Representative Democracy is a Fraud:

(politicians are selfish elitists out of touch with the people)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions

Introduction: Democracies Fail Because Politicians Are Out For Themselves, Not Out to Help the People

My Fight for People Power and Justice For All

Organize, Unite & Fight to Change the Government Now

We Need a System of Quick Decisions Followed by Immediate Action

I Will Fight to Change the Government & Get Rid of All Politicians Except For One National Leader

My Fight for True Democracy

Why Did I Always Think Politicians Were Scumbags?

We Have to Unite & Demand the PPP

People are Corrupt: The Bible Says So

Politicians Are Selfish People in Gangs

The Stranglehold of Two Parties

You Have to Fight if You Want True Democracy

Politicians Are Corrupted Very Quickly & Easily

Representative Democracy is an Oxymoron

Any News Show Can Do a Simple Test to See How Democratic We Really Are

Is There a Shadow Government?

Does Your National Security Agency Spy on Your Politicians?

Elections Are Theater: Candidates Are Almost the Same

Politicians Want Their Power: The People Have to Fight For Change

Philosopher-King vs. Natural Greed, Lust For Power & a Big Ego

I Hate Politicians

Politics is Very Slow at Getting Things Done: The Proof is in all the Poverty Everywhere

Representative Democracy is Closer to Dictatorship than Democracy

Chapter 2. I Stand Up For True Democracy Because My Inner Voice Says I Must

Power to the People

Stand Up For Yourself: Fight For Your Rights

What Have Have Politicians Done to Help You?

Representative Democracy is not Real Democracy

Sometimes You Have to Fight For Your Rights

Where is Truth & Compassion in Government? Rise Up & Demand It

Chapter 3. We Give Individuals Dictator-like Powers When We Should Focus on Ideas Not Politicians

Governments Want Total Power While Pretending to be Democracies

It’s Very Easy to Elect Evil Leaders

The Dictator’s Handbook: Why Politicians & Dictators are the Same

Why Power Corrupts Almost Everybody

Chapter 4. Your Leaders Must Create an E-Voting System so That You Can Vote on the PPP to be Your New Form of Government

If Your Politicians Refuse Your Request to Vote on Changing the Structure of Government

Embarrass Your Government: Let the People Vote on the Laws They Passed

Activists Must Unite to Achieve True Democracy

You Must Unite & Fight For Change

You Must Protest For People Power if Your Leaders Refuse It

Seniors Should be Angry Enough to Protest

Unions Believe in One Man-One Vote For Strike Action

College Students Complain About Government: Here is Your Chance to Change It

Gays, Blacks, Natives & Farm Workers Are Good Activists For Their Causes

We Need a General Strike Where Lots of People Hit the Streets

The Egg Revolution

Mini-Egg Revolutions Everywhere All the Time

Urine Revolution/ Piss Revolution

Stickers & T-Shirts

Everybody with a House or Apartment Window Puts up a Sign

Create a Minor Nuisance Multiplied by Ten Million

Create a Website or Youtube Channel Where People say that Politicians Have Not Helped Them Better Their Lives

Hang Bedsheets With a Message Everywhere

Create Mass Confusion by Getting Rid of all Street Signs

Longterm Occupation of Your National Government Area

Create an Online & Real Life Physical Petition to Force Your President to Set Up an Online Vote

For the PPP

Bomb Your Leader's Email Address & Twitter Account Everyday

Do Anything to Get Publicity For the PPP

Flash Mob Protests

Grade School & College Students Can Do Flash Mobs After Class

The Occupy Movement Spawned a Lot of Local & Demographic Occupy Websites: This is What the PPP Needs

You Should Be Concerned if Your National Security Agency Spies On You

Be a Leader in Demanding the PPP in Your Country


Chapter 1. The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions

Introduction: Democracies Fail Because Politicians Are Out For Themselves, Not Out to Help the People

I read The Republic by Plato many years ago as a young, naïve man looking for wisdom. I’ve been looking for a philosopher-king politician all my life, a kind, wise person fully dedicated to raising the poor up to a reasonable standard of living while being content to live in modest surroundings as opposed to overdosing on excessive luxury now that he or she is in a position where they have access to it.

I have not seen any politician anywhere with an urgent passion to help people. They generally don’t bother to help poor people because most of them don’t vote and don’t have the money to contribute to their election campaigns. Most politicians do whatever they think will get them votes and campaign money, not the righteous, compassionate thing.

