IRF and PRF Project Closure Guidance
Guidance Note 5.7 /
The Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) and the Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTF Office), have further elaborated the process for IRF and PRF project closure as described in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between the Recipient United Nations Organizations (RUNOs) and the MPTF Office (AA).
Procedures for the Project closure follow the individual RUNO’s own internal rules and regulations. As outlined in the MOU, each RUNO determines when it has completed all approved activities and communicates the completion of activities to the PBSO and the AA followed by the final narrative report and the Certified Final Financial Statement and Report.
The closure of individual projects within the approved implementation timeline facilitates orderly and efficient Fund closure within the specified Fund End Date approved by the PBSO. Further, the timely closure of projects allows for reallocation of any unspent funds and interest, in accordance with the PBF Terms of Reference.
Operational Closure Steps
For projects to be accepted as “Operationally Closed” the following stepsneed to be complied with:
- RUNO informs the PBSO and the AA of any projects that have been operationally closed, through the PBF Secretariat for PRF or directly for IRF;
- Within three months of operational closure, RUNO submits the final End of Project Narrative Report (template 4.5) to the PBSO focal point, and the MPTF Office Portfolio Manager (Ms. Fiona Bayat-Renoux and Mr. Pierre Bardoux-Chesneau see link to contact list) for posting on the MPTF Office GATEWAY (
- The MPTF Office Portfolio Manager reviews and proceeds with the operational closure in the MPTF Office system.
Financial Closure Steps
For projects to be accepted as “Financially Closed” the following stepsneed to be complied with:
- RUNO submits Certified Final Financial Statement and Report [template link] for each project allocation.
- RUNO refunds any Unspent Balance and sends notification to the MPTF Office to enable the MPTF Office to identify the refund. (see notification instructions below)
- RUNO transfers the interest for prior and current year, if any, to the MPTF Bank Account and sends notification to the MPTF Office to identify the interest (see notification instructions below). If the RUNO’s regulations do not require the transfer of interest, this should be indicated by marking the box on the Certified Final Financial Statement and Report.
- No expenditure in excess of funds transferred should be reported on Certified Final Financial Statement and Report submitted to the MPTF Office.
- The indirect cost should not exceed the approved percentage of project cost (7%).
Notification of Closure
Notification for all transfer of interest earnings and refunds of unutilized funds, including reference to the nature of the refund, amount of refund and project number, should be sent to therelevant MPTF portfolio manager and the fund operation manager C:\Users\Jelena.Zelenovic\AppData\Local\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\pierre.bardoux\Desktop\MPTFO\PBF\PBF tools\. Proper notification will ensure the funds are applied in a timely manner.
Bank Details
All interest earnings and unutilized funds should be credited to the following account:
Name: Peacebuilding fund
Account Number: 304245240
Bank Name/Address:
JP Morgan Chase Bank
International Agencies Banking
270 Park Avenue, 43rd floor
New York, NY10017USA
Reference: MPTF PBF/Insert name and MPTF Office project number
For more information and the reporting templates visit: and
Steps for ProjectClosure
PBSO, Peacebuilding Support Office 30th floor, United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY 10017, USA URL: MPTF Office, Bureau of Management, UNDP, 730 Third Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10017, USAURL: