Heart to Heart

Partnership with Jesus chart

Warren David Horak


a practical way to overcome our mountains

Note: It will be much more helpful to study this document in conjunction with the audio teaching on CD.

Breakthrough so we can break out into His promises and plans

This document is written for those who deeply long for, desire and pursue the testimony of Jesus Christ; being overcomers in this world. It should be our aim to hear the Lord say one day in heaven; “well done good and faithful servant”. One of the main areas of struggle in the Body of Christ today is fulfilling our callings and finishing the race. Our callings are some of the mountains that we have to go through. From the moment God gives us the first word and prophecy for our lives, the enemy who knows Gods voice, now seeks to stop us from completing Gods will and from receiving Gods blessings and promises for our lives.

As we start to obey God in each area, the enemy will come against us in various ways, attacking, wounding, deceiving and resisting us in every way. The areas of demonic blockages can be financial, ministry, relationship and health etc. This process will teach us how to effectively overcome strongholds and blockages that are standing between us and Gods will for our lives. It will help us to breakthrough so we can breakout into His promises for our lives.

In many cases we have the same issues/strongholds for years and we never seem to really breakthrough them. We know that it is wrong and we are desperately trying to overcome, yet, we can’t seem to breakthrough. Each time we are confronted with the same or similar set of circumstances we end up falling into the same old pattern and pits, never really getting the victory.

I am so thankful to the Lord for giving me the Heart to Heart with Jesus chart; it has really helped me and others to face and overcome major mountains in our lives. I trust it will also help you overcome yours.

Open heart surgery

The Heart to heart with Jesus process is spiritual “open heart surgery” with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This is where we have a heart to heart conversation with Jesus addressing the real deep issues of our hearts. It is painful to go through this operation, but it is the most effective way I have found. God has used this process to help me overcome major, major mountains and strongholds in my life.

The wonderful thing about this process is it establishes and builds a deep and open relationship with us and the Lord as we share our hearts with Him, and His heart with us. This is all part of the heart transplant that Father wants to give His church. Through this process He removes the old stony heart and gives us His heart of flesh. He also shows us the way to overcome both spiritually and practically giving us the wisdom and victory in each are of our lives.

As we go through this process we will see our part, Jesus’ part, the enemies’ part and other people’s part in our mountains. We receive a tremendous amount of wisdom, understanding and revelation which is extremely liberating. The light always brings liberty if we are prepared to come to the light. The questions in each column bring the key issues into the light of our Father’s love. He is light and His love brings true freedom. The actions are also very important biblical steps we not need to do really overcome.

I have found that in each mountain the Lord has called us to go through; there is much hidden treasure. If we will only take the time to pray each mountain through, we will find so much treasure in the darkest, most difficult and painful areas of our lives. ‘ I will go before you And make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronzeAnd cut the bars of iron. 3I will give you the treasures of darknessAnd hidden riches of secret places, Isaiah 45:2-3a. This scripture becomes reality as we go through our mountains with Jesus, He makes the crooked areas of our lives straight; He breaks the gates of bronze, that is the prison cells satan has put us in.

Then after He has set us free from the pain we have been through He turns it into treasures and riches, as we overcome by His power and grace. His ways are truly wonderful and majestic. Our darkest most difficult trials lead to the greatest treasures and riches of all. There are valuable lessons we each need to learn many of which we will only be able to learn if we go through our mountains and not over them.

These lessons will help us to not repeat the same mistakes that we made in the past. As the saying goes, “those who fail to learn from the past mistakes are doomed to repeat them.” There is much mixture in our hearts; as we go through this process the mixture will become evident and we can have clean hands and pure heart; then we will see God.

Everything we need to learn and know is provided on the path through our mountains. So let’s not waste our mountains. As we overcome in each area the grace that He has given us is now the heavenly treasure we can pass on to those we are called to minister to – 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. This is truly pain with purpose.

Counselling tool

This process is wonderful tool in the hands of leaders and pastors. It can be used when a person is battling with any specific area. No matter where the problem is; whether it is at home or in their jobs or ministries etc; this process will help them go through it and overcome it with Jesus. This will save a huge amount of counselling time and will help the person get connect directly with the main counsellor, the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Jesus is the source of all life. People are changed as they hear God speak directly to them. Just one word from God can and will change our lives for ever.

This tool also is an excellent tool to help counsel someone who has gone through some major trauma; it is also very useful for deliverance from strongholds. As we walk through this process with the person, the Holy Spirit will do all the work in the person.

It also helps to solve issues of relationship problems etc. Example, if you have two people who are not able to work in unity then they can both work through their mountains – there mountain would be defined as: Walking and working with John or Jenny etc. As the counsellor/facilitator you could then look at both “heart charts” and see where you could help each person better understand and overcome. The main counsellor always is the Lord himself. This is what makes this chart so awesome and powerful.

Each person is set free as they face their mountains and go through them. The Lord has shown us that going through it is more fruitful than going over it.

The pattern of the chart

The partnership covenant with Jesus is divided into three areas or columns – The first column defines the problem, – mountain/ tree of death, fruit, root and soil. Then we see what Jesus is doing – uprooting and planting new tree. Then we see what we have to do – tending the new tree. Each column has number of questions we need to address with the Lord.

In order go through our maintains, we need to draw up a Heart to Heart Partnership with Jesus chart – it is comprised of three columns, there are three parts to our partnership with Jesus.

1.  Column 1 - Define the problem – situation

2.  Column 2 – Jesus’ part

3.  Column 3 - My part

This is our heart to heart with Jesus concerning our mountains. Our lives are in partnership with Jesus through a new blood covenant He has made with us. This covenant is established in His love for us and based on the terms and conditions of His commandments and promises. In order to inherit the promises for our lives, we need to know both the commands of the covenant and the promises. The key is to know the truth and to pray it through. The best way to know the truth is to seek and ask Jesus questions. The only way we will overcome is through intimacy with Jesus, this all happens through our prayer life. We will only overcome on our knees before His throne of grace and mercy.


v  If this is your first mountain and or you are a new believer, then I would recommend that you go through the Heart to Heart chart with someone who is experienced in overcoming their own mountains.

v  Where do I start? This is very important question, what I suggest you do is ask the Lord to show you all of your mountains. Make a list of them and prioritise them from the most painful to the least painful. Then I suggest you start with the most painful mountain, as this one is most probably where the Lord wants to help you at the moment. The mountain where the pressure currently is on you. Once you go through this very painful mountain it will give you much more strength to face the smaller mountains. Remember we don’t overcome by running from our mountains, the wall of fear in all its components, is what is standing between you and complete victory and freedom. To overcome fear we need to face it with Jesus. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,Nor shall the flame scorch you. Isaiah 43:2

v  I would highly recommend that all those who are going through their mountains do so in conjunction with the Hour of Power.

v  The key to be set free is love for the truth; as the light of truth of His word exposes the darkness in hearts. Only those who love the truth more than their own lives, will want to go through their mountains. Pray that Father gives you a love for the truth in all areas of your heart and life.

v  You need set enough time aside to do your mountain you will need quite a few hours to complete one mountain. The time needed differs from one mountain to the next. I also suggest that you don’t leave the mountain without at least going into column two as this is where your healing and comfort really happens. If you do leave the prayer time, before column two, then you leave with your heart very open and tender.

v  I recommend you move through one mountain at a time and to keep focused. Don’t drag it out over months but put the time in so you can finish the process. There is no sense in prolonging the pain over months. I’m not recommending you rush through it, as you need to do each mountain thoroughly, so that there is a complete healing and victory taking place. Once you confront it, focus and move through it. You might have to revisit it from time to time as the Lord leads, to adress new or outstanding issues as they crop up. But once you have finished it, you will have a new heart in this area of your life. The mountain is not complete unto you see complete victory and Gods promises coming to pass in that area/calling of your life. Once you have finished the process of the chart you should have your own faith proclamations written in your Eternal Plan, which you are now standing on and praising God for.

v  Recommended reading: To really understand more about how your heart works, you can read the castle and the castle guards by Mitt Jeffords. This is a vision the Lord gave him about the human heart. This vision and word is simply awesome and has helped me so much. If you need a copy you can just send us an email requesting a copy.

v  Each time you go through a mountain, use this guideline and check these notes to make sure you don’t miss anything; this will help you to complete each step thoroughly.

v  Don’t forget to set up to do list for your actions and to be faithful in doing your part.

v  You cannot go through your mountain without His anointing and His manifest presence; as the mountains melt like wax in His presence and it is only by the Power of the Holy Spirit that the mountains are overcome Zec 4:6


The heart to heart process

1.  Define the problem – Column 1

We need to know and understand the problem that causes our hearts to stumble – Ask the Holy Spirit to define the whole problem to you based on the following questions. Where are you Adam? We can’t make out our path if we don’t even know where we are now. In this column we look at the mountain/tree, fruit, root, the soil etc.

a.  Mountain:

i. Three categories of mountains:

Here we identify the mountain - Acts 14:22

a.  Calling mountains: Most of the time our mountain is our calling – as we are called to the following areas. Our mountain is basically God will for our lives in all the areas of our lives.

b.  Trauma mountains: We can also have mountains based on major crises in our lives like divorce etc.

c.  Stronghold mountains: We can also have a mountain based on a central stronghold for example fear or anger etc.

ii.  Examples of mountains that we face are:

a.  Calling mountains: Relationships - Family, mother, father, brother, spouse, children, other key relationships,(you can do one mountain per person just put their name as the mountain) finances, businesses, stewarding our bodies (diets, health), job, partnership, marriage, ministry, church, to be discipled, projects etc.

b.  Trauma mountains: major crisis’s like death of loved one, sudden major sickness, accident, rape, robbery, murder, persecution, physical abuse, bankruptcy, any other major disaster in ones life.

c.  Stronghold mountains: fear, lust, pride, unforgiveness, anger, poverty, depression, sickness, jezebel etc.

iii.  Calling Mountains: As we go through our mountains we will find out what is really going on in our hearts and the other peoples hearts. Each aspect of our calling will eventually become a mountain we need to go through. The mountain is made up of the demonic resistance that comes our way as we try and fulfil our callings. The will of God leads us through the mountain. In order to fulfil God calling we have to go though the mountain. We need to identify the strongholds. The mountain is all the resistance we face, as we face the resistance our strongholds and sins are revealed and exposed. This process now provides a clear way for us to get delivered from our strongholds.