SUNDAY 27th APRIL 2014 at 11.30 am



Minutes of Meeting 21st April 2013

Proceedings of the PCC

Audited Accounts for 2013

Fabric, Goods and Ornaments

PCC committees and Church Group Reports

Report of Deanery & Diocesan Synods

Mission Action Plan summary


in the Benefice of Langelei


Sunday 27th April 2014, at 11.30am




  1. Apologies for absence – please advise the Secretary if you are unable to attend
  1. Election of Churchwardens - see nominations for election on the notice board.

(Those entitled to vote are either on the Electoral Roll of the parish, or live

in the parish and are on the register of local government electors)


(Church members are invited to attend,and those on the Electoral Toll to vote)

  1. To approve the minutes of the APCM held on 21st April 2013
  1. Matters arising from those minutes.
  1. To receive reports for 2013/2014.
  2. Electoral Roll report
  3. Report on the proceedings of the PCC
  4. Report on the Financial affairs of the Parish, and to approve the accounts
  5. Report on the Fabric; Goods and Ornaments of the church
  6. Report on Committees reporting to the PCC, and Parish groups.
  7. Report from Deanery Synod
  1. To elect lay representatives to:
  2. The Deanery Synod
  3. The Parochial Church Council
  4. The Benefice Team Council
  1. To elect Side Persons
  1. To appoint an Independent Examiner for the PCC accounts for the coming year.
  1. To receive a report from the Vicar
  1. Any Other Business

Secretary: Pamela Richardson: Tel No: 01525 229620:


in the Benefice of Langelei


Held on Sunday 21st April 2013


  1. Lizzie Hood opened the Church meetings with prayer.
  1. Apologies for absence were received from:

Beryl Milnes, Annabele Westerdale, Ian Brading, Christine Brading, Barbara Batten, Beverley Platten, Pauline Glascoe, Oleksinsi Oranuga, Jean Britt, Terry Perry, Pat Driver, John May, Pamela Sanvoisin, and Lisa Farmer.

There were 59 attendees at the meeting.

  1. Election of Churchwardens: Barbara Le Tallec (proposed by Mike Hawtin and seconded by Beverley Burgess) and Mike Hawtin (proposed by Derek Sanvoisin and Pamela Sanvoisin ) were both unanimously approved as Churchwardens.


  1. The minutes of the APCM held on 15th April 2012 were approved and signed.
  1. There were no matters arising from those minutes.

3.1 Electoral Roll Report:

Lesley Rylott had recently completed the revision of the Electoral Roll. Last year the Electoral Roll had stood at 159 members. This year had seen a further 29 completely new members. However, 35 people have been taken off due to either moved away, deceased, or did not want to be on the new roll. Total membership is now 153. Lizzie extended thanks to Lesley for the onerous task this year of sorting the electoral roll

3.2 Report on the proceedings of the PCC:

Pamela Richardson’s report is attached to these minutes.

3.3 Report on the Financial affairs of the Parish: Martin Chapman thanked everyone for their financial contributions to the church, which helped keep buildings heated and services provided. The year had been similar to the previous year, with a final deficit of £2,573. This clearly cannot go on. Martin explained that building work is operated from a separate assets account. Assets this year have fallen by over £10,000. Anticipated budget for the coming year will require an extra £3,500 to meet our operating costs. Our finances are sharply falling. Martin thanked Matt Tattershall for undertaking the task of Independent Examiner for the accounts. Martin emphasized how gift aid adds 25% to income. He referred to the figures on his report and asked for agreement.

Question : Where does the extra money come from to make up the deficit?

Answer: The extra finance comes from reserves in Capital assets.

The approval of the accounts was unanimously agreed.

Lizzie thanked Martin for all the work he does both in keeping and presenting the accounts. She also added her thanks to Matt as independent examiner.

3.4 Report on Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of the church

Mike reported that a listing had been made accounting for over 300 different items in the church. He asked for approval for acceptance of this listing, which was unanimously approved.

Some £40,000 will be needed to improve the church over the next 5 years. This year we found out that the responsibility for the church wall is not ours, but the Council’s. This will mean a considerable saving on the rebuilding of the wall.

The gardening team now meets up every Saturday under the leadership of Simon Bounds, to whom Mike gave his grateful thanks.

Lizzie thanked Mike and Barbara very much for all the work they had done during the past year.

3.5Reports on Committees reporting to the PCC, and Parish groups

Lizzie requested any comments on the Groups reports. Although 65 copies of the report had been produced, there were still some requesting the report. Most of the meeting agreed they would be happy to receive this electronically in future years. 15 copies would be produced for the following year for those requiring a hard copy.

