The Odyssey Foldable
60% Project~Due: December 8th, 2015
We will be spending the remainder of the semester reading Homer’s The Odyssey. As we read, we will make a large foldable along with several other foldables to aid your understanding of this epic work. There are 10 panels that will have different required elements. We will number these panels together in class. Here is a list of the required elements of your finished foldable:
Panels 1 and 2: Title Page and Illustration: The title and author should be included on the cover as well as an illustration depicting a scene and/or characters. These illustrations MUST BE DRAWN and COLORED.Due Date: December 1st
Panel 3: Literary Terms Foldable: This foldable will define 8 literary terms we will study while reading The Odyssey. In addition to the definition, this foldable will also provide a cited example of the term’s use in The Odyssey.Due Date: December 3rd
Panels 4 and 5: Odysseus’s Journey: These panels will be covered with a map of Odysseus’s journey. This map may be drawn or printed and it must be in COLOR and labeled.Due Date: December 1st
Panel 6: Odysseus’s Challenges: We will make a foldable that will highlight 8 of the challenges Odysseus encounters on his journey home.Due Date: December 3rd
Panel 7: Theme Wordle/Word Cloud: You may either create a wordle online or you may create your own by hand. This wordle/word cloud should be in color and identify major themes discussed in The Odyssey.Due Date: December 1st
Panel 8: Imagery Pop-Up and Summarization Foldable: At the top of the panel, you will create an imagery pop-up foldable. Your illustration can be drawn or printed, and you must provide a quotation from the poem that your pop-up illustrates. The summarization foldable will be placed at the bottom of the panel. Due Date: December 8th
Panel 9: Gods and Goddesses and Human Characters Foldables: At the top of the panel, you will make a foldable identify and describing 6 of the Gods and Goddesses. At the bottom of the panel, you will make a foldable identifying and identifying 10 of the human characters.Due Date: December 3rd
Panel 10: Homer: You will provide a picture of Homer as well as a paragraph detailing 10 facts about him. You will need to cite your sources and provide a works cited section on panel 10. Due Date: December 1st
As we work on these in class, you will complete the different panels and foldables for class work and homework grades. When you turn in the final product, you will receive an overall grade. You may view the overall grading rubric on the class webpage: