“And when I see the blood, I will pass over you” (Exodus 12:13)

Night has already fallen for a long time now and everything in the dark streets of the old city appears peaceful and quiet. “But listen, there is that voice again!” A child’s voice penetrates the stillness of the night. After a few moments everything is deathly quiet again. Only a cool breeze rustles its way through the leafy branches overhead.

Now someone is talking again. Mingled voices pour forth from the half opened window of a nearby dwelling. Come, let us go a little closer and hear what is being said. Inside a father is earnestly speaking to his anxious son. “My child, I know you are safe. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has promised to spare the Israelites.”

“Yes, that is true father, but what if a mistake is made. What if we are mistaken to be Egyptians?” “My son, don’t be so afraid. The God whom we serve has promised not to bring His sword of judgment into our home. Do you not remember that tonight I sprinkled the blood of our best lamb on the posts around our door? The God of our fathers has said, ‘And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you.’” It appears that the child is satisfied with hearing this. The house becomes very quiet.

Let us not leave just yet. Once again the child is speaking. “Father, may I go and see the blood that is on our door posts? I want to see it for myself. I want to believe that it is there, but what if it is not there?” The child shutters to think of the blood not being there.

The boy’s father slowly stands up and then gently takes his child by the hand. “Come with me, my son, and I will show you. You do not have to be afraid. You will see that what I have told you is exactly like I said.” Soon the two of them stand quietly in the narrow doorway of the mud-brick home. There they behold the dimly lit, bloodstained posts that are above and along the sides of the door. The child gazes earnestly and intently for a long time. Thankful tears flood his wondering eyes, and a peaceful smile crosses his youthful face. “Yes, father, I see there is blood. Then, so long as we are behind this door and inside this house, then we are completely safe. God will see the blood and will pass over our door.” They stand there a minute longer and then they quickly return inside.


Before we leave, let us carefully think about what we have just heard and seen. Should we not also be concerned as to whether the blood of Jesus Christ is sprinkled upon our sinful hearts? God has promised that the blood of His Son Jesus cleanses from all sin. But what if it is missing? Then we also must die. It is not enough to be only an Israelite or a Christian in name and profession. The blood of Jesus must be sprinkled upon your and my heart. This is what God looks for. It will not help to say you are a Christian and have done many good things. God looks directly into your heart. He looks to see if you have the blood of His beloved Son. He looks to see if you are wearing the robe of Christ’s blood-righteousness. This blood of Jesus is so precious. It is so valuable. Do not rest until all your sins have been covered by this blood. Trust in Jesus alone for salvation and wash in His blood and your heart shall be whiter than snow. The poorest Israelite family was safe if the blood was upon their door posts, and so it is with us. No matter how sinful or bad we have been, we still will be saved, if we only are covered with the blood of Jesus. God Himself has promised, “and when I see the blood [of My Son], I will pass over you.” Do you have this blood sprinkled on your heart? If you can truly say yes, then you also will not have to die, since another has already died in your place. Then God’s justice for your sins was satisfied when His wrath came down upon His innocent Son Jesus. How great is the love of God to sinners! If you have experienced a little of this love, then you will want to live a life of humble praise and thanksgiving to your precious Savior for His most wonderful salvation.



"Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood." (Revelation 1:5b)

1. The fount of blood is open wide,
To cleanse the worst of men;
‘Tis opened in the Savior’s side–
There wash away your sin.

2. Though you have sinned ten thousand times,
Christ’s blood will still avail;
Though you have done the worst of crimes,
God’s grace will yet prevail.

3. Yes, there is blood – oh blessed word;
The streams from Jesus flowed;
Oh let this truth by all be heard,
To all let it be showed.

4. The Lamb of God was slain and died,
For sinners such as you;
He on the cross was crucified,
That God might pardon you.

5. No price is needed to obtain,
This pardon promised here;
His blood will wash your blackest stain,
And from all guilt will clear.

6. The blood of Jesus was the price,
For which God’s justice cried;
Christ’s free, atoning sacrifice,
This justice satisfied.

7. Behold the depths of Jesus’ love,
That He should take our place;
In love He came from heav’n above,
And died to purchase grace.