Prayer Diary November 2017
I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in earnest prayer to God on my behalf (Romans 15.30)
The prayers for each day are for:
v the mission and ministry of a particular deanery/benefice;
v organisations, schools, events of the diocese and the wider community.
v people and places in the Anglican Communion;
v Our link Diocese Kagera and World Mission
Please contact for queries and suggestions.
Wed 01.11.17 All Saints' Day. / v Waveney and Blyth Deanery (continued). The Benefice of The Saints: Ian Byrne (Assistant Priest), Lynda Lee (Reader).v The fellowship of the church.
v Tokyo: (Japan) The Rt Revd Andrew Yoshimichi Ohata.
v Kagera: Pray for Bishop Darlington Bendankeha as he takes up his post this month, that the Lord may give him the strength and courage that is needed.
Thu 02.11.17 Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day). / v Woodbridge Deanery: Clare Sanders (Rural Dean). Clergy with PTO: Judith Andrews, John Berg, Siw Carlsson, Norman Davis, Wendy Gourlay, Garrie Griffiths, John Hare, Jeremy Harrold, Michael Hatchett, Graham House, Philip Ind, David Lowe, Philip Miller, Bill Salmon, Pauline Stentiford, John Waine, Lorna Webber, Deirdre West, Robin Wilson, Peter Wintgens, Fred Woods.
v The Annual School Leaders Conference at St Nicholas Centre.
v Toliara: (Indian Ocean) The Rt Revd Todd McGregor.
v Kagera: Pray for the children and staff at NAPS as the school numbers continue to rise and the new dormitory building nears completion.
Fri 03.11.17 Richard Hooker, Priest, Anglican Apologist, Teacher of the Faith, 1600.
Martin of Porres, Friar, 1639. / v Great Bealings & Little Bealings with Playford & Culpho: Celia Cook (Priest in Charge).
v Diocesan Synod, meeting tomorrow.
v Rutana: (Burundi) The Rt Revd Pontien Ribakare.
Torit: (Loryko, South Sudan) The Rt Revd Bernard Oringa Balmoi. Torit: Kapoeta Area: (Loryko, South Sudan) The Rt Revd Isaac Deu Chon. Torit: Magwi Area: (Loryko, South Sudan) The Rt Revd Martin Abuni.
v Pray for a peaceful and truly democratic outcome to the elections in Kenya that will be respected by all.
Sat 04.11.17 / v Melton and Ufford: Penny Brown (Associate Priest), Paul Hambling (Rector), Ian Pells (Reader).
v Diocesan Synod meeting today.
v Toronto: (Ontario, Canada) The Most Revd Colin Robert Johnson. Suffragan bishop elect of Toronto: Trent Durham: (Ontario, Canada) Vacant. Toronto: Credit Valley: (Ontario, Canada) The Rt Revd Maurice Philip Poole. Toronto: York: Scarborough: (Ontario, Canada) The Rt Revd Patrick Tin-Sik Yu.
Toronto: York: Simcoe: (Ontario, Canada) The Rt Revd Peter Fenty.
v Pray for the Anglican Church in Beirut, Lebanon that it will continue to grow and flourish providing much needed support to local Christians and visitors alike.
Sun 05.11.17
All Saints
Fourth Sunday before Advent / v Bishop Martin Seeley and Bishop Mike Harrison. The Honorary Bishops: Graeme Knowles, Sandy Millar, Gavin Reid, Tim Stevens, John Waine, Jeremy Walsh. The Bishop of Richborough. The Bishops' Administrative Team and the Bishop's Lay Chaplain.
v Our stewardship of the environment and Sandra Barton, newly appointed Diocesan Environmental Officer.
v Toungoo: (Myanmar) The Rt Revd Saw Wilme.
v Kagera: Pray for more rain in Karagwe which is still very dry and is recovering from last year’s drought.
Mon 06.11.17 Leonard, Hermit, 6th century.
