The political party positions on abortion

The legalisation of abortion itself is a state issue. In Victoria in 2008 we saw the Labor government introduce a law to legalise abortion – up to 24 weeks at the request of the mother and after that with two doctors (they can both be abortionists) agreeing. The law also severely restricts the right of conscience for a doctor to refuse to participate in the abortion process. The law is considered the worst in the world after China.

At the federal level there are only certain matters that the federal government controls in relation to abortion.

They include:

1. Medicare funding of abortion.

2. The use of overseas aid money for abortion and abortion services.

3. Allowing the abortion drug RU486 to be imported into Australia for use in abortions.

There are also associated ‘life’ issues such as embryonic stem cells and cloning.


The Greens support abortion on demand.

Their policy states that the Greens will “ensure that all women have access to legal, free and safe pregnancy termination services including unbiased counselling.
[Care for People, women policy – No 20]

The Greens would SUPPORT ALL of the listed issues regarding Medicare for abortion, overseas aid for abortions, RU486.
All the Greens Senators voted FOR RU486 [The 2006 RU 486 vote – click here, see No 16.]
Three out of four Greens Senators voted for the 2006 cloning Bill.


Many people think that the Labor Party treats abortion as a ‘conscience issue’ where MPs can vote against abortion.

That’s true – BUT…

That clause was inserted in their Platform in 1984 – at the same time they adopted a policy of SUPPORTING ABORTION!

The Labor Party platform says “Labor will support the rights of women to determine their own reproductive lives, particularly the right to choose appropriate fertility control and abortion and ensure that these choices are on the basis of sound social and medical advice. (Platform – Chapter 6, No 44)

The 1984 conference resolution is that “Conference resolves that the matter of abortion can be freely debated at any State or federal forum of the Australian Labor Party, but any decision reached is not binding on any member of the Party.”

[1984 decision – see Constitution, Part E, No 5, Page 28)

Labor has done a preference deal with the Greens. This could mean that surplus Labor votes in the Senate assist Greens candidates to be elected.

It also means that Labor will be beholden to the Greens if they are re-elected.

EMILY’s List

EMILY’s List is an organization that helps women in the Labor Party get elected by giving them money for their campaigns. Julia Gillard was one of the founders of EMILY’s LIST.

See their website:

EMILY stands for ‘Early Money is Like Yeast’.

HOWEVER, in order to get support from EMILY’s LIST the candidate has to support abortion.
EMILY’s List also supports equality, affirmative action for women, childcare and so on.

They say they have helped 139 women get elected to parliaments across Australia.

Find out if the (female) ALP candidate in your electorate is a member of EMILY’S List.
View their list of federal candidates.

We noted that Julia Gillard is not listed – but she is a member!

On the specific issues:

1. On Medicare funding, Labor doesn’t have any proposal to address this matter. They say they will give a ‘conscience vote’ on this matter. See response to Australia Votes and response during the previous debate.

2. Overseas aid:Labor changed the rules for the giving of overseas aid to allow it to be used for abortions.See media report.

3. RU 486 vote: 82% of Labor MPs voted for it – Julia Gillard voted for it.

On the cloning of Embryos: 69% of Labor voted for the 2006 legislation allowing the creation and destruction of embryos for embryonic stem cell research.


The Coalition does not have a policy on abortion and whenever an issue arises it is a matter of conscience for each member.

Recently the Coalition said they don’t have any plans to propose legislation to address or repeal any federal matters regarding abortion if they are elected. See Australia Votes and Tony Abbott’s comment.

1. Medicare funding: During the last Parliament Liberal Senator Guy Barnett introduced a private bill to call for the removal of some Medicare funding for abortion. The Bill wasn’t voted on.

2. Overseas aid for abortion: Whilst in government, the Coalition refused to allow overseas aid money to be used for abortion. This change was made under the Rudd Labor government.

3. RU 486 Bill: 43% of Liberals voted for it and 19% of the Nationals. Tony Abbott voted against it.

On the cloning of embryos – 2006 Bill: 41% of Liberals and 6% of Nationals voted for the Bill.

Family First

As a party Family First opposes abortion.
Family First is concerned about Medicare funding being used for abortions.
[See response to ‘Australia Votes’ and Supporting Statements for Christian Values Checklist]
Senator Steve Fielding voted against the importation of RU 486.

Steve also voted against the 2006 legislation on cloning of embryos which would then be killed for embryonic stem cell research.


The CDP is pro-life and opposes abortion. Their policy says “We affirm that human life begins at fertilisation, and therefore should be given legal protection throughout all stages of pregnancy. Abortion should be banned by any society that aspires to justice and compassion.”

On Medicare funding: “at the Federal level we will seek to have Medicare funding of abortion withdrawn.”

On cloning: “CDP opposes any type of research on human embryos that results in their harm or destruction. Therefore, we support the rescinding of State and Federal legislation permitting such research.”


The DLP is pro-life and opposes abortion.Their policy says “We also recommend enforcement of the criminal law with respect to procured abortions and euthanasia through the prosecution.”

On Medicare funding: “The DLP proposes a permanent embargo on all tax funding for procured abortions, destructive human embryo experiments, and the artificial reproduction of human life for any utilitarian end.”

On cloning of embryos: “Absolute opposition to legislation that allows human embryos to be produced, used and destroyed in the harvesting of embryonic stem cells (as distinct from the use of ethically acceptable adult stem cells) or in human cloning experiments.

Published by Salt Shakers, 16 August 2010.
