagement and / progress of the Project.
Solid Waste Management in ASINORLU / Capacity Development) / 3. ASINORLU will continue the
1.2Coordination and consensus making among / Short term: Waste Collection and transportation, Landfill site / Project even if member of ASINORLU
heads of municipalities with regard to basic / management、Finance and Institution、Environmental / are changed.
policy on introduction of ISWM for ASINORLU / Education、etc. / 4. Change of the central government
1.3 Detailed planning of a sustainable ISWM / (2)Provision of Equipment / administration does not affect the progress
1.4 Implementation of pilot project on ISWM / Machinery and equipment for landfill site improvement, / of the Project.
for ASINORLU / pilot projects, training, education and awareness raising etc.
1.5 Evaluation and modificatgions of the / (3)Training in Japan
activities of pilot project / A few trainee annualy
2. Expansion of the knowledge and experiences / (4) Local cost
about ISWM in the central government / Landfill site improvement, pilot Projects(Segregated,
2.1 On-the-job training through the pilt project / collection, intermediatetreatment, recycling, awareness raising
in ASINORLU and lectures by JICA experts / . survey, local training course, regional workshops/seminars etc
2.2 Study on the improvement of SWM in the / 2. Salvadorian side
the Republic of El Salvador with feedback / ・Counterparts
from the pilot project / ・Supporting personnel for project activities
2.3 Elaboration of the guideline for applying / ・Office space and meeting rooms in San Salvador and
ISWM by analyzing the pilot project / San Miguel
3. Establishment of systems for promoting ISWM / ・Runnig cost of the Project
3.1 Formulation of the strategic plan for applying / ・Cost for closing the landfill sites
ISWM to municipalities / ・Land for improvement work at Santa Rosa de Lima landfill site
3.2 Preparation of implementation of the / ・Coordination of personnel concerned with the Pilot Project
strategic plan
3.3 Planning and ipmplementation of ISWM
training courses on ISWM for municipalities
3.4 Regional workshops/seminars on ISWM

Annex 2.Plan of Operation (PO)

Annex 3.Proposed Assignment and Learning Subjects for ISDEM Project Execution Unit Members

6 members of the ISDEM Project Execution Unit are expected to play key role in the implementation of the Project including the planned pilot project. There are key persons who should learn all about solid waste management through the project. The following table shows proposed assignment and learning subjects for the ISDEM Project Execution Unit members.

Table Annex 31 Aspectos y Asuntos Importantes SWM a ser Estudiados por Miembros de la Unidad Ejecutora del Proyecto de ISDEM (Propuesta Tentativa)

Aspectos / Nombres de los Miembros de ISDEM / Importantes Asuntos a Estudiarse
  1. Recolección y transporte de desechos
/ Sr. Donald Esau Jovel Serpas (sugerido por Sakaguchi)
Sr. Hose Mauricio Herrera Penado /
  1. Selección de un sistema, método y equipo de recolección apropiado
  2. Eficiencia del servicio de recolección
  3. Cobertura del servicio de recolección (en términos de población y monto de desechos)
  4. Mantenimiento del equipo
  5. Uso del contratista y CBO

2. Relleno sanitario / Srita. Xxx (Ingeniero Civil) /
  1. Selección de una ubicación adecuada para el sitio
  2. Criterios para diseñar el relleno sanitario (para evitar la contaminación secundaria)
  3. Selección de un diseño apropiado y económico
  4. Aspecto de ingeniería del relleno sanitario (estructura del terraplén, suelo, colección & tratamiento de lixiviación, escape de gases)
  5. Equipo pesado usado
  6. Operación del relleno sanitario y sus problemas comunes
  7. Monitoreo y reportaje ambiental

3. 3 R (reducir, reusar & reciclar) y abono compuesto / Sr. Hose Mauricio Herrera Penado /
  1. Conociendo la situación existente y el mercado de reciclaje
  2. Pensando en la importancia de las 3 Rs
  3. Planificando sobre las metas de las 3 Rs y como promover las 3 Rs
    Implementando un proyecto piloto
  4. El abono compuesto y su aplicabilidad
  5. Conociendo la reciente tendencia en Europa: Responsabilidad Extendida del Productor--EPR, Evaluación del Ciclo de Vida –LCA, etc.

