Annual Parish

Safeguarding Self Audit

The Peterborough Diocese recommends that all Parishes

adopt an annual safeguarding self-audit to be assured that appropriate safeguarding

arrangements are in place and implemented effectively.

Name of Church/Benefice: No of Churches in Benefice:

Deanery: Incumbent:

For Calendar Year: Completed by: Role:

Date Completed:


Parish Safeguarding Self Audit

Who should complete the Audit?

Where possible the Parish Safeguarding Officer or Benefice Safeguarding Officer, consulting with the Incumbent and Churchwardens. If you are a Local Ecumenical Partnership, please also consult with all ministers and relevant officers.

Even if you don’t think you have any safeguarding worries in your church

While some Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) may not have approved work with children or adults who are vulnerable, all will at some time

have children or vulnerable adults in their church and most will have licensed lay ministers or other volunteers involved in pastoral activity

on behalf of the Church. There could also be insurance implications if you fail to follow good safeguarding practice.

How do we complete the Audit?

1.  Undertake the Audit in good time for your Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) or other Annual Meeting.

2.  The Audit may be undertaken across a Benefice, and the Benefice Safeguarding Officer may need to decide if the audit will be required for all churches e.g. for churches with very low church attendance and/or no officers appointed.

3.  Each question below represents a simple safeguarding standard. For each one tick either “YES”, or place a cross under “NO” in the appropriate column. If some churches in a Benefice meet a standard but others don’t, enter the number out of the total that do e.g./ 5/6. NB: Question’s 20-22 are for Local Ecumenical Partnerships only.

4.  Total all the “Yes” and “No” ticks and crosses.

5.  For all the “No” scores set out how you intend to rectify them in a bullet point action plan (below). Your scores and Safeguarding Action Plan from this audit give you a baseline against which you can compare future scores; and safeguarding implementation can be measured against this year’s agreed Action Plan

6.  Agree the Action Plan at the APCM or other Annual Meeting. There should be clarity about who will undertake tasks listed and when they should be completed by. (See Action Plan format below)

Before you start…

List Church related activities approved by the Chapter or PCC which involve children in this Parish/Benefice
/ List Church related activities approved by the Chapter or PCC which involve adults who are vulnerable in this Parish/Benefice

Key Within some of the questions you will see (1); (2) or (3) please see below what this relates to:

(1) Follow link :

(2) Follow link:

(3) Church Officer – anyone appointed/elected by or on behalf of the Church to an office, post or role, whether they are ordained or lay, paid or unpaid.

Has the Parochial Church Council:- / Yes
√ / No
× / If no, Scheduled for (date)
1.  / Ensured that all safeguarding concerns about a child vulnerable adult or the behaviour of an adult have been immediately reported to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser? (DSA)
2.  / Adopted all of the Church of England House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policy Statements? (1)
3.  / Adopted the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy Statement? (2)
4.  / Adopted / reviewed the Diocesan model Church Safeguarding Policy and Procedure?
5.  / Ensured that there is appropriate insurance cover for all activities involving children or vulnerable adults undertaken in the name of the Parish?
6.  / Appointed a Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) or Benefice Safeguarding Officer (BSO) who is neither the incumbent, married to them, or in a civil partnership?
7.  / Ensured the PSO or BSO reports periodically to the PCC and to the Annual Church Meeting on the implementation of the policy?
8.  / Ensured that Safeguarding is a standing item on every PCC meeting agenda?
9.  / Have you displayed in your Church building and/or church premises where children’s or adults’ activities take place, the contact details of the PSO or BSO and the “Worried about a child or adult” contact list. (2)
Have you displayed in the Church building and church premises where children’s and adults’ activities take place the recommended Diocesan Sample Posters? (2)
11. / If you have a Church website, have you ensured it has a Safeguarding Statement on the home page with a link to the telephone numbers and email addresses of the PSO, BSO and DSA?
12. / Ensured all paid staff and volunteers working with children, young people and vulnerable adults have been recruited according to the C of E’s and Diocesan Safer Recruitment Guidance?
12a. / Arranged to join the Peterborough Diocese online criminal record checking scheme run by the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS)
12b. / Appointed a “Lead Recruiter” and Deputy Lead Recruiter as required under the CCPAS scheme to arrange for eligible roles to be checked by the DBS?
12c. / Ensured all those occupying eligible role have been DBS checked in accordance with Church of England or CCPAS guidance?
12d. / Has the PCC ensured all roles checked under the scheme in which an offence has been revealed, have been notified immediately to the DSA?
13. / Ensured that no one occupying a role in which an offence has been disclosed has been appointed or started in their role until assessed by the DSA?
14. / Ensured all those applying for roles, paid or unpaid, with children/vulnerable adults (irrespective of whether or not a DBS check is required) have completed a confidential self-declaration form?
15. / Ensured all leaders and volunteers working with children and vulnerable adults have written job roles and person specifications?
16. / Ensured accounts of all safeguarding incidents arising in the period have been recorded, collated into one document and stored securely in one place.
17. / Ensured all church officers (3) have attended the appropriate diocesan safeguarding training modules?
18. / Ensured risk assessments are in place for new and existing activities with children and vulnerable adults?
19. / Ensured church premises have been hired out in accordance with Diocesan Practice Guidance? (2)
20. / If working within Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs), agreed which denomination or organisation’s safeguarding children or vulnerable adults’ policy to follow, including where to seek advice in urgent situations.
21. / Ensured this decision has been ratified both by the Bishop and other appropriate church leaders in the partnership?
22. / In the event of a specific safeguarding concern, ensured that all the LEP partners are notified?

Action Plan Year

Task / Who will carry out the task? / Target Date for Completion / Date of Completion

NB Carry forward any uncompleted tasks into the following year’s action plan.