Watch any one of them. Try to feel their soul as they speak. What’s motivating them? There’s not much passion. It’s just fake, choreographed B.S.

Some politicians favor their own ethnic-religious-cultural groups or help the people who will vote for them and ignore everyone else. A great leader helps everyone fairly because that’s the right thing to do.

The current system of representative democracy is about politicians fighting each other for ego and power, not about creating new ideas and getting everybody to work on them with an inspired, visionary attitude.

If politicians were wise philosopher-kings, we would live in utopian societies by now because it’s not hard to know what the right thing to do is but politicians are generally out for themselves. There is not much accountability so it’s easy to be selfish while pretending to be good.

We have to eliminate most politicians from government. We have the technology for the people to vote on every single idea that the government comes up with and create their own ideas to vote on too.

This is the big change in government structure the world needs if we, the people, are to live in true democracies where we make the decisions, not elected politicians and their friends who can do anything they want during the several years between elections.

There is potential everywhere to generate enough wealth for everybody to live at a decent modest standard of living but I see homeless disabled people and veterans in my country while the politicians, wearing their double-breasted suits, engage in theatrical debates, playing tit-for-tat, accusing each other of silliness and corruption, ignoring the real problems people have.

I see older men walking around with shopping carts collecting cans for money while I see the big military ships in Halifax Harbor that do nothing to help the people. They pretend there is some big threat lurking over the horizon. It’s a lie. Nobody is going to attack Canada or United States, two big countries in the middle of nowhere separated from the rest of the world by three big oceans.

Keep your soldiers out of other countries, focus on yourself, mind your own business and you won’t have terrorists trying to destroy you. Wise people know this but our politicians don’t understand that when you go to foreign countries and hurt innocent people, it doesn’t matter what you claim your motives are, they will hate you. Some will seek revenge for the pain you caused them and for your arrogance in trying to tell them what to do and how to live which is condescending and morally wrong.

Every capital city is a party town where federal employees live comfortable lives and have fun on the taxpayers’ dime. If you go to any capital city bubble in the world and get a feel for the pulse of the people there, you will soon sense an atmosphere of leisurely excess. Government employees and the businesses that service the government are all living comfortable lives. This is the way it works in every capital city in the world regardless of how poor the country might be.

New government programs and departments create new jobs all the time. The growth industry is government bureaucracy. They’re having a great time spending money on their new offices, partying after work, driving their nice cars while the common folk work hard everyday, most of them oblivious to this massive squandering of taxpayer money going on in plain sight.

The people in the capital city bubble do not care about the pain and suffering of the citizens in the rest of the country. If they did, they would urgently work to solve homelessness and poverty but they don’t. They want the party to keep goin’ on nonstop like it is now every single night. This is the dirty little secret federal government bureaucracies don’t want you to know about.

Politicians act like they’re busy, busy, busy helping the people but there is nothing going on because the Prime Minister or President and his or her few insiders make all the decisions. Everybody else is pretending that they’re working hard but they’re really having fun living easy lifestyles.

The politicians are surrounded by a permanent silent power elite made up of:

1.)senior civil servants

2.)military generals

3.)professional consultants hired to run some departments and agencies

4.)corporate executives who provide products and services to the government

5.)big corporations and organizations that want the politicians to make laws for them in order to expand their power and profits and in some cases, their ideologies as with religions, cultures, issues, etc.

These are the people that former President Dwight Eisenhower warned us to beware of. His initial statement was to beware of the Congressional-Military-Industrial Complex but his handlers told him to drop the word “Congressional” when he made his farewell speech in 1959.

This is the power structure. Politicians and the private power elite are in it together. Some politicians go over to the private power elite as their reward for passing good laws for them. Some corporate executives are either elected or appointed into government positions to supposedly improve their industry and guard it but in reality they create the laws they want to serve their ends.

Politicians and the power elite pay lip service to helping the common people because their real agenda is to expand their own power and profits.

The party in power doesn’t matter much because the two big political parties are the default rulers. There are many other political parties but in Canada, the United States and Britain, it always comes down to Liberals/ Democrats versus Conservatives/ Republicans. The mainstream media rarely covers other parties or ideas.

Two parties take turns running the government with the big business interests. This is the illusion of a representative democracy.

