The Presbytery of Elizabeth

The Presbytery of Elizabeth

Presbyterian Church (USA)

622nd Stated Meeting

September 25 MMVII

Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church

Basking Ridge, NJ


4:00 Call to Order Rev. Michael Granzen (Elizabeth Second), Moderator of Presbytery

Host Pastor Rev. Stuart Ritter (Basking Ridge)

First Time Commissioners

Corresponding and Temporary Members

4:10 Stated Clerk Rev. Paul F. Rack (Bethlehem)

Consent Agenda (on reverse)

4:15 Treasurer Elder David Bomgaars (Central), Treasurer of Presbytery

4:20 Announcement Cluster

4:25 Asset Sharing Time

4:40 Nominating Committee Elder Betty Prezzy Bryant (Third-Westminster), chair

4:45 Recognition of Rev. Robert Foltz-Morrison on his Tenth Anniversary as Executive Presbyter

4:50 Outreach and Social Concerns Unit

Film Preview: “The Great Warming”

Preview of October Mission Initiative

5:00 Youth Triennium Report.

Elder Helen Mosley (Siloam-Hope) and participants

5:30 Peacemaker/Missionary.

Rev. Karla Koll speaks on the Cedepca program

6:00 Dinner.

Theological Table Talk: “Ministry” Rev. Rack (Bethlehem), Rev. Neal Presa (Middlesex)

7:00 The Presbytery at Worship.

Sermon by Rev. Brooks Smith (Honorably Retired)

7:30 Committee on Preparation for Ministry Rev. Victoria Ney (Springfield), chair

Advance to Candidate status- Elder Shelley Gardner (Fanwood)

Motion to retain the rubrics of the former Chapter 14 concerning the candidacy process

7:50 Presbyterian Foundation David Haight

7:55 The Committee on Ministry Rev. Robert Martin (Crescent Ave.), chair

Associate Temporary Supply Covenant- Rev. Helen Beglin and Westfield Church

New Pastor- Rev. Philip Jones, for Central

Pastor Emeritus status- Rev. Jack Dunlap & Avenel

Parish Associate Covenant- Rev. Mercy Rumengan & Metuchen

Installation Commission- Rev. David Jahnke at Fanwood

Examination for Ordination, New Associate Pastor- Curtis Paul at Metuchen

8:55 Moderator

9:00 Adjourn.

The next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Elizabeth will take place on
Saturday, October 27, at the Dunellen church.

Consent Agenda.

Any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda, and discussed and voted on separately, by request of a single presbyter.

1. Docket

2. Minutes of 621st Stated Meeting

3. Excuses (listed at meeting)

4. Reports of active Administrative Commissions

5. Trustees - Motion to approve Elizabeth – First granting an encumbrance to its property.


#1 Moderator Ivory

#2 Stated Clerk White

#3 Executive Presbyter Ivory

#4 Treasurer Grey

#5 Council White

#6 Peace, Unity & Purity (PUP) White

#7 Evangelism & Church Growth Unit (ECVU) Gold

#8 Education & Discipleship Unit (EDU) Peach

Resource Center

#9 Committee on Ministry (COM Green

#10 Outreach & Social Concerns Unit (OSCU) Yellow

Global Mission/Peacemaking, Restoring Creation Enablers

#11 Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) Pink

#12 Trustees Blue

#13 Communications Blue

#14 Financial Development Committee (FDC) Blue

#15 Disaster Response Commission White

#16 Nominating Committee (NOM) Blue

#17 Committee on Representation (COR) Blue

#18 Personnel Committee Blue


#20 Administrative Commissions (AC) White

#21 Judicial Concerns White

Special Disciplinary Committee, Permanent Judicial Committee (PJC)

#22 Self-Development of People (SDOP) Yellow

#23 Other/Miscellaneous White

Parish Paper