William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, Teacher of the Faith, 1944. / v The Benefice of Carlford: Mark Cresswell (Reader), James Hall (Reader), Clare Sanders (Rector), Jane Woods (Reader).
v Adult Education.
v Trichy-Tanjore: (South India) The Rt Revd Gnanamuthu Paul Vasanthakumar.
v Kagera: Rev Obadiah Eustace teaching at KCTC. Rev Frederick Karayi, Pastor of Kumwuzuza Parish.
Tue 07.11.17 Willibrord of York, Bishop, Apostle of Frisia, 739. / v Wilford Peninsula: Ruth Hatchett (Team Vicar), Malcolm Knapp (Reader), Janice Leaver (Team Vicar), David Murdoch (Rector).
v Bawdsey Primary School, Orford Primary School.
v Trinidad & Tobago: (West Indies) The Rt Revd Claude Berkley.
v Kagera: Rev Canon Sebastion Rubete, Archdeacon of Bushubi with 5 parishes and approx. 3820 church members.
Wed 08.11.17 The Saints and Martyrs of England. / v Woodbridge St John and Bredfield: Bill Herbert (Reader), Clive Howard (Vicar), Gay Nichols (Reader), Alan Weller (Reader).
v Amnesty International and all suffering persecution for their belief.
v Peterborough: (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Donald Spargo Allister. Peterborough: Brixworth: (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd John Holbrook.
Truro: St Germans: (Canterbury, England) The Revd Christopher David Goldsmith.
v Lord, bless the reconciling of your Reformation and Catholic Churches throughout the world. Renew your body in Europe, to your praise and Glory.
Thu 09.11.17 Margery Kempe, Mystic, c.1440. / v Woodbridge St Mary the Virgin: Kevan McCormack (Rector).St Mary’s Primary School, Woodbridge.
v Tuam, Killala & Achonry: (Armagh, Ireland) The Rt Revd Patrick William Rooke.
v Pray for the more than 500,000 Rohingya people who have crossed the border into Bangladesh and unknown numbers who remain displaced in Myanmar. Pray for an end to their persecution in Myanmar.
Fri 10.11.17
Leo the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher of the Faith, 461. / v Bosmere Deanery: Diane Williams (Rural Dean). Clergy with PTO: Nancy Baird, Robin Excell, Maureen Green, Alison Lay, Aileen Mortimer, Bruce Wakeling, Pat Wright .Age Concern Suffolk.
v Twik East: (Upper Nile, South Sudan) The Rt Revd Ezekiel Diing.
v Pray for the aid workers on the ground in Bangladesh who are helping to save lives, and provide shelter and food for the Rohingya refugees.
Sat 11.11.17 Martin, Bishop of Tours, c.397. / v Bramford: Julian Fennell (Assistant Curate), Jenny Seggar (Priest in Charge).
v For the peace of the world. Bramford Primary School.
v Udi: (Enugu, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Chjioke Augustine Aneke.
v Kagera: Christopher Kanyankole leading the Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS Project. Praise for babies being born free of the virus.
Sun 12.11.17 Third Sunday before Advent. / v Archdeacons David Jenkins and Ian Morgan. Diocesan Officers.
v All who have died or suffered in war. Those serving in HM Forces and those who have died serving.
v Ughelli: (Bendel, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Cyril Odutemu.
v Kagera: Rev Frederick Kabobe, Rural Dean of Kayanga Deanery. Rev Daniel Mabruck, Rural Dean of Mugoma Deanery.
Mon 13.11.17 Charles Simeon, Priest, Evangelical Divine, 1836. / v Claydon & Barham: Cathy Austin (Assistant Priest), Chris Farley (Reader), Carl Melville (Priest in Charge), Liz Stone (Reader).
v Artists.
v Ukhahlamba: (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Mazwi Tisani.
v Kagera: Pray that the Tanzanian government listens to local opinion and that Murgwanza Hospital stays open.
Tue 14.11.17 Samuel Seabury, first Anglican Bishop in North America, 1796. / v Coddenham with Gosbeck & Hemingstone: Judy Hailes (Reader), Helen Norris (Assistant Priest), Philip Payne (Priest in Charge).
v Community Action Suffolk.
v Ukwa: (Aba, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Samuel Kelechi Eze. Umuahia: (Aba, Nigeria) The Most Revd Ikechi Nwachukwu Nwosu.
v Kagera: Pray that the diocese is able to raise extra funds to meet the costs of the consecration of Bishop Darlington.
Wed 15.11.17 / v Creetings & Earl Stonham with Stonham Parva: Barbara Gallagher (Assistant Priest), Philip Payne (Priest in Charge), Henry Stanford (Reader).
v Creeting St Mary Primary School.
v Umzimvubu: (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Mlibo Ngewu.
v Kagera: Pray for the diocese of Biharamulo and all who work to spread God’s word in the region.
Thu 16.11.17 Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Philanthropist, Reformer of the Church, 1093. Edmund Rich of Abingdon, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1240. / v Crowfield with Stonham Aspal & Mickfield: Helen Norris (Assistant Priest), Philip Payne (Priest in Charge).
v Stonham Aspal Primary School.
v Upper Shire: (Central Africa) The Rt Revd Brighton Vitta Malasa.
v Kagera: Rev Ignatio Kagya, Pastor of Kaisho Parish. Rev Emmanuel Makombo, Pastor, Kumunazi Parish.
Fri 17.11.17 Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200. / v Great Blakenham and Little Blakenham with Baylham & Nettlestead: Julian Fennell (Assistant Curate), Carl Melville (Priest in Charge), Jenny Seggar (Priest in Charge).
v Servers in the sanctuary.
v Uruguay: (South America) The Rt Revd Michael Pollesel. Suffragan Bishop of Uruguay: (South America) The Rt Revd Gilberto Obdulio Porcal Martínez. Paraguay: (South America) The Rt Revd Peter John Henry Bartlett. Paraguay: (South America) The Rt Revd Andrés Rodríguez Erben.
v Pray for the World Mission Group members as they seek to bring the vitality of the church beyond our shores to our mission in this diocese.
Sat 18.11.17 Elizabeth of Hungary, Princess of Thuringia, Philanthropist, 1231. / v Needham Market with Badley: Kate Holmes (Reader), Diane Williams (Priest in Charge).
v Emergency Services.
v Upper South Carolina: (IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Andrew Waldo. Utah: (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Scott Hayashi.
v Pray for those vulnerable communities around the world that are affected by climate change and ask for wisdom for political leaders that they may keep to the Paris Agreement.
Sun 19.11.17 Second Sunday before Advent.
Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680. Mechtild, Béguine of Magdeburg, Mystic, 1280. / v St Edmundsbury CathedraL Graeme Knowles (Acting Dean). The Cathedral Chapter and staff.The new Hon. Canons being installed at the Cathedral today.Uyo: (Niger Delta, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Prince Asukwo Antai.
Kagera: Church and Community Mobilisation Process. Pray for Thomas Shavu as he works with communities helping them to embrace this process for change.
Mon 20.11.17 Edmund, King of the East Angles, Martyr, 870.
Priscilla Lydia Sellon, a Restorer of the Religious Life in the Church of England, 1876. / v Ringshall with Battisford & Barking with Darmsden & Gt Bricett: Daniel Harrison (Priest in Charge).
v The church communities of this diocese and our ministry to the wider community.
v Vanuatu: (Melanesia) The Rt Revd James Ligo.
v Pray for all aid workers across East Africa working to bring relief to those who are hungry or starving. Pray for an end to the widespread drought.
Tue 21.11.17 / v Somersham with Flowton & Offton with Willisham: Mary Carter (Reader), Daniel Harrison (Priest in Charge).
v EvnU Youth Ministry
v Vellore: (South India) The Rt Revd A Rajavelu.
v Lweru Diocese: Rev. Canon Josias Msafiri, General Secretary. Rev. Enock Rweyemamu, Katoke Parish.
Wed 22.11.17 Cecilia, Martyr at Rome, c.230. / v Clare Deanery: Stuart Mitchell (Rural Dean). Clergy with PTO: Colin McCarty, Graham Owen.
v Emergency Services.
v Venezuela: (XI, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Orlando Guerrero.
v Kagera: Pray for Asifiwe Gwihangwe, Kagera Diocesan Development Officer.
