Checklist of Documents

  • Registration Form
  • Tuition and Program Options
  • No Refund Policy
  • Emergency Contact/ Pick Up Permission Form
  • Family and Child Information
  • Immunizations and Emergency Forms
  • Health History
  • AZ Information and Immunization Record Card

Nimble Noggins encourages families to enroll students on site so family members can meet our teachers and view the classrooms. Family members should bring their child and prepare to stay for a little while until teachers can answer questions and give enrollment forms to each family. This allows our families a few moments in our environment to get a feel for our program.

New Student Registration Form 2018-2019


Student Name:______DOB:______M / F

Nickname: ______

Student Name:______DOB:______M / F


Mother/ Guardian Name ______Cell Phone ______

Home Phone Number ______Work #______

Address: ______City, State, Zip: ______

Email: ______


Workplace ______

Father/Guardian Name ______Cell Phone ______

Home Phone Number ______Work #______

Address: ______City, State, Zip: ______

Email: ______


Workplace ______

Preferred Form of Communication (Text, Email, Facebook). ______

Insurance Carrier: Group______Policy#______

Tuition & Program Options

Monday-Friday Monthly Tuition

9:00 am to 3:00 pm$610 ______
9:00 am to 12:00 pm$420______

9:00 am to 3:00 pm$490 ______

9:00 am to 12:00 pm$270 ______

Tuesday/Thursday (Limited Availability)

9:00 am to 3:00 pm$340 ______

9:00 am to 12:00 pm$195 ______

Before/after care available M-F

7:30-9:00 am add $15 a month to tuition _____

3:00-5:30 pm add $25 a month to tuition _____


Drop in (for occasional extra care) $8 per hour(please provide at least 24 hour notice)

Optional:For half day students

“The Lunch Bunch”- extra 1 Hour $8______

Registration for Nimble Noggins is complete when:

All forms have been completed and required documentation is turned into the office.

Tuition and program options have been chosen.

First Month’s tuition paid.

Deposit fee of One Month’s Tuition (which will be applied to your last month’s tuition if we receive a one month notification that your child will no longer be attending Nimble Noggins) has been paid.

Registration fee of $100 has been paid.



Tuition includes daily lessons in gymnastics, dance/creative movement, and yoga. It is understood that a child who has been admitted to Nimble Noggins is enrolled for the entire school year. As a convenience, we break your yearly tuition fee into monthly payments. Parents or Legal Guardians are required to give written notice to the school 30 days prior to withdrawal. Tuition costs remain the same regardless of holidays, observances, absences, family vacations, illness, snow closures or school break vacations. Fees are based on the space reserved for your child, not your child’s attendance.



No Refund Policy:

Registration fees consist of One Month’s Tuition and anannual $100 fee. All fees paid to register your child are non-refundable, no exceptions. The registration fees will be applied to your last full month of tuition,provided a 30 day written notice is given to disenroll.

I understand the above No Refund Policy.

______Date: ______

For official use only:

Paid by: Check______Cash_____CC _____

Registration Fee _($100)_ + Last Month Tuition $______= Total Registration Fees Paid $______

Emergency Contact/ Pick Up Permission Form

Primary Contact In Case of Emergency-

Name: ______Phone #:______

Relationship to Child: ______Can Pick Up in Emergency?

Secondary Contact-

Name: ______Phone #:______

Relationship to Child: ______Can Pick Up in Emergency?

Other Authorized Person(s) to Pick Up Child from Nimble Noggins:

Name: ______Phone #:______

Relationship to Child: ______

Name: ______Phone #:______

Relationship to Child: ______

Name: ______Phone #:______

Relationship to Child: ______

Name: ______Phone #:______

Relationship to Child: ______

Family Arrangements

Nimble Noggins recognizes that all families are not structured similarly and that some families may live apart due to a variety of circumstances. Nimble Noggins teachers and staff are sensitive to the needs of children in these situations and will work to support the entire family. We are happy to provide duplicate information in the child’s mailbox to accommodate both parents’ need for information.