We have fake democracies at two levels:

1.)The people vote in elections once every two or more years then after that they have absolutely no power at all. The elected politicians have dictator-like powers.

2.)The silent power elite have a certain amount of entrenched control with no accountability to anyone. The politicians can’t stop them even if there are good ones who want to. They tell politicians that’s the way it works. If you want to fight us, we’ll destroy you. If you cooperate, we will reward you with a good private enterprise job later.

We have to accept the fact that government through elected politicians does not represent the people. Great ideas do not get put into practice because the politicians are too busy fighting each other in a soap-opera-like theater while they run the show with the power elite behind the scenes.

Small groups of people can’t be trusted with the power to run a government. They always degenerate into corruption. We have the technology to give the people the power to control the government through the internet.

I do not see any urgency, intensity or passion coming out of any politician to help the most powerless people in our society; the homeless, the poor and the disabled. The unemployment rate could be zero because there are so many things we could do to help people and build up the economy but nothing much ever gets done.

A politician’s first job is to get re-elected to keep those paychecks coming in with the nice expense account. They spend loads of time trying to get campaign funding and sucking up to people to get their votes rather than actually helping them.

Their second job is to make connections for their long-term financial security in case they get booted out of office next time around.

There is also the ambition and vanity angle. Some people want admiration and fame. The easiest way to get it if you can’t sing, dance, act or throw a ball is to get into politics.

When a politician is elected, they immediately get high pay, a great pension, lots of vacation time, some celebrity status and line up for perks at the trough of lobbyists and others who want favors. If any new politician thinks this is selfish and greedy, the others tell him to shut up and get what he can for himself while he’s got the chance because this is the way it works. It can very quickly go away with the flimsy nature of politics in general.

The game is to destroy the other political party and get the power but don’t try too hard because they’re all living great, privileged lives in this political bubble. The implicit agreement is to fight in front of the cameras and make it look like a serious ideological battle but behind the scenes, enjoy the nice pay, the perks, the social life, the fame, the fun, etc.

The mainstream news industry uses politics as “reality” soap opera theater where the reporters and other media people treat it as entertainment and sport.

The problem is that they’re playing around while real people have real problems that nobody is talking about or trying to solve.

When the budget is presented, the brainwashed naïve people including journalists line up like little puppy dogs looking for a treat from Big Brother as though they, our politicians, are doing us favors with our tax money.

Politicians are bought by lobbyists and campaign contributors. They spend a lot of their time soliciting for campaign funds. The American President attends hundreds of events every year to raise money for his or her political party and to help local politicians running for office. It is spozed to be about ideas not the culture of personality. Some election campaigns have 8000 volunteers plus the paid campaign staff. To me, this is wasted energy. The energy should be spent trying to build a great nation not playing permanent musical chairs with an endless supply of vain people who want to get into politics as a feather in their cap, to play with the big boys so to speak, to arrive as bonafide successful people if they’re elected.

I’m saying wipe them all out. Put ombudsmen in local ridings and focus on new ideas at the national level that the people vote on online.

We have to smash this system if we want truth and sanity in government.

My Fight for People Power and Justice For All

Politicians are the problem. We got sucked into the idea that they represent the people. Maybe a few of them in the old days were noble statesmen out to help us but that line of thinking is long gone.

Because the people elect them, they say we live in representative democracies but the truth is that pretty well all politicians are elitists with power who are looking to make money by selling that power to the highest bidder.

They decide on their own salaries and pensions which are way too much for their part-time jobs but I don’t hear any of them complaining that they’re overpaid.

We’ve been brainwashed to think we need politicians for the system to run smoothly. The truth is that they are a corrupt, evil force that squander tax-payer money on ideas and projects that benefit them personally and don’t help the people en masse.

The evidence exists in the many journalists who write about them like the Mark Leibovich who wrote the book called This Town. I watch Bill Moyers all the time at or PBS TV.

Politicians win both ways:

When they stall on a bill, the lobbyists and corporations continuously shell out big bucks to try to get those big ideas to go their way, either get rid of them or make them laws.

Once a big bill or big idea becomes law, a big infrastructure has to be built around it. This can easily cost billions of dollars like the expansion of homeland security in the United States in the past ten years. It’s party-time for all of them.

Politicians can get paid on the sly in many different ways like: