While waiting for the bus back to my apartment from town, Abba gave me this revelation to share.
I recently showed two couples, who had come to visit me, that I had note pads everywhere I would sit. I have one in my purse and by my bed also. He speaks in at least 40 different ways to us as individuals. The portal of the re-born spirit contacts the eternal realm. It has a mind of its own. So, if that portal is open without obstacles to Yahuweh, then by His Spirit He can download His Word, thoughts, His opinions, His will, and show us things to come. I keep that portal open at all times, for I fear missing something that He wants to tell me. If you expect Him to speak to you, you make provision.
Being in Israel, all around me are the religious Jews and the secular Jews interspersed among tourists, Ephraimites, and Muslims.It is a mixture of all sorts of people. I love Israel, but I see that it is succumbing to the spirits of the those nations that conquered it from the time of Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome, and now end-time Babylon, revived Rome, and Greece.
For many years He has opened my eyes to see His prophetic Word coming to pass, and has taught me from the “logos” – the written Word. Interacting with the Spirit of Yahuweh Himself, we come to know His nature, ways and thinking, and He comes to instruct, and to assign His will. If we are obedient, He comes to trust us and give us His authority backing. He cannot work with anyone who is not pure of heart and set-apart, and dead to self-will. He cannot work with anyone who puts man above Him. He will have “no other gods in His face”.
Now, the Pharisee spirit of Rabbinic Judaism is once again, as it was in the days of Rabbi Akiva, founder of Rabbinic Judaism (2nd century),joining with the Vatican and its whore spirit to make one monstrous united force.Both spirits are rooted in ancient Rome (Refer to:“Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”).
The famous “St.” Augustine said: “Rome is the second Babylon”. The spirit of Nimrod, founder of Babylon, first sun god said to be reincarnated in his son Tammuz, moved from ancient Babylon to Pergamum, to Rome, to western Europe, and settled in north eastern America.
Everything that Nimrod wanted to do to rule the earth and defy Yahuweh balled up in New York City and Washington DC. We know now that the Beast (anti-messiah to the Christians) will come from America. We know now that from way before 1776, back to the late 1500s, America was set up to be the nation to resurrect and reincarnate Nimrod, as son of Lucifer – Apollyon.
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Each president from George Washington has been put through the “ceremony of the rising” – to see if he was “the one” to incarnate Nimrod, just as each new Pharaoh was put through a similar ceremony to incarnate the sun god Aman Rah, and at death to incarnate Osiris.
It is the Masonic/Illuminati/Vatican dream to reincarnate him and bring him to world rule. And, it has been done! Now the Vatican and the Beast are uniting so that together, as was Pope John Paul II’s dream, to rule the world.
Just as there is a Masonic hierarchy inside this cultic religion, so there is a satanic hierarchy within the Vatican – both are leaders of the “Illuminati”, servants of Satan/Lucifer/Helel/Devil/Dragon.
First century Greek Gnostic Christianity was revamped by the Roman Emperor Constantine and used to unite his empire--drawing from gods in Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia to create the Roman Catholic Church.
Rabbi Akiva, around 132-133 CE, created a counterfeit religion that exalted the rabbis above Yahuweh. Today’sMessianic Movement isbasically a mixture of these two, but the Jewish branch of it is more bent towards Rabbinic Judaism, while the Ephraimite branch of it is bent more towards Christianity with Jewish traditions and rabbinic reasoning thrown in.
I understand that individuals are being taught truth in this movement, but the movement itself is not rooted as a whole in the nature, ways and thinking of Yahuweh and Yahushua, as taught strictly from the whole of Scripture, as taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh Himself. It is mostly a man-driven religion, where each group has its own belief system that aligns to whatever rabbi they follow.
Akiva appealed to Rome for protection for his new brand of Judaism, and placed it under Rome for its protection. Of course, it backfired finally, and Rome executed Akiva. But, the Sanhedrin of the 1st century, which condoned Messiah’s death, and the revived Sanhedrin of our day, was/is interlocked with Rome for their authority to execute judgment for the rising Roman Empire in matters of religion.In other words, when the decree goes forth by the False Prophet that all on earth must worship the Beast and his image, it will be this Jewish-kabalistic governing body for the Vatican who will be given authority to execute those who do not worship the Beast. Already this governing body in Israel, restored after about 1600 years of being dormant, is working with the court system as a mediator in cases involving religion. They have petitioned the Vatican to make Jerusalem the headquarters of world religion, with them as the governing body.
Today they want the authority to rule in religious matters using the diabolically hidden Noahide Laws to execute judgment primarily on those that use the Name of Yahuweh and believe in Yahushua Messiah under the
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law against blasphemy and the law against idolatry. [Refer to: “Beware of the Noahide Laws”] The Vatican has already made a powerful statement to its one billion members not to use the name Yahuweh, either in church or in private prayer.
