English 9

Ms. Collins

The Odyssey—Book 9 Discussion Guide

p.896-913 The Language of Literature

Book Nine

  • At this point (when he is retelling his story), Odysseus has been away from home for almost 18 years
  • What is the first thing Odysseus tells King Alcinous to begin his story?
  • Why does he choose to tell Alcinous and his court this?
  • What elements of an epic are evident in the first 6 lines of Book 9?
  • What does line 7, “men hold me formidable for guile in peace and war…” say about Odysseus? This is an element of an epic hero.
  • Where is Odysseus from?
  • Soon after departing from Troy, where do Odysseus and his crew land and who inhabited that land?
  • Why are the Lotus Eaters a threat to Odysseus and his men?
  • What effect does the Lotus flower have on anyone who eats this?
  • Why doesn’t Odysseus have respect for the Cyclops?
  • Where does each Cyclops live and how do they interact with one another?
  • How many days do Odysseus and his men remain on the lush island, across the bay from the land of the Cyclopes?
  • Upon what day do Odysseus and his men make the mistake of dealing with the Cyclops?
  • Look at line 68. This is a famous epithet: “Dawn with fingertips of rose…” Keep a look out for how many times this is repeated throughout the epic poem.
  • In lines 87-92, how does Odysseus describe the Cyclops?
  • What is special about the wine in lines 104-111?
  • What does Odysseus think about the Cyclopes, according to lines 113-115?
  • What 4 main things did Odysseus’ men plead with Odysseus for them to do?
  • Why does Odysseus refuse?
  • What does Odysseus’ refusal suggest about Odysseus’ nature or personality?
  • What do you think line 132 means in regards to Odysseus’ men?
  • Lines 144-147, notice the size of the rock that the Cyclops moves. This really shows his strength.
  • Refer to lines 172-175. What is the custom about honoring guests? What happens if you do not honor them?
  • Lines 178-182, what is the Cyclops attitude toward the gods?
  • Why would Odysseus lie to the Cyclops about his ship?
  • The simile in lines 193-196 points out the strength of the Cyclops and the weakness/helplessness of the men. What does the Cyclops do that appalls the men?
  • Why don’t the men kill the Cyclops?
  • Line 211 epithet repeated.
  • What god does Odysseus pray to for help in harming the Cyclops?
  • How and when does Odysseus plan to harm the Cyclops?
  • How does Odysseus’ wine come in handy?
  • Odysseus tells the Cyclops his name is Nohbdy. What does this sound like when you say it out loud? Very clever of Odysseus.
  • As soon as the Cyclops drinks the wine, what do Odysseus and his men do with the spear?
  • Lines 316-322, how does Odysseus’ lie about his name pay off?
  • What is the Cyclops name?
  • According to this section in lines 325-336, Odysseus sees this situation as a what?
  • What does this suggest about Odysseus?
  • How do Odysseus and his men escape the Cyclops?
  • What almost happened when Odysseus began his tirade and reviling this creature?
  • Explain how Odysseus’ mean try to reason with their captain.
  • Why did their pleas not work?
  • How do lines 358-373 add suspense to the poem?
  • What prophecy does the Cyclops remember in lines 421-436?
  • An epithet is a phrase or group of words used to describe someone without using their actually name. An epithet is usually easy to figure out. What 2 epithets does Polyphemus use instead of saying Poseidon?
  • Lines 443-453 detail the curse that the Cyclops puts on Odysseus. What do you think the line “and the god heard him” means?
  • What does Zeus have in store for Odysseus? Why?
  • Line 478 epithet repeated.
  • What were some human weaknesses that Odysseus exhibited and how did these unwise actions hurt him and his men?