CHARLOTTE, NC 28223-0001
MEMORANDUM FOR: All JROTC Programs in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District, Iredell County, Northern South Carolina, and any other program in Charlotte, NC and its surrounding areas.
SUBJECT: Pershing Rifles Company Z-4 Spring Drill Meet on 07FEB15.
1. Pershing Rifles Company Z-4 at University of North Carolina at Charlotte will host a drill meet for JROTC programs in association with UNCC Army and Air Force ROTC attachments on 07FEB15.
2. The event will be graded by members of Company Z-4 who are familiar with drill-competition grading and who are currently enrolled in an ROTC program (either Army or Air Force).
3. The competition will be held at Central Cabarrus High School.
4. All operational plans will be reviewed by the cadre of the UNCC AROTC“49er”Battalion.
5. Trophies will be awarded for first, second, and third place in each event and overall.
6. Each school is responsible for its own transportation.
7. The drill competition will be graded in accordance with the 4th Army ROTC Brigade Best of the Best Standard Operating Procedure dated 13AUG13. The drill competition space will be set up in accordance with the same SOP.
(a)Specific information can be found in the SOP on pages A-9 through A-13 (conduct of the drill competition and procedures for participants), B-1 and B-2 (Drill Field Layout), and C-1 through C-23 (Command Sheets and Grading Sheets)
Pershing Rifles Company Z-4 will conduct its annual Spring Drill Competition on 07FEB15 at Central Cabarrus High School campus in order to better develop JROTC cadets, provide instruction on drill & ceremony, and to improve JROTC unit performance.
- Execution:
(a)On 07FEB15 all event personnel will meet at Memorial Hall to transport all needed equipment to the event area at Central Cabarrus High School.
(b)A Commanders’s Briefing will be conducted in the AFJROTC classroom with all Z-4 judges, JROTC cadet drill team commanders, and JROTC cadre.
(c)Fifteen minutes after the end of the Commander’s Briefing, regulation drill events will commence. In this fifteen minute interval PR/CPT Lundy will brief the event graders to address any issues raised in the Commanders’s Briefing.
(d)Following the regulation drill events, there will be a short lunch break.
- Schools will be responsible for providing their own lunches.
(e)Immediately after the lunch break, the exhibition drill section of the event will begin.
(f)Upon completion of the exhibition drill events, a knockout competition will begin.
(g)The final event will be the awards ceremony, which will begin upon completion of the knockout event and final certification of scores.
2. Tentative Timeline: (Dependent upon number of participants and subject to FRAGO)
0700—Schools Arrive
0730—Commanders’Meeting/Matrix Distribution
0800—Beginning of Drill Competition
1230—End of Drill Competition
1235—Begin Lunch Break
1335—End Lunch Break
1340—Beginning of Exhibition Drill
1410—Beginning of Knockout Competition
1430—End of Knockout Competition
1445—Awards Ceremony
1530—Approximate end of Awards Ceremony
3. Uniform:
Any militaryuniformwithheadgear is authorizedfor event participants.
- Regulationevents, including Color Guard,mustbe conducted in a regulation- dressuniform.
- Utility uniformsmay be usedin exhibition-drill events but mustbe standardized at the school level.
4. Events to be conducted:
- Regulation Individual, Armed
- Regulation Duet, Armed
- Regulation Squad, Unarmed
- Regulation Squad, Armed
- Regulation Platoon, Unarmed
- Regulation Platoon, Armed
- Regulation Color Guard
- Exhibition Individual, Armed
- Exhibition Duet, Armed
- Exhibition Squad, Unarmed
- Exhibition Squad, Armed
- Exhibition Platoon, Unarmed
- Exhibition Platoon, Armed
Materialsand equipmentfor the drillcompetition (rifles,color-guardgear,etc.)are the responsibilityof the individual participatingschools.The schoolsmustbringall of the gearthey requireto compete. 49er BN and CompanyZ-4 willnot be responsiblefor any lost or stolengear.
PR/CPT Lundy, William
Company Z-4, Commanding
PR/1LT Nigg, Cameron
Company Z-4, Operations Officer (S-3)
Company Z-4 Spring Drill Meet
LOCATION: Central Cabarrus High School
The registration fee for this year is $100 NON-Refundable.
The fee should be sent by check or money order, addressed to:
Check:Pay to the Order of: Pershing Rifles Company Z-4
PR/CPT Lundy, William
11712 Windy Creek Dr. APT B
Charlotte, NC 28262
Please indicate which events your school will be participating in with an X
Regulation Individual, ArmedRegulation Duet, Armed / Exhibition Individual, Armed
Regulation Squad, Unarmed / Exhbition Duet, Armed
Regulation Squad, Armed / Exhibition Squad, Unarmed
Regulation Platoon, Unarmed / Exhibition Squad, Armed
Regulation Platoon, Armed / Exhibition Platoon, Unarmed
Regulation Color Guard / Exhibition Platoon, Armed
Please send this registration form by email to PR/CPT Lundy at or postal service (address below) NLT 15DEC14.