4. Fortalecer la conciencia ciudadana / Sr. Donald Esau Jovel Serpas /
  1. Evaluando el actual nivel de conciencia ciudadana
  2. Pensando en mensajes e instrucciones a ser dados a los ciudadanos
  3. Planificando como enviar mensajes e instrucciones (como fortalecer la conciencia ambiental ciudadana)

5. Aspecto económico y financiero / Sr. Manilio Alexander Carderón /
  1. ¿Cuáles áreas deben ser consideradas para reducir costos sin reducir el nivel de servicio SWM?
  2. ¿Qué debe hacer la municipalidad para mejorar la eficiencia del servicio de recolección de desechos?
  3. ¿Qué porcentaje del costo de SWM debe ser cubierto con el ingreso de las cuotas?
  4. ¿Cuál es la tasa de cuotas apropiada?
  5. Sistema eficiente para cobro de cuotas

6. Aspecto legal / Sr. Reyman Misael García Gómez (participación a medio tiempo) /
  1. ¿Qué asuntos (con respecto a SWM) deben ser incluidos en la ordenanza municipal? (Metas, Obligación y papeles de ciudadanos y unidades de negocios, sanción)
  2. Redactar una ordenanza municipal
  3. Redactar un modelo de las condiciones del contrato

7. Aspectos a ser considerados por la administración de la ciudad (Alcalde) / Sra. Rosa Elena Pérez Ramos de Vileda (Líder)
Sr. Manilio Alexander Carderón /
  1. ¿Cuáles son asuntos importantes (con respecto a SWM) que el Alcalde debe considerar y decidir?
  2. ¿Debe la ciudad tener su propio relleno sanitario?
  3. ¿Qué debe considerarse al decidir la ubicación del relleno sanitario?
  4. ¿Para cuanta población debe la municipalidad proporcionar servicio de recolección?
  5. ¿Cuál es la manera más económica de proporcionar servicio de manejo de desechos?
  6. ¿Qué es mejor usar, el personal y equipo de la municipalidad o un contratista?
  7. Como tratar a los contratistas
  8. ¿Cuál es la tasa de cuotas apropiada?
  9. ¿Que debe hacer la municipalidad para fortalecer la conciencia ambiental ciudadana)
  10. ¿Qué asuntos tienen que ser atendidos e incluidos en la ordenanza municipal?

Annex 4.Project Implementation Organization

Source: 17 December 2004 Meeting Minutes Annex IV.

Fig. Annex 41 Project Implementation Organization

Annex 5.Information on the Counterpart Organizations

Table Annex 51 Budget 2003 – 2005 of Ministry of Environment and Natural Resource


/ 2003 / 2004 / 2005
51 Salaries / 2,645,872.24 / 1,916,348.13 / $2,830,175.00
54 Procurement of Goods and Services / 875,291.76 / 238,307.21 / $322,270.00
55 Financial Expenditures and Others / 17,563.89 / 16,480.12 / $27,700.00
56 Transfers / 4,246.66 / 0.00 / $6,000.00
61 Capital Investment / 15,653.00 / 0.00 / $0.00
TOTAL / $3,558,627.55 / $2,171,135.46 / $3,186,145.00
FORGAES PROJECT / $199,765.52 / $133,692.05 / $2,500,000.00
GOVT. COUNTERPART / $199,765.52 / $133,692.05 / $200,000.00
EUROPEAN UNION DONATIONS / $0.00 / $0.00 / $2,300,000.00
DECONTAMINATION OF CRITICAL AREAS / $0.00 / $107,937.25 / $5,050,000.00
General Fund-GOES/IVA / $0.00 / $18,036.04 / $50,000.00
DAC-Loan BID / $0.00 / $89,901.21 / $3,742,020.00
DAC-Loan Chinese / $0.00 / $0.00 / $1,257,980.00
EUROPEAN UNION DONATIONS / $0.00 / $0.00 / $329,900.00
_Support to the Execution of the Plan for management of the ANP Complex Los Volcanes
_Support for implementation of Management Plans for the Humedales of the Llanura Costera Oriental
_Support for the constitution of an Organism for Micro Watersheds: Goascoran, Santa Cruz and Conchagua rivers of the Gulf of Fonseca
TOTAL / $199,765.52 / $241,629.30 / $8,419,900.00
FONAES / 188,455.00 / $139,451.00 / $182,800.00
SNET / 1,818,765.00 / $1,308,071.58 / $1,764,205.00
TOTAL / 2,007,220.00 / $1,447,522.58 / $1,947,005.00
TOTAL / 5,765,613.07 / 3,860,287.34 / $13,553,050.00

