The Process of Deploying Application to Tomcat 5

(Use Example as CircReport)

Yue Ji

December 16, 2004

1. Go to "manager" Deploy section - WAR file to deploy(second one), Select WAR file to upload (from my desktop),
2. Go to "admin" Service section - create new Data Sources from Host-CircReports Context-Resources-Data Source Actions(drop down list) as following data.
If it will deploy to deleon in the future, the elements of "Data Source URL", "User Name", "Password" should be changed to deleon's. "JNDI Name: jdbc/ReportsDB" comes from each application. We(developers) should let you know if you will help us deploy applications. After input all the following configuration data, first click "save" button; second don't forget click "Commit Changes" button(this is crucial for saving configuration data); finally click "Log Out" button.

3. Go to magellan: /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.27/webapps/CircReports/WEB-INF/web.xml, find following section, un-comment "" and comment "localhost:8084"(red part). "localhost:8084" is my local desktop URI. Now it needs magellan to be active. This part is used for authentication filter.
If it will deploy to deleon in the future, it should be changed to deleon's.
<!-- *** Param below should allow specifying server only, and CASFilter.getService would fill

in URI -->
<!-- *** This would be for web-apps that shouldn't point the filter to a particular resource to

return to -->
4. Change all values that have file's path in "" file which locates on magellan:

For example: in my local version, for key "Circ_Report_Auth_XML",
value is "C:/cvsworkingdirectory/circreports/properties/CircReportAuth.xml";
in magellan's version, for key "Circ_Report_Auth_XML",
value should change to

If deleon has the same structure as magellan's, there is no need to change the value when deploying application from magellan to deleon.
5. Go to "manager" Applications section, stop/start or reload application "CircReports".
One thing we need to be attention: whenever we make any changes on the application after deploy, for example, change something in the web.xml, our own selves XML file, java properties sheet, excel spread sheet, etc, we don't need to re-deploy that application. But we DO need to re-stop/stat or reload that application(note: not tomcat) in "manager".