The “revived Roman Empire” – the 7th Beast – is now in place to take its throne of world rule, producing the “False Prophet” who will rule with the Beast from end-time Babylon (America) over the earth.[Refer to: “End Time Babylon”] And where is Islam in all of this? Islam is the creation of Rome – created by the Vatican to make sure they secured Jerusalem as their own.
Islam is part of the revived Roman Empire in that it is their lackey – their means to getting what they want, their channel to work through - just like the Vatican has always been the lackey of Lucifer. Then it will be destroyed by the powers of Lucifer, along with every other religion.
The eighth Beast of Revelation 17:10-11, combines the political power of the revived Roman Empire with the pseudo religious power that it wields. The god of Catholicism, the sun god “Yesu”, has always been a version of Nimrod/Osiris/Apollo/Mithra/Sol Invictus, Jupiter, Zeus, etc. Therefore the spirits of these gods from Rome and Babylon unite all the spirits of the gods of ancient days--the Nephillim (Genesis 6:2,4)--to create a final religion of worship to the resurrected and reincarnated son of Lucifer.
Those who have trapped themselves in the counterfeit religions of man will be trapped into worshipping the Beast and thinking it’s the right thing to do. The hypnotic power and mindtakeover of the earth’s people is rapidly happening, so that when the fallen ones come to earth with the rise of Apollyon, the earth’s people will already be willing to throw off any previous beliefs in order to unite with their will. The human will is being taken from people. It is so prevalent in America that I am almost afraid to go there, or to stay very long!
From Rob Skiba’s DVD The Mount Hermon Roswell Connection (2011), he interviews Dr. Jacobs, a professional psychiatrist, who has interviewed and studied alien abductions for over 20 years. He has come to find out that the aliens (fallen angels) do not want to create giant Nephillim again that were 35 feet and upwards. No! They want to so mix their seed with the seed of men so well that these hybrids look just like ordinary humans. In fact, some of the abductees said they were shown a type of video of children playing in a playground and people walking on the street, and asked the question: “Can you tell the difference between our people and yours?” They saw no difference--which means that what they are doing now is to populate the earth with themselves, looking just like human, mixing their seed with
humans so well that no one can tell that they are not fully human. Just as
the “indigo children” and the “crystal children”, and the “changelings”. The
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changelings are exchanged, usually just after birth in hospitals, for alien hybrids that look just like their children. Yes, it’s scary. But, I had a dream in which Abba showed me these things, and then said: “Nothing is as it appears”. By the Spirit we can discern and learn what is behind the masking and the veils, and the secrets of the hidden things.(Daniel 2:21-22; Mark 4:22-25; Amos 3:7)
To not be deceived you must stay filled with the Spirit, and keep the portal open to Yahuweh’s realm, and be in His Presence daily to learn from Him. Otherwise, you will definitely be sucked into deception and the pit. [Please refer to the article: “Living From the Eternal Mind – The Secret of Never Being Deceived”] In my dream of the people in the wheelchairs, which I wrote down in “The Time of Panic Has Begun”, is a picture of the end result of what is happening now.
The façade of the Vatican’s power, using religion, will be cast away, and its political power re-established with end-time Babylon to produce the Beast and the False Prophet. That is firmly in the works in spring 2012.
Already the Vatican is attempting to exert its ancient and rightful power as the extension of the Roman Empire over all the kingdoms of the earth in calling for a global economy with a global authority to rule it (2011).
July 10, 2009, the pope gave an instructional encyclical to Obama for world rule. But, now the power play within the Vatican for the last pope is happening. This last pope, they know, will bring apostasy among Catholics and be a false prophet to the world.
The spirit of religion, as always, is a brutal murderous spirit – sadistic – arrogant – proud, controlling, manipulative, and bitterly cruel. It is full of witchcraft and “every evil bird”. (Revelation 18:2-4)It has at its core the nature of Lucifer, who wants all worship through his son Apollyon.
Speaking of New York City--headquarters of end-time Babylon’s commerce and trade under Lucifer (Ezekiel 28), and power center of world finances – Revelation 18:2 says: “And he cried with a strong voice saying `Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become the habitation of devils, and the strong hold of every four spirit, and a cage (haunt) of every unclean and hated bird’ ”.
New York City is the home base of the Mother of Harlots – who finally returns to her base in Shinar (the region in which Babylon was built). (Zechariah 5:5-11)But, her religious power has always come through Rome. Rome is where her power using religion is concentrated. She is symbolic of the Queen of Heaven, the consort of the sun god, the epitome of evil. The unity of America and the Jesuit Vatican goes back to the 1500s – to the inception of America.