Fig. Annex 51 Organization Chart of Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN)

Fig. Annex 52Environmental Management Department

Director General of Environmental Evaluation See Functions
1 / Ing. Luis Armando Trejo Castillo
2 / Patricia Margarita Hasbún de Chahín
3 / Rosario Arely Meléndez de Ayala
4 / Lic. Ivy Dora Veralice García de Romero
5 / Ing. Bertha Carolina Hernández Canales
6 / Tec. Wilfredo Fuentes Henríquez
Management of Environmental Evaluation0) / Hazardous Materials(5)
1 / Ing. Francisco Antonio Perdomo Lino / 6 / Manuel de Jesús Sarmiento Duran / 1 / Ing. Italo Andrés Córdova Flamenco
2 / Ing. Emperatríz Eugenia Mayorga Cabezas / 7 / Arq. Hugo Armando Morán Colato - RTV / 2 / Lic. Francisco Enrique Guevara Masís (Protocolo de Montreal)
3 / Ing. Sara Aida Sandoval Calderón / 8 / Ing. Ana Cristina Lovo Ramos / 3 / Lic. Edgar Mauricio Ayala Fuentes (DL)
4 / Arq. Xiomara Guadalupe Estrada Romero / 9 / Ing. Roxana Guadalupe Hernández Valladares / 4 / Ruth Yanira Díaz Orellana 1>
5 / Arq. Jorge Armando Rivas Sánchez / 10 / Lic. Héctor Mauricio Ayala Hernández / 5 / Lic. Marta Iveth Munguía de Aguilar (CC)
PROSIGA (8) / Decontamination of Crtifcal Areas DAC (9) / Cleaner Production (5)
1 / Jaime Vladimir Alvarez Mejía / 1 / Lic. Rigoberto Hernández / 1 / Arq. Ernesto Javier Figueroa Ruíz
2 / Carmen Elena Avalos de Guevara / 2 / Maria Teresa de Alonso / 2 / Ing. Ericka Janeth Colindres Vásquez
3 / Daniel Bonilla Díaz del Valle / 3 / Judith Panameño / 3 / Ing. Jorge Alberto Palma Ramírez
4 / Damaris Alvarado de Montes / 4 / José Roberto Duarte / 4 / Ing. Mercedes Guadalupe Herrera de Gómez
5 / Zaida Osorio de Alfaro / 5 / María del Carmen de Sermeño / 5 / Gloria Isabel Mocker de Valdivieso
6 / Isidra del Carmen Panameño / 6 / Contador Fidel Eduardo Morán Amaya / FOGAPEMI
7 / William Vaquerano / 7 / Assistants / 1 / Michael Suhr
8 / Carlos Turcios8 / 2
9 / Administrator / 3 / Mauricio Antonio Chacón
GTZ (4) /
1 / Marian Rzepka
2 / Ana María
1> Project Protocol based Montreal IM/2110-98-25

Table Annex 52Staff of Ministry of Health at Central Office

Category / Employee
Physicians / 3,638
Medical students / 366
Intern / 402
Dentist / 380
Dental students / 190
Nurses / 2,011
Nurse Auxiliaries / 3,251
Paramedics / 1,853
Total / 22,197

Table Annex 53 Budget of Ministry of Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS)

Year / US Dollar
2004 / 245 million
2005 / 275 million

Table Annex 54 Revenue of ISDEM Revenue($US)

Item / 2003 / 2004 / 2005
Sale of Goods and Services / 7,118,245 / 4,781,125 / 2,444,705
Financial income and others / 2,123,345 / 1,654,250 / 2,104,500
Current transfers / 571,490 / 571,490 / 571,930
Recuperation of financial investments / 4,102,840 / 452,180 / 93,615
Publc debt / 13,664,688 / 4,068,435 / 4,112,575
Balances from previous years / 175,000 / 228,560 / 300,000
Total / 27,755,608 / 11,756,040 / 9,627,325

Table Annex 55Expenditures of ISDEM ($US)