If information is needed by the Nimble Noggins staff regarding custody, child pick-ups, etc., please provide us with the formal paperwork. Unless we have the appropriate paperwork, we cannot keep a child’s biological mother and/or father from picking up his or her child.

Non-Authorized Person(s) for Pick Up:

Name:______Relationship to Child:______


Name:______Relationship to Child:______


Family & Child Information (Confidential)

Marital Status of Parents:

Living Together: Yes / No

Separated: Yes / NoHow long? ______Divorced: Yes / NoHow long? ______

Remarried: Yes / NoHow long? ______Stepfather/mother Name:______

Custody/Visiting Arrangements: ______

Remarks: ______

If Child is Adopted:

Age at Adoption: ______Does child know he/she is adopted? Yes / No

Brothers and Sisters of Child:




Additional Information:

Are there other adults living in your home who are also your child’s caregiver? Yes / No

If yes, relationship to child: ______

Who has cared for the child other than parents? (State whether adults or teenagers)


Is English your child’s primary language? Yes / No If No, what is the primary language? ______

Does your child have any speech problems we should be aware of? (stutter, no speech, deaf?) ______

Does your child have any special needs we should be aware of? (Emotional, Behavioral, New baby in Family, etc.) Please Describe: ______


Do you have any concerns about your child’s development? ______


Does your child have any specific fears? Yes / No ______


How would you describe your child’s personality? ______

How do you discipline your child? ______

How does your child respond? ______

At what age did your child potty train? ______

What words does your child use for bowel movements? ______

Urination? ______

Is your child prone to potty accidents? ______

How does your child respond when an accident occurs? ______

Developmental History of Child:

Age at which child- crawled ______sat alone ______walked______

Right or Left handed? ______

Does child dress oneself? Yes / No

Does your child have dietary restrictions? Please Explain: ______

Does child your child get enough sleep? Yes / No

Does your child enjoy playing with other children? Yes / No If so, what ages? ______

What are child’s interests? ______

Favorite indoor play activities? ______


Favorite outdoor activities? ______


Parent Expectations:

What do you expect your child to learn while in this program? ______


Has your child ever attended or is attending another preschool? Yes / No

If so, which school(s)? ______

Health History of Child:

Does your child have any physical limitations/challenges? Yes / No

Please Describe: ______

Is your child allergic to any foods or substances? Yes / No

Please indicate: ______

Is your child taking any medications? Yes / No If yes, please indicate medication and reason for them.


What illness has child had and at what age? Chicken Pox ______Scarlet Fever ______Tonsillitis ____

Diabetes ______Mumps ______Measles ______Hepatitis ______Asthma ______Earaches______

Other: ______

Does child have frequent colds? Yes / NoExplain: ______


Does child run high fevers easily? Yes / No ______

Has child had any serious accidents? Yes / NoExplain: ______

Does your child have any allergies? Explain:______

If so, how does it usually manifest itself? Asthma____ Hay Fever______Hives______Other______

Specific Instructions (Epi pen etc.): ______

Has child ever been to the dentist? Yes / No

Has child had vision tested? Yes / NoHearing tested? Yes / No

Does child wear corrective shoes? Yes / No

Immunizations/Emergency Forms


Immunizations are an important public health policy effecting children. As a matter of state law, children in the program must:

  • Be fully immunized, or
  • Be in the process of becoming fully immunized according to the approved schedule, or
  • Have a physician’s statement that immunizations are not needed for medical reasons or a note from the parent stating that the child is not immunized due to religious beliefs.

The immunization form must be completed and turned in with the registration packet before the start of school.

Have your doctor fax immunization records to us at:


Enrollment/Disenrollment Policy

* Please Initial/sign where space is provided.

Tuition: (Please see our “Tuition and Payment Options” for our tuition costs and fees.)