Lizzie reported that a new group, the Finance Committee, had recently been set up under the leadership of Colin Gage with 8 members. Their remit was to look at the broader picture of fundraising, to include legacies and stewardship.

3.6 Report from Deanery Synod

We are represented on the Deanery Synod by Lizzie, Colin Gage, Martin Chapman and Mike Hawtin. They were all re-elected. No questions were made from those attending the meeting.

  1. To elect lay representatives to:

4.1The Deanery Synod – Colin Gage, Martin Chapman, Mike Hawtin and Lizzie Hood were serving the third of their 3 years term. They were all elected in block for the forthcoming year.

4.2Election to the Parochial Church Council (PCC)

Three members of the PCC had completed their 3 year term: Lesley Rylott, Beryl Milnes and Derek Sanvoisin. Rod Cotterell had stepped down during the year and had not been replaced. Lesley had decided not to stand again, although she would continue with her work on the Electoral Roll. Lizzie thanked her for her service on the PCC.

This left four vacancies on the PCC. Beverley Burgess, Beryl Milnes, Pamela Richardson and Derek Sanvoisin had been nominated. These four members were elected to service for 3 years on the PCC. They were all unanimously approved.

Lizzie thanked all members of the PCC who give up their time to lead in the church.

The mentioned that newer/younger members would be welcome on the PCC. They could be co-opted during the year.

4.3Benefice Team Council

Mike explained the role of the Benefice Team Council. They meet 3 to 4 times a year for an hour’s meeting. Good practice and information is shared amongst the 4 churches. The Council would welcome those who are not church wardens to join them. As no one came forward Tim and Mike were elected once again. Colin Gage made the proposal, and this was seconded by Francis Lawson. Unanimously agreed.

  1. To elect Sides Persons

All those on the Electoral Roll were approved as Sides people.

  1. To appoint an Independent Examiner for the PCC accounts for the coming year.

Matt Tattersall was appointed and approved as the Independent Examiner for the PCC accounts for the coming year.

  1. To receive a report on our Mission Action Plan.

Mike reported that the Mission Action Plan had been posted on the notice board for the past few weeks. Only 3 people admitted to reading this report! The report had been updated last November and again in May. Priority had been given to communication. All who came to our church to worship would be made to feel very welcome and valued. Information on the Mission Action Plan could be found on the diocesan website. The three goals for MAP were confirmed: Improve communication; Grow in Faith, and Welcome. It was noted that it could take 4 years for a new church member to become established. There was a need to help new members find their place and encourage them into the life of the church.

  1. Vicars Report – Lizzie Hoods’ report is attached to these minutes.
  1. Any other Business

Richard Boustred requested confirmation that the gates which had been recently donated to the church would be preserved in order for them not to deteriorate. Ben confirmed that these gates had been pressure treated and were therefore guaranteed for 15 years.

Richard also asked that the banging heard on the church clock as it struck the hour, be checked. Derek Sanvoisin confirmed that he would mention this problem next time it is serviced.

Jacqui Sheppard explained the advantage of using Facebook to advertise events at Holy Trinity Church. Lizzie thanked Jacqui for her interest in spreading the word in this area and encouraged everyone to give her details of events to publicise.

Ingrid Blockley praised Lizzie’s time spent on church work. She felt 80+ hours was too long a week for Lizzie, and felt everyone should help to reduce this workload. Lizzie explained that at her recent review this had also been observed. She realized this was not sustainable. After her first year of making herself known in the local community, she could now hopefully reduce this heavy workload. A week’s holiday was due during May.

The meeting closed at 12.30 with the reading of Psalm 100 by all those present.

Pamelarichardson: 29.04.13

Vicar’s report to APCM 21st April 2013

This has been an exceptional year in the life of this parish: not only have we kept up the regular round of worship and church activities, we have celebrated with the village the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics, you and I have got to know one another and ‘settled in’ together, and we have made significant progress in opening the church out to serve and welcome our community.

We have offered the full round of regular services, including daily prayer, midweek Communion, Toddlers and school worship, as well as celebrating the major festivals and offering a range of ‘specials’ such as the annual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving, and a Celebration of Marriage Service. The ministry team has conducted 24 baptisms, 2 thanksgivings, 12 weddings and 38 funerals or interments. Some of those who have approached us for these ‘occasional offices’ have found their way into regular worship, and we are really delighted at that. Numbers at worship are growing steadily, and we are making real efforts to make services accessible to those who are not regular members.

