Appendix B
GPRA goals
Performance Measures
/ FY1997 / FY
1998 / FY
1999 / FY 2000
Proposed / FY 2001
actual / Plan / actual / Plan / actual / plan / actual / plan / actual
New systematic analyses and
investigations delivered to customers. / 2[a] / 4[b] / 5[c] / 4 / 4[d] / 9[e] / 7[f]
Performance Measures
/ FY1997 / FY 1998 / FY 1999 / FY 2000
Proposed / FY 2001
actual / Plan / actual / Plan / actual / plan / actual / plan / actual
Decision support systems or
predictive models developed or
improved and delivered to customers / 1[g] / 1[h] / 2[i] / 2 / 2[j] / 2[k] / 4[l]
Performance Measures
/ FY1997 / FY 1998 / FY 1999 / FY 2000
Proposed / FY 2001
actual / Plan / actual / Plan / actual / plan / actual / plan / actual
Annual Stakeholder meetings / 4[m] / 6[n] / 8[o] / 7 / 8[p] / 7[q] / 3[r]
[a] 1997 actual - SFB In situ effects of trace metals on reproduction and tissue condition in clams OFR completed 1997 (96-437; 97-420), Water quality database web page (released for use in 1997
[b] 1998 planned –
Chesapeake-, groundwater reports and analysis Conowingo
SFB- hydrodynamics in SFB; Water quality database web page; bathymetry
[c] 1998 actual analyses
Chesapeake-, groundwater reports and analysis (WRIR 97-4225, WRIR 98-4059,), Conowingo Reservoir (WRIR 97-4138);
SFB hydrodynamics entrapment (IEP tech report 56), Water quality database web page (enhanced in 1998 to provide for user manipulation); Bathymetry of San Pablo Bay since 1850Open File No. 98-759
[d] 1999 actual analyses
Florida –
- Mercury Analyses: Bates, A.L., Orem, W.H., Harvey, J.W., and Spiker, E.C. Sulfate contamination in the Florida Everglades: Sources and relation to methylmercury production. ES&T in press, Dir. Approval 3/99.
- Cleckner, L.B., C.C Gilmour, J.P. Hurley, and D.P. Krabbenhoft, 1999, Mercury Methylation by Periphyton in the Florida Everglades. Dir. Approval 6/99 Limnology and Oceanography 1999 (vol 44) no. 7 p.1815-1825.
- Bathymetry -Incomplete due to late arrival of cooperator funds, data has been collected and 4 of 16 quads are complete; remainder will be completed by end of next FY
- Nutrients and Sediments in Watershed (WRIR 98-4193);
- Application of Spatially Referenced Regression Modeling of the Evaluation of Total Nitrogen Loading in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed WRIR 99-4054 June 1999;
San Francisco Bay –
- Summary of Findings About Circulation and the Estuarine Turbidity Maximum in Suisun Bay, California (check dates)
[e] 2000 planned analyses
Florida- Mercury Synthesis, Salinity Synthesis, Sediment synthesis; Flows to tide synthesis, development synthesis ; paleoecology synthesis, Bathymetry
Chesapeake – Ecosystem History, Land Use Change;
San Francisco Bay –studies in Suisun Bay on clams and contaminants;
Greater Yellowstone – Change in human presence in pilot watershed metro area (Jackson or Bozeman)
[f] 2001 planned analyses
Florida – Aquifer Storage and recovery retrospective
Mojave –- Map of disturbed lands.
Chesapeake -. 1. Summarize in a report the improved estimates for ground-water nitrate loads and residence times to Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) for inclusion into revised nutrient-reduction strategies.2. Provide initial interpretations of food-web linkages in the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. 3. Provide report on relation to land-use and other environmental factors to fish health conditions in the Chesapeake Bay. 4. Provide summary report of long-term ecosystem change. 5. Write study plan for future USGS investigations (Fy2002-2007) based on technical needs of Chesapeake 2000 agreement.
[g] 1997 actual models or dss–
SFB - predictive model of run off into SFB IEP summer 1997 Forecasting spring pulses from the Sierra Nevada Dettinger et al Vol 10 #3 1997
[h] 1998 planned models or dss –
Chesapeake- sparrow model;
[i] 1998 actual models or dss –
Chesapeake- sparrow model (Proc. Conf. on Hydrologic Modeling, Las Vegas;
Florida web site
[j] 1999 actual models or decision support systems–
San Francisco Bay - model of location of X2 salinity standard based on river flow (IEP Newsletter Autumn) 1998;
Florida web site (operational as of 3/99)
[k] 2000 - actual models or decision support systems
Florida –SICS model (eastern portion);
Florida web site forum results complete;
Florida ATLSS models for Apple Snail, Florida Panther, deer demographic model, Crocodile
[l] 2001 - actual models or decision support systems
Florida- Biscayne Bay groundwater model Western Portion of SICS (=TIME)
Chesapeake - Provide interpretation and report of late 1990's regression model to relate nutrient sources to loads (SPARROW model).
Mojave- Decision support system that includes models of soil compaction and surface erosion to predict ecosystem recovery rates
Platte River 2-D model of hydraulics and sediment transport to determine river flows necessary for channel maintenance
Greater Yellowstone road density decision support system, grizzly habitat selection characteristics(amend for completion by 2001);
[m]1997 actual meetings Florida - Science Symposium July 1997, Mercury Workshop May 1997, Chesapeake workshop Liaison meeting 8/97 at Patuxent NWRC); SFB - USGS Bay Forum March 1997,
[n] 1998 planned meetings Chesapeake Liaison Committee/Client meetings; Florida Bay Science Symposium (December 1997, Mercury Workshop June 1998, Paleo workshop; Mojave Client meeting;); Platte R. Symposium
[o]1998 actual meetings
Chesapeake Liaison Committee/Client meetings (Corps of Eng.Client meeting Sept 9,1998);
Mojave Client meeting held in Las Vegas on 2/25-27/99 at U. Nevada;
GYA Grand Teton workshop Feb 1998;
Florida Bay Science Symposium(December 1997,
Mercury Workshop June 1998,
Paleo workshop Spring 1998;
Platte R. Symposium,(Spring 1998)
SFB - monitoring program design meetings (December 1997-Jan 1999
[p] 1999 actual meetings
Contact / Mtg Name / Place / dates / attendees / FeedbackScott Phillips / Chesapeake Liaison Committee/Client meetings / Patuxent National Wildlife Research Center / (Dec 9-10, 1998 / NPS, FWS, MD, VA, state agencies
561-687-6560 / South Florida Restoration Science Forum / South Florida (Boca Raton) / May 17-19, 1999, / / Written at meeting and on web site,
Krabbenhoft 608-821-3843 / South Florida Mercury Science Program Workshop / South Florida / June 16-18 1999 / Florida DEP, USGS Florida Power and Light USACE, SFWMD USEPA, / Comments.doc located in budget: gpra: 1999: mercury prog.
Best 305-348-3965 / Ecotoxicity and Risk Management workshop / South Florida / 10/98 / /
650-329-4330 / Science workshop Client meeting / Mojave (Las Vegas) / 2/25-27/99 / USAF, NPS, BLM, local restoration groups, FWS / Verbal, At meeting
650-329-4411 / State of the Estuary Conference / San Francisco Bay (San Francisco) / March 17-19, 1999 /, calfed leadership and all major invoved agencies / Verbal, At meeting
406-994-4760 / remote sensing workshop / Greater Yellowstone / 12/98 / NPS, FS, academics, Grizzly Bear Recovery Team, et al / Verbal, At meeting
303-236-4882 / Platte R Symposium / Platte R, Kearney, Nebraska / Feb 23-24 / Platte River Technical Committee, Unitersity and local stakeholders / Verbal, At meeting
303-236-4882 / Governance Committee presentation / Platte River / Feb 9-10. / Platte River Governance Committee / Verbal, At meeting
[q] 2000 planned meetings
Chesapeake Liaison Committee/Client meeting, November 11-12;
Mojave Client meeting, one with all agencies,
Greater Yellowstone workshop;
Florida – October 14 CESI Elevation stakeholder meeting, Mercury Workshop;
Platte R. Symposium
[r] 2001 Planned meetings
Mojave – 2 meetings with the Desert Managers Group and meetings with the CDMG Science Team
Platte R. Symposium; science/management meeting with Platte River Recovery Program (3-state agreement)
Chesapeake - Annual stakeholder meeting with emphasis on future USGS investigations based on technical needs specified in the new CBP 2000 agreement.
Florida - 2 meetings including Forum/Symposium