January 26, 2012:I had an all night dream in which I saw a map of the
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north eastern U.S., and Abba kept repeating: “The North American North East Region”. The next morning I found in my new National Geographic Atlas that they had the U.S. divided into regions. I went to the North East Region and ran my fingers over the coastline, and the presence of evil came off the page into my fingers, and I knew that it was an epicenter of great evil.
The Orthodox Jewish rabbis have to prove lineage to the 1st century Pharisees to be valid in Rabbinic Judaism. Through the centuries, they have incorporatedmuch wickedness from Babylon, Greece and Rome into their belief system--mysticism, occult practices, astrology, reincarnation, and the vile mystical New Age kabala.But, least the Jews have preserved for us the Hebrew Tenach, and for that we bless them greatly! There is a remnant who will receive Yahushua when He comes!
While sitting there at the bus stop, waiting for my bus, He continued, and said to me, speaking through me to His people: WE ARE A DISCIPLE OF WHOEVER TEACHES US!
The word “disciple” means “a taught one”.It is clear: Unless we are taught by the Spirit of Truth – Yahuweh Himself - we are not Yahuweh’s and Yahushua’s disciples.Messiah kept saying: “Be careful what you hear…”
Luke 14:33: “…whoever of you that does not forsake all that he has, cannot be My disciple”. “…He cannot be My taught one”.
We are either the disciples of man, who are usually crookedsomehow to the plumb line of Yahuweh’sWord--to His nature, ways, and thinking--and who create a mixture of truth with human reasoning and distortions of the Word, or a pure disciple of Yahuweh. All of man’s religions are under Lucifer—the god of this world. For those taught by the Spirit, the Spirit brings confirmation from others who are also taught by Him, or from pure facts--but at His own discretion. We must only do research strictly under His guidance. Usually, however, He brings the confirmation in unusual ways. He is really an exciting Person to know!
The False Prophet will reinstate worship to Lucifer – the Dragon – his god, his father, by uniting world worship of the Beast. (Revelation 13) But for those with only a head-reasoning religion, worship of the Beast will simply be a matter of appealing to the logic of the mind.
The Master is calling us to radical set-apartness! Being set-apart from religion’s programming, the world’s programming, the culture’s programming--to be taught and programmed by Him. Unless we submit our mind to His programming, via His Word, it will forever be a thorn in our flesh to block the words of the Master to our spirit. If He speaks to our spirit and
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instructs us, and the mind interferes with fear or reasoning, with obstacles, so that we don’t obey, we cut ourselves out of His rewards and are tell Him to basically “buzz off”.
We are born again to be bond slaves – in training for reigning – to be taught, disciplined, tested, and trained some more. We are in training also as soldiers to be trusted in battle as with the Gideon 300. We are born again with combat boots on. But, if we are lazy or fearful and will not submit to that training and teaching, He has every right to tell us what He told the foolish virgins of Matthew 25:13: “Truly I say to you, I do not know you”. And He shut them out of the wedding feast.
You either a repentant, humble, contrite disciple and a servant of the Master--obedient and fearful of displeasing Him in all things, daily dying to self-will to pick up His will--or you are a religious head full of knowledge, but one excluded from knowing Him. He can only anoint and move through a vessel that is totally cleansed of “self”! If He finds hidden blockage in the vessel, He either crushes the vessel to remake it under pressure, or He casts the vessel aside.
With knowledge outside of the Spirit’s teaching comes religious pride, self-righteousness, pride and a haughty spirit. Such a person has never touched the eternal realm.
Man can only teach the mind. The Spirit teaches in the mind of the re-born spirit. The soul works through the brain. The spirit is in the loins area of our body. Together they comprise the “spirit man”. But, if the spirit man is subject to the soul’s (flesh) dictates, a person’s salvation is at stake.
I believe strongly that most of those who say they are “saved” or who think they have an “in” with God for some reason, yet they run to man and will not allow Him to teach them, are not truly born again.
A truly born again person “trembles at His Word” and longs for His Presence daily, and submits, in death to self-will, to His will. That describes only a tiny few who say they are Christians or Messianic people. [Refer to: “The True New Birth”] Religion has distorted the true new birth transformation into the nature and likeness of Elohim into some formula or emotional experience, and so few in the West really know what it is to have the transformation of the Spirit. There are 40 things that the Spirit does when a person is truly born again. They become a totally new creation. It takes simple, child-like faith for a person to be truly born of the Spirit.
On my website: refer to the articles in the first three collections to learn what it means to be born of the Spirit, baptized by His standards, and filled with the Spirit.