But it’s not just about numbers. One of our goals is for us all to grow in our faith. This year 2 adults and 5 youngsters followed courses leading to confirmation, we have introduced 2 new regular study groups, and the clergy and Study and Nurture Group have together promoted quiet days, courses at the Abbey, and our own parish Advent and Lent courses. We have taken, or are about to take up some of the Diocesan training available through ‘Equipping God’s People’ and other courses for intercessors, servers, children’s work leaders, welcomers and pastoral carers. We can only offer the opportunities – it’s up to you to take them, and pursue your own development. I am always willing to talk with you about your needs. Might I suggest that if any of you are going to a course you put a note on the whiteboard offering a lift to others who might like to join you?

When I arrived you told me that children’s work should be one of my priorities, and I decided to work from the ground up. We have started offering Thanksgiving Services for the Gift of a Child, as well as Baptisms, for those who feel this suits their stage of faith. We now have a thriving group of baptism helpers, and their welcome helps to encourage families to come along on Thursdays or Sunday mornings. When they do come on Sundays we have a new crèche to allow parents some space for their own spiritual lives, and this is much appreciated. We have new Toddler Church leaders who rose to the challenge when Anabele stepped down, and 2 of these are new to church this year having approached us for baptism. And, after Lesley Ripley’s retirement from Junior Church, we have new leaders poised to join the present team in that group and offer their talents to the mix. We are planning to arrange occasional events for our teens too. This is all good news and is increasing the vibrancy of our children’s work. But it’s not been plain sailing, and Sarah Kiesa and I are both going grey over the crèche rota! PLEASE can some of you step up and offer an occasional session to help young families join us for worship. I hear loud and clear that we want young families in church, but this is what it takes - for the rest of us to show our love by getting to know them, and sacrificing the odd Sunday in church to support them. I can lead you, but I can’t make it happen – it’s your church, it’s down to you.

Our school links are going strong! We have 3 foundation Governors at Leverstock Green C of E Primary – Beverley Platten, Jane Smart and me, and we have weekly worship in school and an end of term service in church. The Year two’s have been to church for curriculum work, and I visit the classroom occasionally for RE too. Barb and I have been into Woodfield School, and they too now come to church at the end of each term, which is an absolute joy and delight, and I have been into their classrooms too.

We are not, though, an isolated parish. Tim and I participate in the Deanery Chapter with ministry colleagues, and together we are helping to cover 2 significant vacancies in the Boxmoor and Hemel Hempstead Teams. Tim also serves as Deanery Readers’ Adviser. I am involved at All Saints’, Kings Langley and their village school. Our parish representatives represent us on Team Council, and at Deanery and Diocesan Synods. Colin sits on the Diocesan Board of Finance, and I am on the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee. We participated in our town-wide mission ‘Across Hemel’ and have supported the new Street Pastors’ initiative in the town centre. I share this information not to labour a point about workload, but to illustrate that we are part of a bigger church, and need to be looking outward and finding ways of working together across parishes, particularly as patterns of ministry change. Our Benefice gives us an ideal starting point.

Looking beyond the church, we have this year supported Water Aid, Shelter Box, and Shining House (in Uganda) with our end of year giving, and have committed to support MedAid International (Tim Beacon’s charity) in the coming year. We have started to contribute regularly to Dacorum Foodbank, and have supported a number of charities such as the Children’s Society, Traidcraft, Embrace the Middle East, and Christian Aid by regular events, house boxes and one-off collections. Together with other churches in the town, we hope to re-energise our Christian Aid week next month.

But we do look out to the world from a physical base here at Holy Trinity, and our buildings and grounds have required a lot of care and attention in the last year. Mike and Barb have made tremendous efforts to plan, prioritise and manage a number of projects, ably assisted by Derek and the Fabric Committee, together with Simon in the churchyard plus Harold and the team of regular gardeners at our new 1st Saturday working parties. I’m sure you will agree that the church is really looking so much better inside and out, due to their efforts.

We were sorry to say farewell to Alan Sharp at Easter after many years as our Organist and Choir Director; he was a gifted preacher and a valued colleague, but we will not be losing his friendship as he promises to return occasionally. We were very fortunate to appoint his replacement only last week, and look forward to Rosemary Knight joining us in July. I would like to offer thanks here to Matt, who generously acts as deputy organist without fee, and is helping out when he can in the vacancy.

Let’s not forget that we’ve had a lot of fun during the year with a variety of socials and community-building events, led by the Social Committee which is another group under new leadership. We are trying to have a new emphasis on ‘light-weight’ events that don’t burden just a few people, and some of which at least are free or low cost to enable all to participate. Other events are intended as fundraisers as well, and we’ve enjoyed concerts from ConFusion and the Parkyns family, as well as quizzes, Pampered Chefs, and all sorts this year. We look forward to a 3 day Nativity Crib Festival in December which will be our major community event of the year.