______Deposit: A deposit of one month's tuition is due at the time of enrollment-this will be applied to your child’s last month of tuition unless you have failed to give Nimble Noggins a one month notification that your child will be leaving the program. Registration Fee: A non-refundable registration fee is due at the time of enrollment. (See tuition schedule)

______Late Pick-Up Fee: A fee of $10.00 per 10 minute period will be charged for late pick-up. If late pick-up is due to an emergency please call Nimble Noggins.

Tuition Due:

______Due on the1st of each month. Arrangements must be made in advance for any late payment. A late charge of $25.00 is due after the 5th of the month. We offer an automatic payment system as a courtesy to our families.

______Tuition policy does not include allowances or refunds for absences, family vacations,or days Nimble Noggins is closed due to holidays and snow days (See School Calendar.)

______Changes in enrollment must be made 30 days prior to the month of change. If an immediate change of schedule is required, we will try to accommodate the change. If a schedule is reduced, there will be no refund for the balance of the month, unless the reduction was requested by the Nimble Noggins Director. Increase in days will require payment of additional tuition and fees.

______Returned checks are subject to a $30.00 fee.

Refund Policy:

______Annual registration fee is not refundable.

______During School: If the child is withdrawn prior to the end of the month, no refund isgiven for unused portion of tuition for that month. The deposit will be credited to the last month’s tuition with 30 day written advanced notice for the last full month of enrollment. (Please ask for our withdrawal form.)

Drop-In Policy:

______Children currently enrolled, and their guests, may "drop-in” on a "space available"basis. Drop in fees apply. We do not provide free make up days. Please call Nimble Noggins to let us know you will be “dropping-in” to ensure that there is space in our classroom for your student.

I understand and agree to the above policies and statements.

______Date: ______

Our Mission:

At Nimble Noggins Educational Preschool, we believe that movement is instrumental to a child's education and development. Active Minds, Healthy Bodies, and Happy Hearts allow children to flourish physically, academically, and socially.

Philosophy Statement

Nimble Noggins provides an exceptionally rich environment designed to promote ease of learning. In addition to our curriculum, which includes exploring literacy, numeracy, science, music and art, students in Nimble Noggins receive daily instruction in gymnastics, dance/creative movement, and/or children’s yoga, all under one roof! At Nimble Noggins Educational Preschool, we believe that movement is instrumental in a child's education and development. We all know that preschoolers love to move. Research shows us that early childhood is a critical time for brain development and self- image. Nimble Noggins Preschool is dedicated to enhancing this crucial period in child development by providing an environment which allows children to flourish physically, academically, and socially, using movement as a medium.

Thank you for taking the time to consider Nimble Noggins as your premier choice for your child’s foundation and development into a successful, life-long learner.

The Mind/Body Connection (Movement and Learning)is integral to our educational philosophy. Movement and learning are demonstrated in Nimble Noggins in many ways.

Language Arts
The possibilities for exploring language arts through movement are inexhaustible.

  • Children actout the meaning of individual words from stories, poems, or even spelling lists.
  • Through movement, children can begin to comprehend the meaning of action words like slither, stalk, pounce, or stomp – or descriptive words like graceful, smooth, or forceful.
  • Preschool children can work in pairs to demonstrate the meanings of simple opposites like sad and happy, or up and down.
  • The rhythmic nature of movement mimics the rhythm of language.
  • Movement and language are both forms of self-expression.
  • Parts of speech such as verbs, adverbs, and prepositions are reinforced by movement, “Skip quickly around the cones.”
  • Spatial orientation, necessary for letter recognition and writing, is developed through movement.
  • Stringing actions together to form sequences of movement is very similar to linking words together to form sentences, and linking sentences to paragraphs.
  • When children are able to move and act out language there is better understanding and comprehension. Things like suffixes become more relevant; try acting scared versus scary.

Quantitative ideas are part of the language of mathematics, and movement is an ideal, tangible means of conveying many of these ideas to children.