Items / 2003 / 2004 / 2005
Salaries / 2,552,340 / 3,067,605 / 3,017,605
Acquisition of goods and services / 5,168,655 / 2,554,425 / 1,018,540
Financial expenditures and others / 1,766,081 / 1,270,820 / 1,719,640
Current transfers / 3,000 / 0 / 0
Capital investments / 171,760 / 62,475 / 45,000
Financial investments / 6,153,413 / 300,000 / 200
Amortization of the public debt / 11,940,359 / 4,500,715 / 3,826,340
Total / 27,755,608 / 11,756,040 / 9,627,325

Fig. Annex 73
Organization of ISDEM

Annex 6.IDB Decontamination Program for Critical Area

(This annex has been prepared based on a reference material obtained from Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.)

Inter-American Development Bank has provided a Loan for Decontamination of Critical Ares in el Salvador (Loan Contract BID-MARN 1209/OC-ES). The loan is outlined as follows:

  1. Objectives

The Program for Decontamination of Critical Areas (DCC) will have the following overall objective: Provide the basis for the environmental decontamination throughout the country through knowledge and consolidation of mechanisms for environmental management in three critical thematic areas:

a)air quality,

b)water quality;

c)integrated management of solid wastes to reduce the risks to human health and to the environment.

  1. Implementing Agency

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources

  1. Loan Users

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Other government agencies, Municipalities.

  1. Loan Amount

US $38,600,000 in total

  1. Loan Period

5 years from 2003

  1. Program Components
  • Component 1: Strengthening of environmental framework
  • Component 2: Municipal solid waste management

Component 1

Objective of the component is to support to the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources in developing and strengthening their capacity as the Environmental authority. Total amount of the component is US$ 3,559,000. It has the following sub-component.

Component 1

Sub-Components / Amount
  1. Support for the Regulatory Framework for Air Quality.
/ $ 1,305,000
  1. Support for the Regulatory Framework for Water Quality
/ $ 1,350,000
  1. Support for the Regulatory Framework for Municipal solid and hazardous wastes.
/ $ 904,000
Total / $ 3,559,000

Component 2

Objective of this component is to promote the integrated management of municipal solid wastesand resolve the problems of collection and final disposition, by means of investments and programs which promote education and awareness building in the public, community acceptance and financial sustainability of collection and final disposition services. The amount of the component is $ 23,724,000.

Component 2

Sub-Components / Amount
  1. Technical Assistance
/ $ 4,215,000
  1. Education, Promotion and Institutional Strengthening
/ $ 816,000
  1. Pilot Projects
/ $ 12,700,000
  1. Investments in Final Disposition and Equipment and Projects
/ $ 835,000
  1. Investment in Reconstruction
/ $ 5,158,000
Total / $ 23,724,000

Contents of Sub-components

  1. Technical Support

Support municipalities or groups of municipalities in obtaining non-reimbursable funding from the Program, and willing to commit themselves to the execution of environmental, technical, social and financial feasibility studies which can sustain projects and programs; these must comply with technical, environmental and economic requirements.

  1. Education, Promotion and Institutional Strengthening

Finance activities which replicate models tested in successful pilot projects of the Program, including training and strengthening of the

participation of municipalities and entities in the civilian population in the execution of activities, projects and management of municipal solid waste actions and reconstruction.

  1. Pilot Projects

Obtain and validate feasible and replicable experiences, by means of the execution of Projects selected in accordance with criteria included in the current Operations Regulation. These projects shall be the responsibility of the Project Coordination Unit (UCP) and executed by contractors.

  1. Investments in Final Disposition and Equipment and Projects

Provides Municipalities and associations of Municipalities with reimbursable resources under a line of credit for final disposition and equipment projects, excepting those projects for waste collection.

  1. Investment in Reconstruction

Rehabilitate services for management of solid wastes and health units, technical closure and final closure of Open Dumps, equipment for operation of sanitary landfills and the creation of garbage collection micro-enterprises.

Annex 7.ASINORLU 9 Municipalities Organization Charts

(Information contained in this Annex was collected from the following ASINORLU municipalities by ISDEM Project Execution Unit at request of a solid waste consultant made during a preliminary evaluation survey.)

1.Santa Rosa de Lima

2.Nueva Esparta


4.El Sauce

5.San José




9.Concepcion de Oriente