Thu 23.11.17 Clement, Bishop of Rome, Martyr, c.100. / v Haverhill with Withersfield: Ian Finn (Rector).
v Food banks
v Vermont: (I, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Thomas Ely.
v Give thanks for Dorothee Double and Judy Chisholm who along with Thomas Shavu climbed Kilimanjaro to raise funds for CCMP.
Fri 24.11.17 / v Stourhead Benefice: Sharon Brandon (Reader), Stephen Diddams (Reader), Derek Hollis (Rector).
v Thurlow Primary School.
v Virgin Islands: (II, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Ambrose Gumbs.
v Lweru Diocese: Rev Canon Brighton Mtafungwa, Rural Dean & Buhaya Parish.
Sat 25.11.17 Catherine of Alexandria, Martyr, 4th century.
Isaac Watts, Hymn Writer, 1748. / v The Benefice of Bansfield: Brin Singleton (Rector).
v Homeless people.
v Virginia: (III, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Shannon Johnston. Suffragan Bishop of Virginia: (III, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Susan Ellyn Goff. West Virginia: (III, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Willam Michie Klusmeyer.
v Kagera: Praise God for growing congregations. Pray for the many parishes where there are large numbers of children and few able to teach in Sunday School.
Sun 26.11.17 Christ the King. / v Members of the Diocesan Synod, Diocesan Secretary Anna Hughes and the diocesan staff.
v Intercontinental Church Society.
v Wad Medani: (Sudan) The Rt Revd Saman Farajalla Mahdi.
v For a growing understanding between Christians and Moslems in Lebanon and across the Middle East.
Mon 27.11.17 / v The Benefice of Suffolk Heights: Barbara Hill (Reader), Simon Hill (Rector).
v Just 42 Youth organisation.
v Waiapu: (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Rt Revd Andrew Hedge. Bishop of Taranaki: (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Most Revd Philip Richardson.
Bishop of Waikato: (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Rt Revd Helen-Ann Hartley.
v Lweru: Rev Canon Dawson Ishabakaki, Rural Dean and Kabagunda Parish. Rev. Cosmas Kitwe, Rural Dean & Kasindaga Parish.
Tue 28.11.17 / v The Benefice of the Stour Valley: Stuart Mitchell (Rector), Lynda Sebbage (Assistant Curate), Eileen Waterhouse (Reader).
v Cavendish Primary School.
v Wangaratta: (Victoria, Australia) The Rt Revd John Parkes.
v Pray for the migrants still hiding in Calais a year after the destruction of the ‘jungle’ camp there. Pray particularly for the vulnerable children who are still waiting and hoping to be allowed to come to the UK.
Wed 29.11.17
Day of Intercession and Thanksgiving for the Missionary Work of the Church / v Colneys Deanery: Andrew Dotchin (Rural Dean). Clergy with PTO: John Andrews, Ann Barley, Ivan Barley, Janice Chenery, Heather Cooke, Elizabeth Corker, Sam Cowley, Helen Davy, Herbert Fadriquela, David Finch, Paul Griffiths, Christopher Leffler, Tony Marsh, Barry Middleton, Richard Moore, Chris Nunn, Brian Percy, Joy Rapley, Harry Stalker, Jeremy Walsh.
v Missionaries and Missionary societies and the mission in our diocese.
v Warri: (Bendel, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Christian Esezi Ideh.
v Pray for the LGBT communities and individuals persecuted in many countries.
Thu 30.11.17 Andrew the Apostle. / v Felixstowe St John the Baptist with St Edmund: Penny Brinkley (Assistant Priest), Andrew Dotchin (Priest in Charge).
v People who have been baptised and confirmed this month. Bishop's Council meeting today.
v Washington: (III, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Mariann Edgar Budde.
v Pray for the work of Tearfund and thank God for its continuing help in monitoring and advising on CCMP in Kagera.