  • Activities involving levels and body shapes can demonstrate the concepts of big and little, long and short, high and low, wide and narrow.
  • The movement element of force is all about light and heavy.
  • Counting, skip counting, and other math skills can easily be practiced in a fun way; often without children even realizing they are doing math!
  • Math can seem very abstract to many children. When paired with something concrete, that they are very familiar with – physical movement, concepts are more easily understood.
  • Patterns are prevalent in both math and movement.


  • Creativity in movement is encouraged
  • Shapes and colors can be explored with movement by providing pictures or examples of objects in various colors (e.g., a yellow banana, a red apple, or a green plant) and asking the children to demonstrate the shape of each object. Students can then either take on the shape of the objects mentioned or become them (e.g., if the color green reminded some children of frogs, they could depict the movement of frogs).
  • The process of creating art involves full body motion. Painting, sculpture, gluing, and cutting all require fine motor skills and often gross motor skills.


  • Many themes typically explored in classrooms fall under the science category, including the human body – body parts and their functions, the senses,hygiene, and nutrition, seasons; and other topics related to nature – weather, animals, plants, and the ocean. All of these naturally lend themselves to movement experiences.
  • Furthermore, students learnfrom experience about how their bodies move, how their lungs and heart work, and how their muscles get stronger
  • Health is a very relevant area of science for young children. Creating a daily habit of exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle

Social Studies

  • Lessons in social studies for young children begin with the children themselves because that is where their world begins. Self-concept, therefore, is a logical starting point. Students pretend to walk as though sad, mad, proud, scared, tired, or happy. They learn to display these emotions with hands or faces alone.
  • Possibilities abound for exploring such social studies themes as holidays and celebrations, occupations, and transportation. Creative and dramatic play focus on members of our community (doctors, firefighters, nurses etc) and the jobs that they do.
  • Many movement activities require participation as a group. Children learn how work with each other to take turns, follow rules, and resolve conflict in these situations.

Active Minds:

Nimble Noggins believes learning should be natural, participatory, and most importantly, a FUN process for preschoolers. In fact,the love of learning developed at this age is one of the most important factors for later academic success. We offer a truly exceptional curriculum which is carried through by caring and supportive teachers. TheNimble Noggins curriculum is designed to fulfill Arizona Early Learning Standards, and to give our preschoolers the learning strategies they need to become lifelong learners. Our teachers engage children through active learning by providing an academic setting that is filled with exploration, challenges, and new ideas. Lessons and centers develop language, numeracy, reading, writing, and problem solving skills that are integral to the growth of the whole child. Dramatic play, fun, and movement are important elements ofour program as they also support and augment learning. In addition, we focus on

  • Reading readiness themes to help children prepare for kindergarten, including letter recognition, letter sounds, sight words, and a word rich environment.
  • The world of science is explored through discovery lessons and hands on experiments.
  • Math concepts are taught using a variety of manipulatives to allow children to learn in a concrete manner and to help develop an internal understanding of numeracy.
  • Social Studies are explored as we learn about our classroom community, the community in which we live, and our world community

Healthy Bodies:

Academics are only part of the story at Nimble Noggins, however, as students also learn from a broad slate of movement activities, such as gymnastics, yoga, and dance.Research has demonstrated that preschool gymnastics enhances brain development throughnew neural networksin the brain. Imagine, creating NEW neural networks while having fun in gymnastics, dance, and yoga! In addition to brain development, these kinds of movement activities promote a healthy body by:

  • Increasing bone density
  • Increasing muscle mass
  • Decreasing risk for obesity
  • Improving lung and heart function

Nimble Noggins Preschoolers have full access to our 12,000 sq. ft. gymnastics facility and our dance studio. We have designed the gym to be safe, clean, and usable for all ages!

Happy Hearts:

Social DevelopmentBasic Knowledge & Skills

At Nimble Noggins we believe in the development of the whole child. In addition to giving our students the academic skills they need to succeed and the physical activities they need to be healthy, we strive to instill confidence, happiness, understanding of emotions, and the development of healthy relationships with others, in our students. Studentsgrow socially by becoming part of our community at Nimble Noggins. They take an active role in creating and maintaining this community.