The Prince summer reading Ms. Nackley’s AP/H European History

You have checked out a Prohyptikon paperback copy of the classic The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli.

Your summer assignment will be to read The Prince and keep a journal of reflections on the reading. You will submit on Monday, August 25th.

Here are the requirements:

·  As you read, document by making at least two entries per chapter. There are 26 chapters; none are especially long and some are only a single page or two.

·  I would like there to be 60-75 observations overall. Please type, single spaced, 12 size font

Here is what I would like you to do:

·  Number each entry

·  Identify the page number and paragraph on that page

·  Summarize a statement made by Machiavelli in your own words, or if you want to occasionally quote the text, put the author’s words in quotes

·  Demonstrate your reflection by making either an observation /comment or asking a question that the text brings up.


Entry 1

Page 3, paragraph 1

All governments are republics or monarchies

Can’t there be a mixture of different types of governments? I wonder if Machiavelli is writing for an audience that isn’t educated or knowledgeable about governing.

Your reflections should demonstrate engagement and critical thinking with the material rather than just rewording it. Aim for at least one question per chapter. You might choose to predict what will come next, challenge the author’s logic or bias, or offer an alternate viewpoint. Lastly, you are welcome to state your opinions and have a point of view; when you do make sure you provide examples/ reasoning. That is what Machiavelli is doing!

This will be challenging but I hope it proves to be a valuable experience. The reading is forcing you to think and consider, while giving you a sense of what AP/H European History is all about. Be ready to discuss and turn in your entries the first day of school in the fall.

Enjoy the summer break, take care of the books, and see you next fall!

Ms. Nackley